A Entirely Different Wish
It takes you a moment to decide on your wish. You needed something absolutely overpowered. After all, this universe was particularly...inhospitable.

After a moment, you decide. "I wish for the ability to bring warhammer miniatures to life as completely loyal to me servants!" Kyubey nods, and his eyes glow, and you are enveloped in light.

"Contract successful. Your soul has successfully reduced entropy."

Homura blinks at what she sees. "What." She says, her voice flat. "Oi sed, da boss wants to talk to ya. Sometin about a waaagh on a walpurgysomething." Says the hulking green humanoid...thing. She had, initially, thought it some kind of truant familiar, and had repeatedly tried to destroy it with a rocket launcher when it got close to Madoka.

It ignored the rockets.

"Right, so, your...boss. Where is she?" She asked. Some kind of sentient witch? A magical girl with a weird power? She needed information. Fast.

"Oi, she be wid da yella haired nob wid all da dakka. Can't miss er. Ask fer Sabrina at de door."


Mami? This...interloper, Sabrina, was with Mami? Homura felt her confusion grow. "Right. Take me to her." She said, her voice perfectly level.

Standing in front of the apartment was a massive human shaped thing in golden armor, reminiscent of the decor of a roman legionarry. This hulking figure had huge, massive pauldrons, which Homura wondered how they did not impede him. Noticing her, the giant spoke, it's voice deep and reverberating. "Are you the one which our Emperor commanded come?" It said. Emperor?

Homura nodded. "I..am the one Sabrina called, yes." It nodded, and opened the door, bowing over to fit its head inside. "My emperor, the one called Homura is here. Shall I send her in." Homura heard a voice give a affirmative, and, somewhat perturbed, she entered.

Mami's apartment was much as she remembered it....

Were it not for the various competing symbols scattered all over the place, and the various arguing humans and nonhumans. "Papa Nurgle is the beestest..." "URGH! YOU FAT SACK OF BOILS! YOUR INABILITY TO RECOGNIZE KHORNE ANGERS ME SOOO MUCH!" "Heretics! Sabrina is CLEARLY the Emperor!" "Oi, ya's all gits, She's CLEARLY Gork and Mork!" "SHUT UP GHAZGHKULL!"

So strange. In the middle of the fray was Mami and a white haired girl, calmly sipping tea. "Ah, Homura, you've arrived." Said Mami cooley. Ah. Seems she was still a little irritated about the thing with Kyubey. Who was nowheres to be seen, she noted.

"I would like to introduce you to Sabrina." She said to her, gesturing at the white haired girl, who waved. "She seemed...somewhat insistent on meeting the other magical girl in town." Mami said.

"Hiya!" Said the stranger. "As Mami said, names Sabrina. You and I have a LOT to talk about."

A small amount of time later, they were outside, and Homura was, once again, baffled. This girl...knew EVERYTHING. Claimed to have came into existence knowing nothing but her name and almost perfect knowledge of Homura's...predicament. And claimed that she wanted to help.

Homura thought it over. This girl was a obvious threat, especially with her knowledge and...unique, abilities. However, she would be a valuable asset potentially.

"Very well." Homura said. "Tommorow, you and I will go witch hunting. See how well you do in combat."

With that, she turned around, and walked off.

You grinned at the sight of a combined army of necron, orks, and tau fought down the witch, a odd one resembling a doll with strings sticking out of it.

The Orks acted as meatshields, keeping the familiars off the Tau and Necron and drawing the witches fire. The Tau kept it bogged down from range, and the Necron acted as support.

It. Was. Glorious. Green fire, shouts of WAAGH, bolts of energy, metal hordes. It brought a tear to your eye as you witnessed the first battle in what would hopefully be a glorious campaign.

Meanwhile, Homura stood there, her eyes wide. After a moment, she turned to you. "You wouldn't happen to be willing to let me....borrow, some of these guns, would you?"
wonder how long Sabrina will be trusted with her massive brain damage before our friends start to not trust us with anything important.
The happy ending joke is going a bit too far. Also, there is probably no safe distance within at Least 10-100 meters of eachother.
Ykno, none of the stories in my database that have endings deemed "happy" would cause a problem.
It. Was. Glorious. Green fire, shouts of WAAGH, bolts of energy, metal hordes. It brought a tear to your eye as you witnessed the first battle in what would hopefully be a glorious campaign.

