Whoa, I'm glad that Sabrina didn't act like Kyubey for updates I missed and that better option was proposed

(Don't take this as bad, though, anyone who feels this may target you - in the end, nobody voted for that.)
If it should be discussed, let's give it another couple of days before we risk re-breaking the Mumi (for the third bloody time).
All this talk of bombs reminds me of someone...
I know!
[Q] Sweep apartment for bugs/Kyubeys.
[Q] Telepathy all known contacts to confirm their current status.
[Q] Check under bed.
[Q] Go to bed... Cautiously.
You forgot the timestop.
It's effectively the same result as far as we're concerned though, if she's still doing that.
In a way, I view Kyoko as Puella Magi who grew up.
A Witch, we can save. On the flips side:
Course thats just on the business side of things, respecting the mercenary mentality that Kyoko has developed, not necessarily what's best for the secretly lonely girl that desperately wants to believe in something.
"If someone tells me it is wrong to hope, I'll tell them they're wrong every time."
Wouldn't that involve just lying awake in bed all night with our ojou cuddled up against us?
...I guess we could use telepathy?
@cmwatford: Yes, doing science is probably most vital option to save everyone, though I can see possibility of jury-rigging with what we have just now with sufficient social for Meguca alive; just get Sakura to limpet us ten times as hard as Mami and then carry us everywhere, while convincing all magical girls to move to closer. With 6720 minutes per week and 100k magical girls as long as we can cleanse a girl weekly every 4 seconds on average we could support the Earth's population while having fun banter with Sakura (or just use clear seeds and actually have less work-hours than average person).
You're assuming that the goal is to save everyone, though. And we're going to need some pretty hax science if we spend 0 time on social.
All the same, we can't manage social well enough for everyone. Even with offering Akiko unlimited free cleanses she still chose to attack us.
In that way, your sense of priorities makes sense. But people
do care about Mami more than entire groups of magical girls.
On that note, I count witches as people who don't have golden enough if we don't fix the system, for example....
That said,
[X] Kinematics
well messes with one of the (insufficient) objections that magical girls would suffer from cleansing Mitakihara with white dissolution.
The survival of the main cast is right up there with the survival of one's family and loved ones for Sabrina: it may not be what she's working towards, but she would likely drop everything to help them, and be broken if she were to suffer the loss of literally all of them.
Drop everything? Give up anything?
It shouldn't ever come up, even if may be a shadow(run) of it every time revival and saving of everyone is put off to avoid harm to them.
But no. Not everything.
....Weeeeell maybe Homura, under some very dubious conditions. Ability + she became the coolest character in the series. And I guess Miki is fun to tease, so I'd be kind of annoyed if she died. Others...belong closer in 'everyone' category for me and aren't exactly my favourite characters.
Thankfully, a good topic has come up, what are our goals, short and long term?
Or less formally put, what does Sabrina want to be when she grows up?
Short term: Have fun. Do new and interesting science, tease Miki, banter with Sakura, finally have a happy picnic today.
However, long term: Break the PMMM into unrecognisable pieces, so that you could tell about PMAS and say: It is PMMM in name only now, the quest is now more about something else.
It doesn't have to be breaking the magical girl system...Slice of life of using magic for everyday things also fits that definition.
On that note,
@Firnagzen: I loved the latest update, it was fun and exactly above
grief anti matter!
now if only we could evacuate enough space in time XD
Evacuate Space... In time?
You just went full Timelike Colony drop.
@Silver: 6k. I'll read it later, I already have a long post.
So, if they turn out to just be batshit insane and doing it for the shiny (an admirable goal, but contrary to our interests) can we use them to test either Gem explosion or a Sanity-Inducing Witch construct?
First, let's try to pay them off with Shiny.
If that does not work, put a collar on her if we really want to save everyone. There is probably some way we can mess with them given how their soul gems function.
And they steal gems, not crush, so still better than Kyoko. Kinda.
We don't feel like a monster for rocking, after all, though their reasons are much darker than Asunaro's or ours.
I can't imagine a threat that simultaneously can be beaten by calling in alliances but can't be beaten by calling in Homura.
Kirika messed with Homura quite well. Sniping also messes with her while not being as effective against alliances.
Other magical AoEs may also persist in timestop.