Homura will make a protective enchantment for everyone.
"A hair pin for Mami, and another one for Sayaka."
"A hairband for Sabrina."
"Aw, thanks."
"A bracelet for Hitomi."
"Thanks, but I shouldn't need this?"
"... Right, you... won't."
"... Madoka, for you I enchanted this pin."
"Ohhh, cute!"
"Let me..."
*Fixes pin to Madoka's shirt*
"I also got you an extra, just in case..."
"... OK?"
*Ties a bracelet around Madoka's wrist*
"And I replaced your hair ties so I could enchant them, too..."
"So that's where they went."
*Unties and re-fixes Madoka's hair*
"And also..."
*Clips an earring onto Madoka's ear*
"This one's enchantment is extra strong, but only lasts a short while... And these are one-use..."
*Takes Madoka's hands and puts four rings on them*
*Fixes a pin to Madoka's hair*
"Can you take you shoes off? These ones should fit you better, and are enchanted to protect you and help steady your footing in case you need to run..."
*Pulls out shoes from Shield*
"Um... I, Homura..."
"... What?"
*Shoulders shaking, covers mouth with her hand*
*Face buried on Sabrina's shoulder*
*Squints through fingers*
"OK, OK, I'm gonna have to stop you there. You're layered Madoka in so many protective enchantments I'm having trouble seeing her. Thoroughly protected, maybe a little too much?"
"But what if the enchantments run out? Or if the fail? Or-"
"Homura, there's so much magic on Madoka, she's basically a beacon for Magical Girls."
*Looks at protective-enchantment-covered Madoka*
*Looks down*
"Um, I... the earring is nice? And maybe I can keep one of the r-rings?"
*Watches Madoka's hands closely*
"I... I need to... I need..."
"To go work on those forewarning enchants I'm sure you can do."
"Right. That. Bye."
*Pops away*
"... Did that just happen?"
"No, seriously Madoka, take off some of that protective bling, I'm going blind just looking at you."
*Covers Sabrina's eyes*
"Mami you're amazing."
*Hugs Sabrina*
*Hugs Mami*
*Suddenly three Sayaklones*
"Do you think I could have those rings?"
"By their powers combined, you are Captain Sayaka?"
"Hell yes."
WWWWWWWWwwwWWWwwWW !! Fistbump, you win it,
Also, other ingredients, same recipe?
"Gimme?" rebbutted Sayaka. Homura tossed the freshly enchanted rock to her, and turned back to her workspace. She smoothly dipped a hand behind her shield, and drew a tidy flat poly bag out by one edge. It was a retail package with one of the middle school uniform sweaters folded within.
Homura gave it critical attention, and folded the bag open, shaking out the garment while removing pins and cardstock packing, placing those away from her on the table. She piled the the uniform in front of her, and changed her breathing, a feeling of tension entering the air.
As Sayaka, Sabrina and Mami traded quips on how to stress the shield rock, she began extending her magic into the clothing. Her intent was to practice a usable design at once, as her trial had worked well.
A shield charm was far from her idea of fully supporting and safeguarding anyone. Madoka least of all.
Oddly enough, her thinking on how to direct the magic came from her bluenette companion. It seems that gaming wasn't completely useless, after all.
She started chanting mnemonics, one after another.
Anti-Information Magic Wall!
Why not try to imagine balanced support, in an environment of magical conflict.
Anti-Life Cocoon!
Sabrina, of all people, was looking at her now, with eyes that were slowly becoming narrowed...
Bless of Magic Caster!
Body of Effulgent Beryl!
It was only her second try, but her imagination was firm.
Complete Invisibility!
Complete Vision!
Create Fortress!
Mami was watching her full-on as she worked, sipping her tea expectantly.
Cure Poison!
Delay Teleportation!
Discern Enemy!
Distant Vision!
Draconic Power!
Bless of Titania!
False Data Life!
Greater Full Potential!
Greater Hardening!
Greater Luck!
Greater Magic Shield!
Greater Resistance!
Greater Teleportation!
Heavenly Aura!
Infinity Wall!
Life Essence!
Magic Boost!
Magic Caster's Blessing!
Magic Ward: Holy!
Paranormal Intuition!
Perfect Unknowable!
Repel Undeath!
See Through!
Sense Enemy!
Sensor Boost!
Ultimate Disturb!
Wall of Protection from Arrows!