Which is why we heal as a group and shut anything like that down long before it can happen by making it clear why we're healing him.
We have evidence from Portable that really isn't the case, and we can intervene. Hiding it from Hitomi indefinitely just adds to the mess.

That's a failure to read the situation that Firn has written. If the crush comes up, the indebtedness means Sayaka won't pursue a confrontation whatsoever.

I'm not necessarily advocating hiding things from Hitomi. I'm advocating actually thinking about consequences rather than expecting talking to solve things.
And I'm saying that the situation shows that it can be resolved if we deal with the indeptedness-- and it's overstating the degree of said indeptedness.
Which is why we heal as a group and shut anything like that down long before it can happen by making it clear why we're healing him.
We're healing him so Sayaka won't sell her soul and then witch. You willing to tell him that? I think it would work.

Any less doesn't make things clear at all.

And I'm saying that the situation shows that it can be resolved if we deal with the indeptedness-- and it's overstating the degree of said indeptedness.

Then we disagree on a fundamental point. The degree of indebtedness has been made quite clear and narratively emphasized repeatedly. It's a very necessary consideration and we have not figured out a way to deal with it.
Kinda distasteful. Can't we just rob a bank or some shit like that?
Are you being facetious here, or are you honestly suggesting that robbing a bank would be more moral than accepting reasonable payment for healing? Because every healthcare worker I've ever talked to would disagree.

2. Sayaka is currently under the misapprehension that making a wish to heal Kyousuke could make him reciprocate her romantic feelings. She probably doesn't think of it in exactly those terms, nevertheless the ideas of contracting and romantic attraction are connected in her mind. If we don't deal with this problem, then she might just switch to focusing on a different wish that would make him (or Hitomi) happy.
In which case, letting her see magic make someone immensely happy without apparent cost isn't actually going to help us a great deal?
This is less about the healing itself and more about the discussion beforehand, which can allow Sayaka come to terms with her own motivations. When we start talking about healing Kyousuke, she is going to feel some resistance to the idea because she wants to be the one responsible for healing him so that he will appreciate her. But that feeling will be directly confronted with the obvious truth that it's better for Kyousuke to get healed now. This will help her realize that her reasons for wanting to heal Kyousuke were (partly) selfish to begin with. And that she doesn't need a wish to confess her feelings to him. She probably won't say any of this out loud, but a lot of these thoughts will inevitably come up when we start discussing Kyousuke's healing.
Guys! Let's get our magic squirrel friend to heal him! He's not going to crush on a magic squirrel! (I hope)

EDIT: I'm vey willing to say that we're healing him because he's friends with Sayaka and Hitomi. I'm willing to go as far as explaining the magical girl system to him if necessary.
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We're healing him so Sayaka won't sell her soul and then witch. You willing to tell him that? I think it would work.

Any less doesn't make things clear at all.

Then we disagree on a fundamental point. The degree of indebtedness has been made quite clear and narratively emphasized repeatedly. It's a very necessary consideration and we have not figured out a way to deal with it.
We're healing him because he's Sayaka and Hitomi's friend. That's all he needs to know and that's all we're telling him.

What won't deal with it is dancing around it indefinitely and hoping it gets better without intervention. Because it really won't.
Speaking of debts, I would like to note that if we heal Kyousuke, then he will be in debt to us, whether we hide the fact from him or not. Ideally, we need to find a way for him to deal with that debt in a healthy way. When Homura healed him in an earlier loop, he responded in an unhealthy way by becoming romantically attached to her. One simple way to avoid this would be to charge him for the healing. People regularly see doctors and nurses and other medical professionals to get healing and they pay them for those services and everyone walks away happy. Patients are grateful for the help, but there isn't any lingering debt that remains to cloud their judgement of the situation. And Kyousuke is obviously loaded, so it's not like he can't afford it.

Edit: removed quote (which was talking about something else).
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Witchbomb him and tell him that if he wants to repay us, he'll do everything in his power to make sure no one he knows contracts.

If we heal Kyousuke, then he will be indebted to us, whether we hide the fact from him or not. Ideally, we need to find a way for him to deal with that debt in a healthy way. When Homura healed him in an earlier loop, he responded in an unhealthy way by becoming romantically attached to her. One simple way to avoid this would be to charge him for the healing. People regularly see doctors and nurses and other medical professionals to get healing and they pay them for those services and everyone walks away happy. Patients are grateful for the help, but there isn't any lingering debt that remains to cloud their judgement of the situation. And Kyousuke is obviously loaded, so it's not like he can't afford it.

I wasn't talking about Kyouske, I was talking about what Sayaka feels about Hitomi. Please read more carefully.
lets just heal him, no crazy plans, no MAD SCIENCE!

and hey if he crushes on sabrina just tell him she's not interested, unless you guys want to ship sabrina and violin boy....
If we heal When Homura healed him in an earlier loop, he responded in an unhealthy way by becoming romantically attached to her.
Eh, we should consider that this is Homura we're talking about. That girl probably didn't know what to do with the sudden attention, much less find the way to reject the guy.
lets just heal him, no crazy plans, no MAD SCIENCE!

and hey if he crushes on sabrina just tell him she's not interested, unless you guys want to ship sabrina and violin boy....
This. Just let him know we're not interested.
Agreeing with group healing. And yeah, if he ends up being too clingy with one of the gang, then we just tell him to buzz off.

Edit: Provide a demonstration on a megucas other abilities as necessary. Ex. bending a piece of rebar with our bare hands.
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That is not why we're healing him.

We're healing him so Sayaka isn't motivated to contract.

If it didn't affect the likelihood of Sayaka contracting him, I'd still want to heal him.

What if we actually say this? I mean, give him the lichbomb, then say that we're healing him since he's a friend of Sayaka's and we don't want her to contract?

I'm willing, but I'd prefer something less unpleasant if possible.

That...might not be good for Sayaka, but...

And we're doing that because we're Sayaka and Hitomi's friend and him being crippled isn't doing either of them (but mostly Sayaka) any favors. Call it a Kyubey truth.
