We can end- even kicking Law like there's no- tomorrow with potentially 3 stability.
No, we can only get to 2 stability unless we get a Greater Good "tiny chance" trigger.
And it is quite plausible that going for The Law was meant to be a trap: it's a concept
far ahead of its time (hence the megaproject) and completing it drains away pretty much all of our econ, art, mysticism, and spare actions. The megaproject natively consumes ~16 actions (8 real, 4 mysticism, 4 art), and we're burning an extra action to get it done in time (4 real, 2 stability, 3 econ, 4 mysticism, 4 art). Without the Baby Boom and our Province actions, we'd be in a lot of trouble. (4 real actions, 3 province actions, 3 Baby Boom action-equivalents) = 10 effective actions per turn, but we only control 4 of them.
I don't think that it's a trap since it seems to solve the problems listed, but the possibility remains. Without provinces or the Baby Boom we'd be completely screwed.
Bungie's Path to Victory Part 3: The Restart
Now I shall try to become the Path to Victory.
I'm going to be honest, I don't see much utility in this. There are simply too many possibilities and we can't really assign probabilities to them effectively.
That being said, if you enjoy doing them feel free to continue. It certainly doesn't hurt.
Current stat valuation: (secondary action equivalents to get +1 of that stat)
Diplo ~1 ([Main] Trade Mission = 3 action input average 3 diplo gain, but we don't know what's worth spending diplo on yet)
Econ 1 (Expand Economy)
Martial ~1.5 ([Main] Build Chariots = 4 actions in, 3 martial out for 1.3:1 but also have 2:1 with bonus effects)
Stability ~2
RoO = 1.77 (2 actions in, 1.13 out but restricted and random). 2 as a secondary and even
more random.
Festival = 2 (1 action 1 econ in, 1 out but restricted.)
Sacrifice = 2.5 main, 3 secondary
Legitimacy ~3 (2 art+1 action in, 1 legitimacy out. Main: 6 action-equivalent in, but get ~2 from stability and unknown worth of presteige)
Centralization ~2 (Secondary New Trails)
Hierarchy ??? (no actions modify)
Art 1 (1 econ + [Secondary] Art Patronage)
Mysticism 1 (Study Stars, goes to ~2 if we need to Expand Holy SItes)
Prestiege ??? (chance from Main Proclaim Glory)