Um, I, uh, agree with
@Redshirt Army about the privacy sphere issue, uh, particularly because the things we seem to want to ask Riona (her powers and intents, her opinion of Kyubey) are literally all things we can and have previously talked about in public air before, aside from the stuff about Witches. Um, it's also pretty likely that asking about the first two things would take us up to a break to vote anyway? Since we kind of want to take into account the next few moments as we decide wtf we're doing... And they're questions that serve as supporting the whole "we'd like to have this conversation as an
exchange with you and not just answering all your questions" thing. We can maybe leave the Witch stuff as the only thing in privacy after we've sounded her out more in general, I think? This, is still, kind of, a threat assessment, isn't it? Um, I still kind of like Onmur's phrasing better for the Mami line, though.
@Onmur I'm also not sure about the "promise to answer her questions" line, because it implies we
have answers to her questions, and, um, I'm still not sure we do? Not beyond "our soul is weird, Kyubey told us, we don't know why but we have a few hypotheses. not sure about how much evidence we have for them, though" anyway. If we promise to answer her questions and then say well we don't, uh, really have
answers so much as speculations, I feel like that's more wasting time than anything really else....?
Um. Regarding the privacy sphere and also
but what other options do we have for conversations that we don't want The Incubator overhearing that we are confident in? I agree that it's going to stress Mami out; we can't avoid that. I don't trust Riona implicitly, and locking myself in a small room with someone I don't trust implicitly is not something I make a habit of, but short of blowing Homura's cover wide open, I don't see another option that's safe enough with regards to The Incubator and its manipulations.
Aside from maybe possibly having most of the discussion, about the stuff that's not Witches, outside of privacy, um, someone brought up we still have the bracelets? Then we're not in a metaphorical locked room, or, anything like that... So, uh, that's an option? Or, did we discard those for a reason in this context? I don't fully recall.