Meanwhile, Homura stood there, her eyes wide. After a moment, she turned to you. "You wouldn't happen to be willing to let me....borrow, some of these guns, would you?"
I'm giving it "informative" for it leaves me confused.

Still, at least some things stay the same?
wonder how long Sabrina will be trusted with her massive brain damage before our friends start to not trust us with anything important.
They've already made tentative gestures of disapproval towards our experiments and social worker job.

I'll give it more than a month. Enough time to ride walpurgisnatch against the incubator race.


... Will they take Mami away? :(
If the "they" you refer to has Homura in it, I'm going to lean towards no.
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Maybe if we make it go really, really fast?
I don't think you understand

You can't have enough bullets. Each individual bullet's speed might be sufficient, but as followers of the school of MOAR DAKKA, we know it's literally impossible to have enough of them, no matter how fast.

If the "they" you refer to has Homura in it, I'm going to lean towards no.
Nevermind, we already know what'll happen when our friends get tired of our brain damage.
Can we get back to topics more closely related to the thread, please?
Well, aside from what's in the vote, we should remember to cleanse.

It seems we're keeping the rifle. We might still trying making a grief replica; would it feel witchy, or would it be like the grief instruments, non-witchy-feeling?

When we get back, we'll let Mami know about the trip right away? Think she won't like that we were gone without her noticing?
It seems we're keeping the rifle. We might still trying making a grief replica; would it feel witchy, or would it be like the grief instruments, non-witchy-feeling?
Non-witchy, as it is entirely nonmechanical.

...Unless we want to make it electronic (which might be still possible non-witchy, going by vocals, but I doubt it), seeking targets and well, since it is already floating in the air lets just call them friendship bots.
When we get back, we'll let Mami know about the trip right away? Think she won't like that we were gone without her noticing?
Since she was turned with her back to us, lets hold our enthusiasm with that a bit longer in than we did at the start of the trip.
Adorable, but if we'd be any younger, we'd have negative age and drop into previous loop.
At the very least, you might expect Homura to.... explode anything that could remotely threaten us?

Hm, still not sure. Standard behaviours aren't wowingly cool, here.

How much did you read the thread? Hands full of limpets is a long-running gag here ♥
I read about hmm, 90% of that thread.
Residue Processing pt. 4
You purse your lips in consideration. "That is an excellent question," you say brightly, your Grief manipulations still for the moment, since Homura isn't clearing away the loaded guns. You wonder for a moment about making a gun out of Grief and just using real ammunition - it's not like that's much of an issue, really, and certainly that would be the most concealable.

Homura shakes her head slowly, an expression flickering across her face. You might be wrong, but... you're pretty sure you saw the barest sliver of a fraction of a trace of an exasperated, amused smile there for a moment.

"OK... I'll keep it in my Grief cloud," you say thoughtfully, making a decision and pulling a few spheres of Grief over. Homura passes the rifle over to you, and you take it with a smile, checking the safety. You lay it on your lap, looking at the Grief spheres - you'll encase the AR-15 in an ellipsoid, you think.

You suit action to thought, Grief reaching out and sealing the rifle away. "Thank you, Homura," you say, smiling at her and squinting at the enormous ovoid of Grief containing the rifle.

She shrugs slightly in response.

Locking it away does rather beg the question of what happens if you're anti-magicked. Not that you really think best buddy would do that to you, but then again. You're reasonably sure that Oriko's on your side, but not absolutely sure. And-

You left the Feather with Mami.

Panic lances through you for a moment, but-

You're in Homura's timestop. You're... pretty sure you're safe her. You take a deep, slow breath, calming yourself down.

"Is something wrong?" There's a hint of concern in Homura's voice, her head tilted fractionally to the side.

"No... well..." You frown. "I left the Feather with Mami."

Homura frowns, too. "It's just a feather."

"I know," you murmur, speaking more to yourself than anything. "Just a feather. Nothing magical or Witch-y about it. Just a feather." You sigh. "Just something that showed up to ratchet up my paranoia."

The two of you sit in silence for a moment, before you shake yourself, trying to divest yourself of the rather disquieting thoughts.

