Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[x] Telepathy Mami and Homura. Warn them, you're going to do something with your grief really quick. If their witch senses go off. That's just you.
[x] Find a remote location. Restore Aurora to an 'unused' state. Call for Coobs.
[x] Will all grief you're disposing into two or so grief seed sized orbs. Find out if coobs can accept grief in this state.
-[x] Grief disposal. All but 800 or so marbles in your sling bag. Keep all your seeds.
-[x] Just treat it like a business transaction. You're not interested in answering any of the furballs questions.
[x] Head back and wait for everyone.
-[x] Light conversation.
--[x] Ask Mami about the archery club she used to attend.
-[x] Ask Mami if it's alright to invite everyone to her apartment. Nagisa too.
--[x] Call Momoe Shin if Mami gives the OK. Ask how Nagisa is doing. Ask to invite her over.
No. of votes: 3
[x] Telepathy Mami and Homura. Warn them, you're going to do something with your grief really quick. If their witch senses go off. That's just you.
[x] Find a remote location. Call for Coobs.
[x] Will all grief you're disposing into two or so grief seed sized orbs. Find out if coobs can accept grief in this state.
-[x] Grief disposal. All but 800 or so marbles in your sling bag. Keep all your seeds.
-[x] Just treat it like a business transaction. You're not interested in answering any of the furball's questions.
[x] Head back and wait for everyone.
-[x] Light conversation.
--[x] Ask Mami about the archery club she used to attend.
-[x] Ask Mami if it's alright to invite everyone to her apartment. Nagisa too.
--[x] Call Momoe Shin if Mami gives the OK. Ask how Nagisa is doing. Ask to invite her over.
No. of votes: 1
[x] Telepathy Mami and Homura. Warn them you're going to do something with your grief really quick. If their witch senses go off, that's just you.
[x] Find an unobserved location. Refill Aurora to an 'unused' state, and store a spare 800 marbles in the sling bag. Call for Kyuubey.
[x] Ask him to verify whether he can process a supercompressed version of the grief you're holding, using a small sample.
-[x] If so, compress the remainder and deposit in Kyuubey. Possibly ask a couple of the questions below, based on Kyuubey's behavior.
-[x] If not, deposit as much as is feasible in the time you have remaining before school lets out.
[x] If we have to take the time to do the slow deposit, ask some questions while waiting. Be evasive in answering questions it poses back.
-[x] How many marbles does it take to equate to the energy you'd gain from one grief seed? (Only a numeric answer is valid.)
-[x] How do you get the energy from a grief seed? Do you extract the grief, and is the extraction destructive? Is that why you need to keep collecting more? (Only the question of whether the process is destructive is of any interest.)
-[x] How many grief seeds do you collect per day, worldwide? (Only a numeric answer is valid.)
[x] Head back and wait for everyone.
-[x] Light conversation.
--[x] Ask Mami about the archery club she used to attend.
-[x] Ask Mami if it's alright to invite everyone to her apartment. Nagisa too.
--[x] Call Momoe Shin if Mami gives the OK. Ask how Nagisa is doing. Ask to invite her over.
No. of votes: 3
[X] Telepathy Mami and Homura. Warn them you're going to do something with your grief really quick. If their witch senses go off, that's just you.
[x] Find an unobserved location. Store a spare 800 marbles in the sling bag. Call for Kyuubey.
[x] Ask him to verify whether he can process a supercompressed version of the grief you're holding, using a small sample.
-[x] If so, compress the remainder and deposit in Kyuubey.
-[x] If not, deposit as much as is feasible in the time you have remaining before school lets out.
[x] Don't interact more than necessary.
[x] Make sure it leaves, head back and wait for everyone.
-[x] Light conversation.
--[x] Ask Mami about the archery club she used to attend.
-[x] Ask Mami if it's alright to invite everyone to her apartment. Nagisa too.
--[x] Call Momoe Shin if Mami gives the OK. Ask how Nagisa is doing. Ask to invite her over.
No. of votes: 4
[x] Bandwagon.
No. of votes: 1