Something something road to hell good intentions something.
And all for what? To get the information available online? Which amounts to little more of use than her name?Eyewitness testimony, particularly for things like faces that people will generally reduce to compact symbolic representations (brown hair, brown eyes, etc), is shit. She's not trained for it, she probably didn't focus on remembering the face at all, and it's been days or weeks since she saw it. Even when you're a forensic art person trained specifically to extract that testimony you're more likely to pollute their memory, overwriting their memory with imagination and suggestion, than you are to get something useful. It's not a question of her being able to sketch it or anything, that information simply isn't in her any more. Our best bet is mindfuckery combined with outright postcog and that's almost certainly not happening.
Hey thanks! If I vanish It'll probably be because I lost my password or something ehehEh, it was the same for me when I first joined. Posted twice, freaked out, vanished for a month. You're doing great.
None taken! Was askin for a summary but I should probably read it myself anyway. See ya
i dun wannaI vote for Hypervene to be a mod for the thread
Can we do that?
kaizuki bullyWell, you know, child soldiers are immoral, but we haven't conducted enough research on child mods to be sure that the same thing is true.
I sorta remember that!
Hi @entrepreneur You well?
Forgot to respond to this one earlier. That is not evidence. We have no tangible proof on where the combat enhancer got the skills it imparted on Sabrina.EDIT: In fact, there's evidence we can scan minds. Our combat enhancer got its skill from somewhere.
Her name, her address, her contact details etc. are important. Meguca may have even mentioned her in the IRC channels Mami mentioned. Maybe she has a criminal record. These are things I'd like to know, if only to reassure Oriko we're helping. Better is to work out how to convince her to help or even track her down and fetch her. Oriko hasn't confirmed that it won't be too late for her to help by the time she gets here.
EDIT: Scanning her mind is not something she will notice, is not confirmed to be as difficult is scanning souls, is more reliable and detailed than a description or drawing will be, should be done before she forgets yet more details, and should be done not only for her power, but to prevent her from experiencing more damage.
I didn't call it tangible proof, I called it evidence. It's not extensive but its there.Forgot to respond to this one earlier. That is not evidence. We have no tangible proof on where the combat enhancer got the skills it imparted on Sabrina.
And why should the conclusion be that it directly got it from somebody else' memories? Like the cement book, why would it not get it from the hundreds of thousands of Martial Arts competition videos, manuals, and documentaries uploaded in the internet? And with a meguca's physical capabilities, shounen anime would even be a valid source.
How will this help? We already got confirmation that soulguca would be arriving in Mitakihara. And we already have a very convincing incentive for her to help us (see: Clear Seeds). What would an overly extensive dossier help with?
Oh please. This is pure fearmongering.We don't know if the Soulguca is hostile. We don't know that she isn't preparing to brainwash us into her mindslave to become her personal cleanser.
That is generally the best way to learn about events in a fictional work if you're interested in them, yes?None taken! Was askin for a summary but I should probably read it myself anyway. See ya
Yeah your right. I was fumbling or something to ask and it was the first thing I thought of sorryThat is generally the best way to learn about events in a fictional work if you're interested in them, yes?
Hey, you guys know so many altogether!@Languages(yeah I know we're never not using English outside of attack names):
Greek [rusty Homeric and Attic]
Darija Arabic
Malaysian (Bahasu Melayu)
Should probably save/update this post.
In fact, THIS POST shall be that post.
I've been too busy to bring it up before now, but the logic behind this line has a pretty big hole in it that Oriko might point out: Kirika can choose who is and isn't affected by her anti-magic, and she always chose to specifically exempt Oriko. Whether or not Kirika has anti-magic has no effect on whether Oriko can use her magic.[X] Furthermore, point out that she doesn't need her powers to be able to help or find the meaning of her life. After all, Kirika wished that she could help Oriko, and the power her wish gave her was anti-magic.
Remind her that Kirika shows that she needs anti-magic and therefore, not her magic.
I've been too busy to bring it up before now, but the logic behind this line has a pretty big hole in it that Oriko might point out: Kirika can choose who is and isn't affected by her anti-magic, and she always chose to specifically exempt Oriko. Whether or not Kirika has anti-magic has no effect on whether Oriko can use her magic.
I've been too busy to bring it up before now, but the logic behind this line has a pretty big hole in it that Oriko might point out: Kirika can choose who is and isn't affected by her anti-magic, and she always chose to specifically exempt Oriko. Whether or not Kirika has anti-magic has no effect on whether Oriko can use her magic.
@Godwinson I don't think bringing this up is going to accomplish what you're hoping. You may want to rethink it
Unless, as has been theorized, mind control gets outvoted.If choosing was based on "best weapon for Oriko", it would be mind control of some sort, and she would have much, much better chances against Sabrina.
Going into meeting the soulguca blatantly prepared for hostility and full of paranoia is less sensible caution and more a stupid self-fulfilling prophecy; treat people with hostility and/or suspicison, they return the unkindness. You claim to be the thread's Oriko, you ought to know about such prophecies.
Going into meeting the soulguca blatantly prepared for hostility and full of paranoia is less sensible caution and more a stupid self-fulfilling prophecy; treat people with hostility and/or suspicison, they return the unkindness. You claim to be the thread's Oriko, you ought to know about such prophecies.
And you'd think Oriko would've told us if soulguca is going to be very hostile...
Oriko said:
And while I confess to being a paranoid individual, sensible and discreet precautions is all I'm asking for. Besides, the possibility of her being hostile is only one of the issues I mentioned. The rest have not been addressed and are still valid (and the possibility of her hostility is still valid as well). Remember Ono? We know Kyuubey is poisoning others against us.There are two extremes: being completely unprepared for enemy action, and being blatantly paranoid of everyone.
It's good to be diplomatic and willing to trust, while taking some level of sensible and discreet precautions.
Not really? Anti-magic is pretty much the most practical choice. Oriko was planning to piss off three very powerful meguca, and Kirika's anti-magic shutting down Homura's timestop is the only reason that fight lasted longer than a second.Point is that Kirika's Wish was for something that Oriko needed, so anti-magic is...symbolic in a way, I think.
Not pointing a finger at you, you were just the one who'd brought it up most recently and reminded me that I'd meant to say something.Sorry. I was mostlygoing off the faith others had in the line.
Not really? Anti-magic is pretty much the most practical choice. Oriko was planning to piss off three very powerful meguca, and Kirika's anti-magic shutting down Homura's timestop is the only reason that fight lasted longer than a second.