"Anyway... I'm just wondering, do you have anything smaller than the AR-15, Homura?" you say. You are quite sure of things, but it doesn't hurt to be safe. "Something concealable, in case of, well, anti-magic or something like that?"

Faded lilac eyes meet yours for a long, long moment. You can practically see the wheels turning in her head, Homura looking right at you before she nods, breaking eye contact. Her right hand hesitates over her shield for a moment before she dips into it, withdrawing...




Homura raises her eyebrows at you, holding the pistol by its barrel and presenting it to you. It's a... distinctive weapon, from the exposed trigger group transiting into what you know is a five round magazine, to the top-exposed bolt action slide, gliding onwards to a matte, blackened barrel. A shortened barrel.

You stare at the equally sawn down birch stock of the sawn down Mosin-Nagant rifle. A bolt action rifle converted to a pistol that fires 7.62mm rounds.

"It's an obrez," Homura notes quietly. She pronounces it correctly, too. She begins to reach into her shield again. "Do you want something smalle-"

"N-no!" you squeak, taking -well, snatching, really- the pistol from her and turning it over in your hands. An obrez. It's on the larger end of concealable, but it's something you can fit into your bag if you remove some of the marbles. It's not like you'd expect to carry anything but a pocket pistol or something in your, well, pocket. "Where did you even get this?"

Homura shrugs with one shoulder. "There's a magical girl who shows up infrequently."

"Ah," you say. Answer enough, you guess. "Well... thank you, Homura."

She nods.

You heft the pistol in your hands for a moment, before consigning it to the care of another blob of Grief, arriving obediently at your side like a well trained butler. You smile at Homura again, and look around the silent, grey room, with its denuded racks and frozen yakuza. "Say, Homura? Did you ever check if there's any repercussions of this theft?"

Homura shrugs neutrally, the simple, motion eloquently elucidating upon her extraordinary disinclination to care about any repercussions from this theft, which would suggest that nothing signifcant would happen to Madoka as a result. Not exactly the same thing as nothing significant happening period, but still. It's something.

"Well, OK then," you say. "I was thinking... maybe we could do more than just take their guns. Destroy all their stuff to hinder their operations?"

Homura looks at you. "There's no poin-" she cuts herself off, closing her mouth, and regards you contemplatively. "I... I am not opposed," she says carefully. "You can cleanse me afterwards, right?"

A grin breaks out on your face. "Yeah. Of course," you say. "Shall we finish the rest of the loading, then get to it?" You present the latest set of loaded weapons to her.

Homura nods, claiming them and refreshing the pile. It only takes you a few more minutes, filled with the loud clattering of metal on metal.

You roll your neck, as the stream of weaponry comes to an end, absently riffling through that awareness at the back of your head of your inventory of Grief, checking that everything's where it should be. Grief spheres by the dozen, lurking in the corridor outside, ready at your beck and call, check. One particularly large blob of Grief, with a rifle shaped cavity inside, and a normal sized sphere with a notebook shaped hollow for Homura's notebook, another for your obrez... check and check and check. And lastly, the ring still sitting on your finger, which is, in turn, pleasantly and distinctly un-dissolved and uncorroded.

Homura stands, unfolding gracefully from her crosslegged seating position while you heave yourself up with considerably less poise. She glances at you, quirking an eyebrow microscopically.

You smile at her. "Shall we go, Homura?"

She nods, tilting her head towards the door and starting out. You glance back at the rifle you'd handled, still sitting on its rack. It has your fingerprints now, doesn't it? At a thought, Grief swings in, wickedly sharp blades forming and hammering into it with whickering chimes of steel as you slice it into so much metallic confetti.

Homura glances back at you with another raised eyebrow as the two of you head down the corridor.

"Fingerprints," you explain with a shrug.

Homura considers that, and nods. "This way," she says, turning down another corner. "They keep their money in the upper floors," she notes.

You turn into a large room. At the far end, you can see a wall knocked out, and replaced with a steel shutter, presumably leading to an underground loading bay. Stacked against the walls are long tables, sealed lockboxes arrayed in neat rows.

"Drug cache," Homura says, gesturing around the room.

"Hmm... I can work with this," you say, reaching out with your mind and sweeping tendrils of Grief. Deep purple filaments spear through the lockbox lids, revealing crystals and powders, all enclosed in neat, tidy little bags. "Homura, I'm going to do something, OK?" you warn.

