TALLY said:
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Ugolino
No. of votes: 8
MrLZRS, Gadjo, Muramasa, EtchedSteel, AnonymousRabbit, MissingJimbo, aeqnai, landcollector

[x] cinematics
No. of votes: 1

[x] Give Homura another hug before parting.
[x] A last couple bits of SCIENCE testing this afternoon, while contacting people.
--[x]Examine a soul gem, a normal grief seed, and a broken grief seed in detail with all senses. Catalog the parts; grief, magic, whatever else you can figure out, any unknowns. What are the differences and similarities?
--[x]Compare a magical construct like your hammer to an identical grief construct. What are the differences in attributes, and in how each can be created, manipulated, or dismissed?
-[x] Contacts
--[x] Masami/Hiroko - Polite check in. Inform them that things seem to have settled down, and of the suggested handling of grief seeds.
--[x] Ishinomaki - Polite check in. Summarize situation, and make note of the grief seed cleansing plan.
---[x] Also: Ask when the meeting with Sendai was originally arranged, and if it was done through Kyuubey.
[x] Check in on Oriko (telepathy). We were going to come visit. Did she need us to bring anything?
[x] When visiting:
-[x] Standard grief cleanses.
-[x] Thank her for her help yesterday. Mention Kirika's awesomeness.
-[x] Apologize for threatening to grief Kirika's soul gem.
-[x] Ask for anything noteworthy in her visions.
-[x] We would like to try an experimental healing trick, if she'll help us make sure it's safe.
--[x] Try to create a magic healing item. Apply healing to remaining Oriko injuries.
--[x] If it doesn't work, provide normal healing for any remaining injuries she has that we can manage.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Give Homura another hug before parting.
[x] Examine a soul gem, a normal grief seed, and a broken grief seed in detail with all senses. Catalog the parts; grief, magic, whatever else you can figure out, any unknowns. What are the differences and similarities?
[x] Experiment with modifying your hammer. Pay attention to how it was created, and to what extent can it be modified.
[x] Contact Masami/Hiroko: Polite check in. Tell them that things have settled down, and the suggested handling of grief seeds.
[x] Contact Ishinomaki: Polite check in. Summarize situation, and make note of the grief seed cleansing plan.
[x] Go visit Oriko
-[x] Cleanses and healing. We can't let her out of house arrest just yet, but we can at least heal her.
--[x] Try willing grief into a rod of healing to help speed up the process. Consult with Oriko to check if she sees any negative effects of us doing so.
-[x] Thank her for her help yesterday. Mention Kirika's awesomeness.
-[x] Apologize for threatening Kirika while you are at it.
-[x] Ask for anything noteworthy in her visions.
-[x] Consult with her on how best to approach Kyouko.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Give Homura another hug before parting.
[x] A last couple bits of SCIENCE testing this afternoon, while contacting people.
--[x]Examine a soul gem, a normal grief seed, and a broken grief seed in detail with all senses. Catalog the parts; grief, magic, whatever else you can figure out, any unknowns. What are the differences and similarities?
--[x]Compare a magical construct like your hammer to an identical grief construct. What are the differences in attributes, and in how each can be created, manipulated, or dismissed?
[x]Consult the book of Witches in a grief gerbilball with internal lighting.
-[x] Contacts
--[x] Masami/Hiroko - Polite check in. Inform them that things seem to have settled down, and of the suggested handling of grief seeds.
--[x] Ishinomaki - Polite check in. Summarize situation, and make note of the grief seed cleansing plan.
---[x] Also: Ask when the meeting with Sendai was originally arranged, and if it was done through Kyuubey.
[x] Check in on Oriko (telepathy). We were going to come visit. Did she need us to bring anything?
[x] When visiting:
-[x] Standard grief cleanses.
-[x] Thank her and Kirika for their help yesterday.
-[x] Apologize for what you threatened to do to Kirika. Tell her that it had been a bluff, one you'd never have gone through with, and that while you don't regret that she surrendered, you do regret hurting her by making it.
[x] We would like to try a healing trick, if she'll help us make sure it'll work.
-[x] Try to create a magic healing item. Apply healing to remaining Oriko injuries.
--[x] If it doesn't work, provide normal healing for any remaining injuries she has that we can manage. Let Homura and Mami know that we're healing Oriko's injuries-but keeping the house arrest for both.
[x]Ask her if she's seen anything problematic.
-[x] Consult her about Asunaro.
-[x]Ask about the Witches.

No. of votes: 1
[x] Give Homura another hug before parting.
[x] A last couple bits of SCIENCE testing this afternoon, while contacting people.
--[x]Examine a soul gem, a normal grief seed, and a broken grief seed in detail with all senses. Catalog the parts; grief, magic, whatever else you can figure out, any unknowns. What are the differences and similarities?
--[x]Compare a magical construct like your hammer to an identical grief construct. What are the differences in attributes, and in how each can be created, manipulated, or dismissed?
[x]Consult the book of Witches in a grief gerbilball with internal lighting.
-[x] Contacts
--[x] Masami/Hiroko - Polite check in. Inform them that things seem to have settled down, and of the suggested handling of grief seeds.
--[x] Ishinomaki - Polite check in. Summarize situation, and make note of the grief seed cleansing plan.
---[x] Also: Ask when the meeting with Sendai was originally arranged, and if it was done through Kyuubey.
[x] Check in on Oriko (telepathy). We were going to come visit. Did she need us to bring anything?
[x] When visiting:
-[x] Standard grief cleanses.
-[x] Thank her and Kirika for their help yesterday.
-[x] Apologize for what you threatened to do to Kirika. Tell her that it had been a bluff, one you'd never have gone through with, and that while you don't regret that she surrendered, you do regret hurting her by making it.
[x] We would like to try a healing trick, if she'll help us make sure it'll work.
-[x] Try to create a magic healing item. Apply healing to remaining Oriko injuries.
--[x] If it doesn't work, provide normal healing for any remaining injuries she has that we can manage. Let Homura and Mami know that we're healing Oriko's injuries-but keeping the house arrest for both.
[x]Ask her if she's seen anything problematic.
-[x] Consult her about Asunaro.
-[x]Ask about the Witches.

