Cancel CloneBrina project.

Probabilities of SCIENCING! antimatter way, way too fucking high.

Damn it, us! We're why we can't have nice things.
Not necessarily. There's so many non-antimatter-tier projects to do, and so little time.

Plus we'll need one or two Sabrinas to handle Asunaro.
Not necessarily. There's so many non-antimatter-tier projects to do, and so little time.

Plus we'll need one or two Sabrinas to handle Asunaro.
But we'd basically classify as an S-Class threat, due to self-replication and, worse, significant exponential growth, since CloneBrinas can create more CloneBrinas.

Meaning if there's any chance of us accidentally Mitakihara at any point, releasing the clones would make that probabilty way too high in the long run.

Nah, we're deathly afraid of antimatter ever since that What-If Omake of Firn's.
Tell me you can't think three other ways to fuck up the world off the top of your head.

How long until a single CloneBrina momentarily forgets she shouldn't try to move Grief at the speed of light?
But we'd basically classify as an S-Class threat, due to self-replication and, worse, significant exponential growth, since CloneBrinas can create more CloneBrinas.

Meaning if there's any chance of us accidentally Mitakihara at any point, releasing the clones would make that probabilty way too high in the long run.

Tell me you can't think three other ways to fuck up the world off the top of your head.

How long until a single CloneBrina momentarily forgets she shouldn't try to move Grief at the speed of light? might be right. Maybe if we mentally networked them to PrimeBrina, so that we can avert that kind of thing?
The thing that people are forgetting is that if we make the clones the normal way they will still need to make a wish before they can bend grief. Now I want you to imagine a million Sabrinas all shouting "I wish to control grief! My own! That of others! The grief of the Witches! All of it!" in unison. Except that one Sabrina in the back with just a bit too much brain damage saying "I wish I had a puppy!"
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The thing that people are forgetting is that if we make the clones the normal way they will still need to make a wish before they can bend grief. Now I want you to imagine a million Sabrinas all shouting "I wish to control grief! My own! That of others! The grief of the Witches! All of it!" in unison. Except that in the back with just a bit too much brain damage saying "I wish I had a puppy!"

This is why we need to continue Familiar research. might be right. Maybe if we mentally networked them to PrimeBrina, so that we can avert that kind of thing?
Can you imagine the votes?

[Q] Sabrina 1: Hug teh Mumi.
-[Q] Tea time/study time/sleep time.
[Q] Sabrina 2: Comfort teh Homu.
-[Q] This is the last loop/Hunting time/offer hug/ask to stay the night at her home?
[Q] Sabrina 3: Chat with Sayaka
-[Q] About ideals and how they don't meet reality/we're not the best example to follow/she should think about how her friends and family feels.
[Q] Sabrina 4: Rename this clone 'Sabrina 3' and then 'Sabrina 3' becomes 'Sabrina 5' and 'Sabrina 5' is 'Sabrina 4'.
-[Q] Continue testing durability of Grief/attempt to create adamantium/vibranium/anything that sounds cool that won't cause untold amounts of destruction.
[Q] Sabrina 4: Try to get Moe over her fear of Mami.
-[Q] But not too much/maybe start a Mami cult with Moe as the first member?/ask if there's anywhere you can stay the night around Fukushima.
[Q] Sabrina 6: Rename this clone to 'Sab6'. Actually, apply naming convention to all Sabrina clones.
-[Q] Get more dating tips from Grandma Junko/Internally squee at being asked to call her that/yes, the tips don't matter 'cause Mami would feel hurt if you tried to date somebody else, but drunk Grandma Junko is too funny.
[Q] Sab7: Reinvent the wheel.
-[Q] Because

It's like this, but with white hair.
And less fanservicy outfits.

More pants.
The thing that people are forgetting is that if we make the clones the normal way they will still need to make a wish before they can bend grief. Now I want you to imagine a million Sabrinas all shouting "I wish to control grief! My own! That of others! The grief of the Witches! All of it!" in unison. Except that in the back with just a bit too much brain damage saying "I wish I had a puppy!"
Better then that, we can get all the wishes. Once we have a Sabrina body that can "permanently copy powers", and a Sabrina that can "switch the magical powers of two magical girls", we can load ourselves up with ALL THE MAGIC.

(We really are Sayaka 2.0)
And then the twist is that the experiences of our clones/familiars are transferred to us upon their death. :V
We're more or less trying to do all of that anyway. We're just doing it with only one body.
This is still a single vote said:
[Q] Sab57: Fifth attempt at magically awakening Warehouse-kun's Genius Loci.
-[Q] Try writing all over the walls in Witch runes/also german/use Grief paint.
[Q] Sab82: Re-try time stop experiment.
-[Q] Try a simple magical watch this time.
[Q] Sab 152: Locate a meguca with purifying powers.
-[Q] Go fix Sab57's mess once Warehouse-kun absorbs all the Grief paint.
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No. The earthquake and tsunami would have been caused by the Sendai conflict which we averted. Even then, the Fukushima disaster isn't possible in PMAS-verse.
"Good, I think," you say. Mami relaxes fractionally, nodding in agreement with you, seeming unconsciously. "Last question, unless I think of more - what about the nearby nuclear reactors? Will they be affected?" You can feel the weight of Homura's, Oriko's, and Mami's puzzled looks at you. Kirika seems completely unconcerned, humming to herself and twining her fingers through Oriko's hair.

"The... nuclear reactors?" Oriko asks. "Do you mean the Fukushima nuclear plant?"

"Those, yes," you nod.

"I don't... see... the relevance?" the seer asked. "The fighting won't go anywhere near that region?"

"No, I mean, with the earthquakes and all..." you explain.

Oriko's head tilts slightly. "With their recent upgrades? No."

"Oh. Well, that's a relief, at least," you mutter. "Anything you'd like to volunteer?"

Oriko grimaces, and shakes her head.

Edit: Found something more definitive.
In a world where Mitakihara Middle School has freaking Anor Londo (look at it what the fuck is this shit) on top of it, the twits in charge of Fukushima actually upgraded it to spec.
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