They gave it to a possessed Oriko. In a setting with heavy 40k influence where Homulucifer was a thing.

They got off easy for this "brilliant" act of social and survival instincts by "only" being turned into the Devil mode and shunned by their allies.

They did this inside Hell / The Warp, after going there for the express purpose of killing the thing/person posessing oriko, and Kyoko was body-killed by a minion of this bitch not ten minutes in quest beforehand.

It was ridiculous. The conversation basically went "Let's talk! Hey, if you give me your soul gem, I can give you free ponies, okay? Okay? Great!"

In hell. With this bitch who bodykilled Kyoko.
I'm more baffled by the giant-robot scale panties.
Having watched the Madoka OP, that's not too weird for Madoka's daydreams.

Oriko: She made grief armor IN AN APARTMENT FULL OF CAKES

Kirka: and it looks so cool~

Homura: I've given up at this point...*crashes on Oriko's coach*

Oriko: ... Don't you hate me?

Homura: Too much effort, sofa too comfy.
I don't really follow, but in honor of MGNQ:

"Also, I'm keeping this sofa."

*Nods* "Makes sense."

"I'm... not gonna try to make sense of you all." *Daintily sits on Kirika's lap*

*Proceeds to fuss over Oriko while Oriko elegantly ignores the world*


Now I got an idea in my head. What if Sabrina and Kirika challenged each other to swap Ojous for one day? Within limits, of course, it wouldn't do...

"Yeah, I get to love her, not you," Kirika says, sticking her tongue out at you. "You have your own oujo."
... to cross lines. :p
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Ono would actually have to not be bitchy in order to convince publishers to take a chance on her book, so I think that is a non-starter. :V

Sakura, then?

As the brave heroine ripped away her mask, the witch screamed.

"Haha! Your illusions will protect you no longer! Show the world your true face!"

"Noooo! My secret is revealed! And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"
'... and she barked a laugh, that of a mad witch, letting show all her teeth as would a savage trying to intimidate; her eyes were wide as plates, as if they would pop out of her skull at any moment.

'She delighted in the blood of the young girl who had, in vain, attempted to defy her rule; the life giving fluid that would mar anybody's visage did fit her madness, her true face once all the masks had been ripped away, so she did not try to wipe it clean, for she had finally revealed her true, corrupted self-'

"ONE. TIME!" exploded Sabrina as she irrupted into the meeting room.

"See?" Sakura stopped reading, turning to look at the congregated meguca. "What did I tell you? Mad as a witch."

The white haired girl took a deep breath, before letting herself deflate. "I didn't think much of it at first," she addresed far more calmly, "but I think your writting's out of control." She approached the thin girl, reaching out with her hand. "Give me that book and kindly stop writting libel about me, O-"

"Ah!" interrupted Mami, who was sitting amongst the the reunited magical girls, "I was..." she hesitates, "Sabrina, can you let her finish? It was a good story..."

Sabrina slowly turns to look at Mami, incredulous.

But before she could say anything, the rest of the magical girls started talking, trying to interject.

"Yes, it's pretty good-"

"-just a tale, really..."


"-not entirely innacurate-"

"-rude to interrupt like that-"

"-let her finish!"

Sabrina stood flummoxed amongs the gathering of girls, having been so thoroughly opposed despite her indignation.

Mami's hand tentatively took her elbow and Sabrina, downcast, let herself be guided to sit besides her golden haired friend.

Together, they all resumed listening to Sakura's 'The Tale of The Hidden Witch'.

'Her deranged laughter ran out at the same time she lifted her hammer. Then, with a furious whisper of "not my Mami, you witch," she let the mace drop on the poor meguca's head..."
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