Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Because you'll die if you don't listen to us.
No. of votes: 1
[x] Tell Mami to let Ono go for a second
[x] Dissolve the Grief ring on Ono, trapping her in timestop
[x] Fly over to Oriko's
[x] Pull them into timestop
[x] Ask Kirika for a favor. Emphasize it's a matter of life and death. Even if she's hesitant, Oriko should be able to convince her.
[x] Go back to Ono
[x] Pull her back into timestop
[x] Blast her with anti-magic (continuously, if possible)
[x] How are you feeling, miss Ono?
[x] Vote prompt.
No. of votes: 1
[x] Onmur
No. of votes: 3
[x] Pin Ono to the wall with Grief.
-[x] Stab a shap bit of grief into the wall by her throat while yelling DO YOU WANT TO DIE? in her face.
-[x] When she indicates she doesn't want to die, lichbomb her and explain about how emotions and magic use can kill her and the importance of keeping her gem clean.
No. of votes: 2
Tam Lin
[x] have tea with Mami and Homura till Ono calms down.
-[x] Keep everyone's soulgem clean
No. of votes: 1
[X] Smile at Mami, and nod in appreciation.
[X] If interrupted, allow her to finish, then continue.
[X] Ono, you have every right to to hate me and want me gone. But I cannot leave you alone when it'll kill you.
[X] It's time for you to learn how fragile we are.
[X] Give Mami your gem and ask her to leave with it and to allow Ono a chance to check my body. Then to return.
-[x] I'll be fine as long as my Soul Gem is with you.​
No. of votes: 1
[X] Ask her why she thinks you had approached her so abruptly the day you met.
-[X] It's because her gem would have filled up completely and shattered had you done nothing and just let her go. Emotional turmoil combined with overuse of magic will do that.
-[X] She would have died. If her gem gets too corrupted, it will kill her. Either because it would weaken and distract her too much for a Witch, or because it will fill completely breaking her soul gem.
[X] If she keeps overusing her magic and her gem continues to get corrupted at this rate then she'll die. You know that she's already used up your seed. It should have lasted her far longer than this, which was partly why you were worried.
No. of votes: 1
Agent Whiskers
[X] Convey our appreciation to Mami non-verbally.
[X] Calmly. Let her respond to each line if she's inclined to. If she interrupts, let her finish. Pick up again after, repeating if necessary, or picking a response to what she said if one applies and would be helpful, or create a response along the same lines as the below if none apply.
-[X] I'm sorry I had to break into your home.
-[X] I understand that you feel slighted when I cancelled our appointment earlier.
-[X] I apologize that I needed to bother you about meeting today.
-[X] I needed to talk with you today because you haven't been told what you need to know to survive as a magical girl.
-[X] I chose to intrude against your will because you would die if I did nothing. Your soul gem would fill, break, and you would be gone.
-[X] I'm not going to leave until I'm satisfied you are taking me seriously.
No. of votes: 10
[x] Muramasa
No. of votes: 2
[x] Ugolino
No. of votes: 1
Kai Merah
[X] Sayaka
No. of votes: 2
Choo Choo
[x] SWB
No. of votes: 1
[x] Remain calm and allow her to speak or interrupt as she wishes. Then continue.
[x] I understand why you're angry, but your beef is with me. Don't insult my friends when they're only here to help you
[x] To answer your question: You need to listen to me in order to survive. You don't know how to survive as a magical girl. You are burning through an insane amount of magic. To put it in perspective, the average magical girl can go about a week before they need to use a grief seed. You are going through at least one grief seed a day even without fighting a witch. That's irregular and not sustainable. We can help you and we want to.
[x] I'll bet Kyuubey told you a lot of nasty stories about me. Why are you trusting him after he's left you so uneducated, you didn't even know about telepathy?
[x] You don't need to like me, but you need to listen to me or you'll die. And we're not leaving till we're satisfied you won't die on us.
No. of votes: 1
[x]Annoyed tone. Don't let Ono drag you into an argument.
-[x]Say what you want about me, but don't you dare call Mami a crony. Or Homura. Mami's one of the kindest people I know. They're my friends. You don't know anything about either of them...and they're here because they give a damn about what happens to you and want to help you.
[x]Homura. Put that away, please. (the gun)
[x]Calm yourself before you keep speaking. Let Mami or Homura speak first if they have anything to say.
[x]Yes. We broke into your house. Because you are going to die if you keep doing things your way. That's why we did it, and why you need to listen to us.
-[x]You're using your magic too much. Do that and your gem fills up with grief. If it's full? That kills you.
--[x]It gets worse. Remember what you felt like when we found you? That won't go away unless you use a grief seed...and the worse it gets, the less likely you are to want to do something about it. Grief's self-reinforcing.
--[x]That's why grief seeds are so important. Why you need to use them, and why most Puella Magi need to hunt constantly to stay alive. Why I want to try and cleanse everyone...and why I gave that grief seed to you.
[x]If you never want to see us again, we'll do that...but only after we're sure you'll be alright on your own. You think I'm a meddler? Fine. Show me that you don't need me to meddle for you to stay alive and I promise you'll never need to see me again after that. You can hunt Witches on your own if that's really what you want, then...but only when we're sure you won't actually die.
[x]If Mami lets you go, will you listen to us?
No. of votes: 5
[x] Abstain
No. of votes: 1
[x] Sorry about your clock.
[x]-Explain why you broke into her house.
--[x] -When the Girl that almost died yesterday won't meet for the crash course on how to survive, we get worried.
[x]- Apologize for doing this in such an unpleasant manner.
--[x]...but refuse to leave until the Magical Girl subject is sufficiently covered. We can be stubborn to.
[x]-Support Mami's interjections into the conversation. When she says something, build off of it as appropriate and work with her.
[x] When Ono speaks and interrupts, stop and listen to her. Let her vent if she starts. Keep the dialogue going.
[x] Explain that she's under our protection. That we won't let her die. We don't let people hurt themselves.
No. of votes: 1