Shame that Sabrina the week old magical girl has to make these decisions.
Which is really freaking weird when you think about it.

"B-but Sabrina I dont think I can make such hard decisions."
"Nonsense! Just say state the consensus that the voices in your head reach, it's easy."
"U-uh Sabrina I dont have v-voices in my h-head."
Sabrina blinks and looks confused.
"You don't? That's weird I have like... fifteen."
Frankly, the only one amongst us who's actively advocating to pull a Gil at this point is Ugo, and as much as he likes to imagine himself as the sole driving force of Sabrina, he isn't. As long as the majority of us know about the arrogance issue, and take steps to avoid it, pulling a Gil should be readily avoidable.
Well time to figure out how to duplicate everyone's powers with grief and learn to weapon spam so we can back up that arrogance.
We have yet to call anyone a mongrel, but there is the arrogance, the "absolutely follow me", the dismissal of girls in battle, the consideration of all other heroes magical girls under your dominion.... Granted, we've improved on this since it first was noticed, but can't exactly go back and undo it. Not without Homura

We could even store witches and their weapons in a barrier in the future!

That said, I have the feeling you mean something different with "pulling a Gil".
Yeah, ok. Conceded.

We should spy on her later with precog, if for nothing else but to see how our rep is taken in other places
OH WELL LET'S CHANGE TOPICS! Anything to avoid another flamewar...
Let's see, our list of things to do in our post-wrapup of Sedai looks like this, if memory serves:
1. Go home and apologize to Mami for being arrogant and manipulative. Assure her that it's okay to question you, in fact, please do.
2. Next day, SCIENCE!, and then apologies to Oriko for threatening Kirika. That was wrong on so many levels (either order of events works, here).
3. Go to Kasamino to clease Kyoko and Yuma. Try to build a friendly relationship with them, ask for CQC training if she doens't seem to want to talk otherwise.

That's all I can think of for the immediate future, anyway (excluding fluff and happytimes)
OH WELL LET'S CHANGE TOPICS! Anything to avoid another flamewar...
Let's see, our list of things to do in our post-wrapup of Sedai looks like this, if memory serves:
1. Go home and apologize to Mami for being arrogant and manipulative. Assure her that it's okay to question you, in fact, please do.
2. Next day, SCIENCE!, and then apologies to Oriko for threatening Kirika. That was wrong on so many levels (either order of events works, here).
3. Go to Kasamino to clease Kyoko and Yuma. Try to build a friendly relationship with them, ask for CQC training if she doens't seem to want to talk otherwise.

That's all I can think of for the immediate future, anyway (excluding fluff and happytimes)
2. has healing her up as well, right? Since apology or not, that's probably called for at this point.
OH WELL LET'S CHANGE TOPICS! Anything to avoid another flamewar...
Let's see, our list of things to do in our post-wrapup of Sedai looks like this, if memory serves:
1. Go home and apologize to Mami for being arrogant and manipulative. Assure her that it's okay to question you, in fact, please do.
2. Next day, SCIENCE!, and then apologies to Oriko for threatening Kirika. That was wrong on so many levels (either order of events works, here).
3. Go to Kasamino to clease Kyoko and Yuma. Try to build a friendly relationship with them, ask for CQC training if she doens't seem to want to talk otherwise.

That's all I can think of for the immediate future, anyway (excluding fluff and happytimes)
Asunaro! The Zoo!
OH WELL LET'S CHANGE TOPICS! Anything to avoid another flamewar...
Let's see, our list of things to do in our post-wrapup of Sedai looks like this, if memory serves:
1. Go home and apologize to Mami for being arrogant and manipulative. Assure her that it's okay to question you, in fact, please do.
2. Next day, SCIENCE!, and then apologies to Oriko for threatening Kirika. That was wrong on so many levels (either order of events works, here).
3. Go to Kasamino to clease Kyoko and Yuma. Try to build a friendly relationship with them, ask for CQC training if she doens't seem to want to talk otherwise.

That's all I can think of for the immediate future, anyway (excluding fluff and happytimes)

A massive simplification of what needs to be said in both the Mami and Oriko conversations, but yeah pretty much.

I think we didn't even bother updating Kyoko that Oriko was taken care of and is working with us now? We need to get better at tracking this kind of thing.
Sure, why not?

Feel free to correct me on this, I don't recall either way.

Pretty sure we healed her at least, her bandages glowed purple when we sliced them with grief.
A massive simplification of what needs to be said in both the Mami and Oriko conversations, but yeah pretty much.

I think we didn't even bother updating Kyoko that Oriko was taken care of and is working with us now? We need to get better at tracking this kind of thing.
I'm not sure Kyoko know much about our current situation at all, but we can update her on all of our wacky misadventures (minus the soul-crushing guilt) when we go cleanse her.

Also, yes it's simplified, but this is just a to-do list, not a script.
Has she been going to school since she was crippled?
She's been under house arrest, so I'd assume not.
Call to Kyouko:

What did I last tell you about Oriko? Enemy? Right, that's been fixed. We've dealt with her, and she's on our side now.
What did I last tell you about Mami? Yeah, ok, we're still living together, though she could probably use a visit from an old friend.
What did I last tell you about Ishinomaki? War? Right, war averted, shouldn't be stumbling into your backyard.
Same thing with the Sendai half; got that dealt with. And I don't think I ever told you about Tokyo or Fukushima, so no worries there.
What did I last tell you about Nagisa? I haven't told you about Nagisa? She's the most adorable little thing. I'm sure she'd get along well with Yuma.
What did I last tell you about — Kyouko? Are you there? Kyouko?

Huh. She hung up. Dammit, I didn't get to ask her about doing SCIENCE over there.
With Kirika's injury healed, she's kinda freed from house arrest by default. But it doesn't hurt to spell it out. Maybe say that she should see her family soon.
With Kirika's injury healed, she's kinda freed from house arrest by default. But it doesn't hurt to spell it out. Maybe say that she should see her family soon.
Frankly, after all she has done for us over this past day, I'd be offended if we don't release her from house arrest after this. She's saved our lives, what, twice now? And that's in addition to being pivotal tothe successful capture of Akiko AND the peaceful resolution of the Ishinomaki conflict. She's more than earned it, in my opinion.
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Yea to be entirely honest, Oriko and Kirika have been nothing but absolute bros since we talked them down in the first place, and our schedules are getting busy enough that we can't keep babysitting them.
Frankly, after all she has done for us over this past day, I'd be offended if we don't release her from house arrest after this. She's saved out lives, what, twice now? And that's in addition to being pivitol the successful capture of Akiko AND the peaceful resolution of the Ishinomaki conflict. She's more than earned it, in my opinion.

Kirika is awesome, no question. Both personally and for what she's done for us today.

But don't forget Oriko was the one who persuaded Kirika to even come. And despite precog, it was basically blind trust in us. We're damn lucky Kirika didn't end up getting hurt because of our request.

I don't think Sabrina and Oriko are ever going to be fast friends. But we can start small, maybe an alliance of sorts? I think ultimately, we have the same goals as she does, and since we change the future she sees, both her and us working together rather than at cross-purposes gives her the best chance of averting disasters. We just need to be a hell of a lot less demanding about how we treat her, and a lot less rude.

Maybe we can convince her to be less fatalistic. It still depresses me that she thinks they're both going to die. She said it was a "nice dream" that we wanted happy endings for everyone. Remind her that it isn't wrong for her to dream for herself.
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