(Plan Ugo without red)
If they'll be a problem the pregoc will bring it up on her own, I have no desire to swell the vote even more just to ask about the place.

Not if the precog doesn't realize that she should check. Oriko isn't infallible.
Last edited:
-[x] Consult her about Asunaro.

[x] Give Homura another hug before parting.
[x] A last couple bits of SCIENCE testing this afternoon, while contacting people.
--[x]Examine a soul gem, a normal grief seed, and a broken grief seed in detail with all senses. Catalog the parts; grief, magic, whatever else you can figure out, any unknowns. What are the differences and similarities?
--[x]Compare a magical construct like your hammer to an identical grief construct. What are the differences in attributes, and in how each can be created, manipulated, or dismissed?
-[x] Contacts
--[x] Masami/Hiroko - Polite check in. Inform them that things seem to have settled down, and of the suggested handling of grief seeds.
--[x] Ishinomaki - Polite check in. Summarize situation, and make note of the grief seed cleansing plan.
---[x] Also: Ask when the meeting with Sendai was originally arranged, and if it was done through Kyuubey.
[x] Check in on Oriko (telepathy). We were going to come visit. Did she need us to bring anything?
[x] When visiting:
-[x] Standard grief cleanses.
-[x] Thank her for her help yesterday. Mention Kirika's awesomeness.
-[x] Apologize for threatening to grief Kirika's soul gem.
-[x] Ask for anything noteworthy in her visions.
-[x] We would like to try an experimental healing trick, if she'll help us make sure it's safe.
--[x] Try to create a magic healing item. Apply healing to remaining Oriko injuries.
--[x] If it doesn't work, provide normal healing for any remaining injuries she has that we can manage.
I get it: Kazumi Magica sucked. That doesn't mean Firn's Asunaro sucks. We're just trying to avoid being punished for not trying to help somewhere because we didn't feel like it. I'd rather avoid the place too, but I don't want to find out that some terrible shit went down that we could have prevented just because the source material sucked.
I get it: Kazumi Magica sucked. That doesn't mean Firn's Asunaro sucks. We're just trying to avoid being punished for not trying to help somewhere because we didn't feel like it. I'd rather avoid the place too, but I don't want to find out that some terrible shit went down that we could have prevented just because the source material sucked.
Eh, don't get me wrong, I have faith in FIrn's capabilities and all, but Asunaro is likely unable to be made non-terrible.
I get it: Kazumi Magica sucked. That doesn't mean Firn's Asunaro sucks. We're just trying to avoid being punished for not trying to help somewhere because we didn't feel like it. I'd rather avoid the place too, but I don't want to find out that some terrible shit went down that we could have prevented just because the source material sucked.
Still. Fucking. No.

More rationally, even if we do want to go to that shitty fanfiction of a city, right now is not the time to be bringing that up. We just got over the Magical war nonsense which we are still cleaning the mess of, and there's still shit to do in this city. Can we like, wait a few days before we even bring it up?
Eh, don't get me wrong, I have faith in FIrn's capabilities and all, but Asunaro is likely unable to be made non-terrible.
Thing is, I don't see ignoring it going well for us. If we just leave it and hope for the best, I feel like some crazy shit that we never wanted to see might show up at our doorstep. I dislike going, but I dislike the idea of getting screwed later on because we ignored it.
Uh, I thought we already agreed to atleast ask about Asurano so as to shut up people who are worried about it? Can team Anti-Asurano atleast be fucking consistent without moving goalposts out of paranoia bullshit?
Uh, I thought we already agreed to atleast ask about Asurano so as to shut up people who are worried about it? Can team Anti-Asurano atleast be fucking consistent without moving goalposts out of paranoia bullshit?
Indeed, I thought that was the point: to keep people from constantly shadowrunning about it, we ask Oriko about Asunaro, and at the slightest confirmation that it's alright, proceed to ignore the fuck out of it.
Either way, can we all agree to just have a normal* day. Reassure the mumi, go bug the pre-cog, possibly get kyoukoplomacy-ed and hang out with best buddy? Just leave the asaruno crap alone for a day?

* As normal as Sabrina gets.
Either way, can we all agree to just have a normal* day. Reassure the mumi, go bug the pre-cog, possibly get kyoukoplomacy-ed and hang out with best buddy? Just leave the asaruno crap alone for a day?

* As normal as Sabrina gets.
Yes, that's pretty much the idea. Make the Mumi happier or at least less SadLimpet, tease the blueberry, be buddy for Homu...stop Madoka from going lemming, maybe Nagisa big sis...and tea parties for all.
Either way, can we all agree to just have a normal* day. Reassure the mumi, go bug the pre-cog, possibly get kyoukoplomacy-ed and hang out with best buddy? Just leave the asaruno crap alone for a day?

* As normal as Sabrina gets.
I'm cool with that as long as we bug the precog about Ravenholm. Just getting a timeframe as to when it happened would be incredibly useful.
Having read the Kazumi manga, I don't get why people hate it so much. Sure, the feel is quite different then the main story... okay, I get it, you guys are such hardcore fans that you hate a cheap spinoff made for money. Good for you.