I'm extremely reluctant to just straight to magic except as a last resort, and don't think we've reached the point where that's a net positive yet in terms of the Sasatactics. Not least because it means she may well do the dumb. It's trading her maybe being found by QB and being ignorant for her definitely knowing about magic and maybe knowing not to make wishes despite her many personality flaws that'd lead her to make a stupid wish.
Honestly, if we magicbomb her, I'd almost want to emphasize "screw everyone else- who cares about them and what they're like? You should think about yourself and what you CAN do rather than judging yourself by everyone else since at the end of the day if you're happy is what matters there".
Also, while we may need to figure out her family life...I suspect it may be a broken home or something where us sticking our nose in would be throwing fuel on the fire.
So yeah, I kindaa agree on some of that, I guess?
If it is a broken home, isn't interfering with that the
best possible thing we could do for her? I mean, maybe I'm just
wrong. But it seems to me that ensuring Sasa has somebody taking care of her properly is the
right thing to do. The, ah,
Great Justice! thing to do. I dunno.
I don't know how to go about properly magicbombing Sasa. I
think a good start would be to
not be "Sabrina, the weird foreigner who came up to Sasa around lunch and pestered her repeatedly" when we do it -- whether that means a disguise or getting somebody else to do it.
I think if QB makes contact with her he could easily undo anything we achieve here, though. Except concrete things like the lichbomb. All he has to do is paint out actions in a light that pisses her off and tell her that we're a meguca and she'll decide we probably fed her a load of shit.
... Honestly, given that possibility, I wonder if the last two posts haven't essentially sunk our chances at this...
This, this is something I've been meaning to get off my chest for a while now, but Sabrina's bias towards "canon" characters is easily my least favorite aspect of her personality. There are two potentials in Oriko's school. Do we know their story? Of course we don't! Are we gonna follow them around and try to give them therapy? Almost certainly not!
I'll counter that point. I think it makes Sabrina seem more realistic. I think that's only natural. We woke up with a bunch of memories in our head concerning these people. We know their stories, their woes, and we don't really know about much
else in the world. If you swapped this set of characters out for another set, it would be the same way. And it's natural behavior, isn't it? To care more about the people you know than the people you don't?
We probably
should contact those potentials, or at least check on them to see what's going on.
But it would be
ridiculous if we didn't care more for the canon characters, and
especially for the Primary Five.
Utterly ridiculous, given that we are a person with feelings and not some alien with bunny ears.