Shredding isn't enough. At Homura's nod, you focus for a moment - and Grief ignites, dozens of magnesium-white flares blazing to life, burning with vicious hunger.

You hum, grinning in the stark white light of narcotics going up in... well, not even smoke. There's no smoke, not if you don't want there to be, just perfectly clean burning will-driven, Grief-fuelled magical fires that renders everything down to nothing but carbon dioxide, water vapour and various other oxides.

A thought strikes you as the sensation of Witch sings against your senses - well, more than one thought, really, like Yakuza time-ninjas attacking you. Or, like, necrons. What if you'd wished to summon Warhammer figurines? Then again, why stop at Warhammer figurines?

Surreptitiously, you look around just to be sure that there aren't in fact any time-Yakuza ninja or necrons around. Or was it Yakuza time-ninja? Is there a difference? Well, yes, there is, but is there a relevant difference? How wou-

You shake your head. Focus!

"Hrm. Sasa Yuuki," you mutter out loud. Relief sings through your veins that you didn't blurt out anything about waaaaghs or the Emperor or the Greater Good or glories of Chaos or something.

Homura turns her attention from the dancing flames to look at you, silence inviting her to continue.

"Do you know her?" you ask, eyeing the fire. "Sometimes magical girl, blue eyes, brown hair cut into a kind of hime cut? Also, I think we can head upstairs now?" You eye the scorched puddles of metal, all that remains of the lockboxes.

She frowns, turning to head out of the room. "Yes. She doesn't show up very frequently."

"Yeah," you agree, following. "Still... Her powers would fit the odd Witch behaviour, don't you think? Controlling Witches and all, right?"

"Why would she go after Sayaka?" Homura asks, glancing back at you as she reaches a set of stairs.

"Yeah, I was thinking that too," you say, taking the stairs two at a time. "That much doesn't make sense. But... I'm going to see whether I can find her. If she became a magical girl... well, I'll figure that out then. Burn that bridge when I get to it, as it wer- no wait cross that bridge, cross that bridge, not burn it."

"Noted," Homura says. "Would you like me to come along?"

[] Write-in


Wheeeeee, long-ish post.
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I propose that we just stick our soul gem in a grief sphere. We don't need to take it out to clean it, inert grief really likes to stay in it's shape so it won't stop being in the sphere while we sleep, and just regular grief slabs can stand up to Ramiel's Lazorbeamz, so it'd be completely safe. We'd become incredibly hard to assassinate by, say, a bullet, or teleganking, or acid, or pretty much anything below Feather's pay grade. There is pretty much no good reason that I can think of for not doing it right now that would outweigh all of the obvious benefits, and even if somebody does come up with one, we should still do it in any time we even approach a combat situation.

We should also try to figure out how to think without having a brain, sometime soon. It's not like we use that thing anyways...
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Homura shakes her head slowly, an expression flickering across her face. You might be wrong, but... you're pretty sure you saw the barest sliver of a fraction of a trace of an exasperated, amused smile there for a moment.

You heft the pistol in your hands for a moment, before consigning it to the care of another blob of Grief, arriving obediently at your side like a well trained butler.
You roll your neck, as the stream of weaponry comes to an end, absently riffling through that awareness at the back of your head of your inventory of Grief, checking that everything's where it should be. Grief spheres by the dozen, lurking in the corridor outside, ready at your beck and call, check. One particularly large blob of Grief, with a rifle shaped cavity inside, and a normal sized sphere with a notebook shaped hollow for Homura's notebook, check and check. And lastly, the ring still sitting on your finger, which is, in turn, pleasantly and distinctly un-dissolved and uncorroded.
Butler Grief Blob not included in the roll call? :(
No Sabrina, you're not going to try to turn that blob of grief into an actual butler. Don't create a familiar, it will freak out others.
[X] "Of course, Homura."
[X] Does she know where to find her?
[X] Continue on.
[X] Ask Homura if she minds you swiping some money. Do so if she approves.
[X] Tell her about our recent encounters with Kyoko, and about your plan for the picnic. Any advice for how to get on her good side?

Very incomplete vote. I'd say we need to write in more conversational topics, but I can't seem to think of any.
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