If we cut off a hand and regenerate it, could the extra hand be used as a spare body part for cadaver crafting?
[X] Create a grief bell set to ring so you can arrive back before lunch.
[X] Make a Sabrina cadaver from grief. Press Hildegarde's grief seed into her hand.
[X] Kinematics

"We've come this far, there's no turning back!" "How hard can it be?" "Just one last test, then I'll retire from Grief SCIENCE!" "What could possibly go wrong?" "I'm not afraid of anything anymore!"
Guys. We can't do this.

We don't have a hunchback assistant or electrodes yet.

If we're going to commit crimes against sanity and the laws of nature, we ought to do it right. There's tradition to keep in mind after all. :p
Oh, I see, you want to get us impaled on about six different spears. :p
Hey, I was against the idea!

...Mainly due time cost, granted.

To clarify, number one worry I have with this flawless plan is existential horror of being a created powerless Sabrina/Hildegirl anchored to Sabrina.

Number two is that the Sabrina Grief wrests control of our grief and kills Sabrina Velocity, then replaces her because she knows she will literally die otherwise.

I don't think Sabrina has personality like that, though.
We need to rope Sakura into being our lab assistant at some point. There's no point in mad cackling if you're the only one there to hear it.
...Could you not approach messing about with grief seeds with the same amount of flippancy that you would afford to a grocery shopping?
What's the worst thing that can possibly happen? Witch is born?

We want to see that anyway?
We need to rope Sakura into being our lab assistant at some point. There's no point in mad cackling if you're the only one there to do it.
Would Sakura cackle?

Hm. Rin would be neat partner, we could go around, leaving corpses everywhere and heal both bodies and souls!
Hey, I was against the idea!

...Mainly due time cost, granted.

To clarify, number one worry I have with this flawless plan is existential horror of being a created powerless Sabrina/Hildegirl anchored to Sabrina.

Number two is that the Sabrina Grief wrests control of our grief and kills Sabrina Velocity, then replaces her because she knows she will literally die otherwise.
Number three is that before we can animate the body, it gets up on it's own, the world turns dark and an eigth-letter word written with strange character can be read in the sky.
What's the worst thing that can possibly happen? Witch is born?

We want to see that anyway?

Would Sakura cackle?

Hm. Rin would be neat partner, we could go around, leaving corpses everywhere and heal both bodies and souls!
"What's the worst that could happen?" is usually a cue to step back and rethink the decisions that got to that point...But no, we don't want to dump multiple seeds amount of grief into an anomalous Seed we're trying to revert.
"What's the worst that could happen?" is usually a cue to step back and rethink the decisions that got to that point...But no, we don't want to dump multiple seeds amount of grief into an anomalous Seed we're trying to revert.
I don't think it'll be 'multiple seeds worth' of grief. I'll be surprised if it's even one seed's worth.
"What's the worst that could happen?" is usually a cue to step back and rethink the decisions that got to that point...But no, we don't want to dump multiple seeds amount of grief into an anomalous Seed we're trying to revert.
Not what I'm suggesting; I'm suggesting placing gem atop of two bagfuls of transmutated grief - so, not taking up that much that grief.

However, that idea, I believe, has already been suggested as Walpurgisnatch practice.
I'm not really sold that we're covering our bases properly in the current votes. The detail level doesn't really give us anything special, when a simple "methodically" would suffice.

It's like Science came up and we abandoned the structures we were using for combat and diplo. There are really good reasons to focus on objectives over detail right now; each overarching question answered is worth more than each specific experiment. We should give Sabrina room to react to her experimental results rather than specifying everything.

[X]Set your alarm so you don't miss lunch. Proceed through the list below in the order written until interrupted (Mami checkups don't count).
[X]Methodically investigate the persistence of solid grief outside your range. What if any states or commands allow grief to persist? What properties, transmutations, or commands persist?
[X]Methodically and safely investigate if areas of grief can be given space-extending, space-compressing, or time-distorting properties. Use an experimental design with a control.
[X]Taking appropriate precautions, discover if grief can be given physical properties like gravity or magnetism. Discover if grief can be given magical properties like invisibility or a specific feel. Discover if grief can be hidden from MG senses.
[X]Attempt to form a physical construct that exists, but that you do not fully understand, like a calculator or laser pointer. Attempt to form a physical construct that does not exist, like gadgets from science fiction.
[X]Carefully attempt to form a construct with a magical effect that you know exists, but that you don't understand. A small barrier. A familiar. Finally, try a construct with a magical effect that you both don't know exists and don't understand, like a wand of healing.
[X]Examine a soul gem, a normal grief seed, and a broken grief seed in detail with all senses. Catalog the parts; grief, magic, whatever else you can figure out, any unknowns. What are the differences and similarities?
[X]Taking any necessary precautions, carefully observe the generation of grief in a soul gem. Then observe the process by which grief is removed from a soul gem and a grief seed, both by using a grief seed normally and through your powers.
[X]Compare a magical construct like your hammer to an identical grief construct. What are the differences in attributes, and in how each can be created, manipulated, or dismissed?
[X]Very slowly and carefully, allow grief outside your control to coalesce. Do it inside your range if possible by releasing grief from control, otherwise be prepared to move closer immediately if necessary.

Why this order specifically? Because although the work with soul gems is crucial, it can be done with Homura's supervision later (and in fact might be enhanced by a second observer). And although the inspection of magic vs grief is also useful, again, it can be enhanced with a second observer. And finally, coalescing wild grief is probably the most dangerous item in the list, so it goes last in case it causes a crisis or pulls in Kyubey because he senses something.

Of course, I wouldn't mind if we hit all the action items, but I acknowledge there's a time issue.

e: In terms of vote length, this is shorter than Kinematics and longer than Cannongerbil, so it's not so far out there.
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Changed my mind, for the most and most useful Grief !!SCIENCE!!:
[X] Get proper Background Music:

[X] SynchronizedWritersBlock
I don't think we should make a grief corpse until we are sure that it can move outside our range. Ethical reasons mostly. (I assume we are trying to give Hildegarde a body to control.)

[X] SynchronizedWritersBlock
Reviving the dead can wait.

[X] SynchronizedWritersBlock

Lement, are you trying to be funny again?
No. The vote is serious, and walpurgisnatch practice has been suggested before, I believe?
I don't think we should make a grief corpse until we are sure that it can move outside our range. Ethical reasons mostly. (I assume we are trying to give Hildegarde a body to control.)
That's more of a feature than a bug, y'see - this way, Hildegirl can't run away from us and eat someone and witch out again.