We're talking about ourselves there. Not her. She doesn't give a damn about us, and she's prickly. If she's interested in us skipping school, it may well be because it's something she can use.
Giving her the number is a safety line for if she ever does feel miserable and wants to blow off steam.
Because letting it end on this note is a net failure, there's enough ambiguity to work with, and we need to try and get a hook for next time.
Do you really trust her not to contract, especially for a bad wish, if we leave this as is?
Yeah, no, I don't want Sasa to learn about magic if we can possibly avoid this outcome.
Giving up on an encounter prematurely is a major mistake- the thread wanted to do it with Ono right off the bat almost and it's still not the answer. Especially without so much as an attempt to make a lasting impression or potential hook.
I disagree strongly with the idea that we can't at least get her into a better outcome than canon, ie: us running off again without even trying properly.
Jumping straight to telling her about magic is giving up- the Onmur vote also has too many problems at once to be an effective vote- and likely to horribly backfire given this is Sasa in her current state.
Jumping straight to telling her about magic is giving up on defusing her. If QB shows up after we FAILED to change her mindset because we never tried.
Why is jumping to telling her about magic giving up on her? How does that work?
You want to convince her not to contract... without telling her about magic?
So, what you want from
this contact is to get an "in" through which to contact her in the future. That seems intelligent. And then we try to change her worldview / situation so she won't contract in the future, somehow. Alright.
What if she contracts tonight?
The day after?
Are we going to have had time to change this idiot, asshole teenager's
entire worldview in a week, all without telling her about magic? In two weeks? In three weeks? In our role as "that damn crazy foreigner?"
What, is she just suddenly going to open up and sing about letting things go before deciding she's actually happy and has friends and etc.? Obviously not, and I don't mean to say that you're suggesting she will, because you're not. You're saying that it would be
damn nice if we could deal with her without telling her about magic, and I'm of a mind to agree with you there. I just don't think it's possible.
The fact of the matter is that without giving her some big reason not to contract, she could,
for sure, contract at any time up until we manage to really change the life she's living. She could still potentially contract after that, but it's not a sure thing that she will still be a potential MG at that point. It
is a sure thing now.
What big reasons are there not to contract? The risk of death, the required timesink that is hunting witches, the lichbomb, the witchbomb. She clearly can get past the first two, since she contracted before. But really, talking about any of them requires talking about magic. Homura tried to warn Madoka off in canon that first time, without mentioning magic? That was totally ineffectual, really. And that was with Madoka and Homura. Sasa and the crazy foreigner? That sort of shtick won't accomplish a damn thing, except to let us say that we tried, sort of.
Oh, good. Was in disbelief there for a second heh.
That...makes more sense, but what if she does a wish->instant regret approach instead? That doesn't seem quite enough on its own if we did do it.
We don't leave it at the lichbomb. We lichbomb her
now or generally
today, then we figure out what is wrong with her family life that has her skipping school. Skipping is
not okay in Japan. The verb for it, saboru, is literally drawn from the english word "Sabotage," because it's viewed as sabotaging oneself and/or one's relations. I'd guess that we don't have a big deal being made over it primarily because we're a foreigner and a meguca, we're not on record anywhere, and etc. Especially the meguca part. But Sasa should be taking metric tons of flak over this.
We lichbomb her now, then we figure out what the problems in her life are at some point in the near future. Then we can figure out what to do in terms of changing stuff. I'll eat my foot if she's got a loving family that she goes home to and recounts the events of her day to over dinner. That sort of situation doesn't produce this kind of person. I'd be a hell of a lot less surprised to find a single parent situation and/or alcoholism. Some kind of setup where the parents don't care or aren't around enough to pick up on what she's doing.