"Good, I think," you say. Mami relaxes fractionally, nodding in agreement with you, seeming unconsciously. "Last question, unless I think of more - what about the nearby nuclear reactors? Will they be affected?" You can feel the weight of Homura's, Oriko's, and Mami's puzzled looks at you. Kirika seems completely unconcerned, humming to herself and twining her fingers through Oriko's hair.
"The... nuclear reactors?" Oriko asks. "Do you mean the Fukushima nuclear plant?"
"Those, yes," you nod.
"I don't... see... the relevance?" the seer asked. "The fighting won't go anywhere near that region?"
"No, I mean, with the earthquakes and all..." you explain.
Oriko's head tilts slightly. "With their recent upgrades? No."
"Oh. Well, that's a relief, at least," you mutter. "Anything you'd like to volunteer?"
Oriko grimaces, and shakes her head.