The Watcher in the Dark
It's like 1pm here, so...
Yum, coffee~
There the vote has been changed to address that. We are sending a one time gift and stopping strife all together. Also might be good to get a head start on good relations with those people. They are the only other major group here after all.Isn't it a minor action in Sivantic's vote? Not quite enough to salve all the paranioa for some people I recon...
On the other hand, Sivantic's avatar is on fire, and I do know how much SV likes setting itself on fire.
We do actuallyWe don't really have a measure on how much stress not giving tribute to the spirit talkers will cause.
I'm not certain that the festival would do anything to address their issues. It's basically a bread and circuses approach to a very real fear of the unknown and a sense of loss of control that's not being met, it simply defers the issue to a later date.I agree. The question is, which to choose? The festival doesn't combat the religious pressure from external sources, but does cement the cultural aspects.
Dedicating a place to the spirits would directly deal with the religious pressure as well as the source of the stress.
Ninja edit...forgot to type the rest for some strange reason.
Note that AN never gives pointless votes. This sets a precedent.What I was actually going to suggest though was that if you switched it to yes with the knowledge that it's a one-time gift rather than an ongoing tribute as some people feared, it would remove that as a concern entirely.
That's exaggerating it quite a bit, especially since we've already had the precedent of not going to them for help. This single action isn't going to automatically make us subservient to them or otherwise why would AN clarify that it was a one time deal? It could simply open up the option of meeting them, just like the Fishermen came bearing gifts to us after the first Severe drought.Note that AN never gives pointless votes. This sets a precedent.
When something spooky happens, you bring offerings to the Spirit Talkers. When something good happens, you bring offerings to the Spirit Talkers. When you have an enemy, you bring offerings to the Spirit Talkers.
It means that the next time something weird happens, there would be even stronger pressure to bring tribute to them in hopes of intervention. And of course, it means importing their beliefs on the spiritual world.
Do we want spiritual beliefs in line with our cultural cores of Charity, Equivalent Exchange and Ecology, or do we want to take in a foreign ideology we don't know much of, except that they definitely are not interested in Ecology(or they would have balked at the thought of blasting an enemy with drought or floods).
wtf. Where do you live??
Why do people always use Zuko... Azula ftw.There the vote has been changed to address that. We are sending a one time gift and stopping strife all together. Also might be good to get a head start on good relations with those people. They are the only other major group here after all.
I've had problems with Insomnia myself since I was small(Still am;_; ).
That's not fun.
At least I have you all to keep me company ~<3
I'd agree if I didn't hate religion. Stop wanting it so bad bro. Zeus is a douche and Ishtar likes aurochs too much.Alright, i'm sold on your reasoning involving everything, except for the festival. I feel that cementing an official religion would be best to keep the spirit talkers from influencing our own people so much. It would arguably be better than the festival, since it wouldn't directly counteract the religious pressure the spirit talkers exert, it would just make them generally happier and take their minds off of the spirits for awhile. Our own religion would keep them from looking to the spirit talkers as the only way to appease the spirits.
Okay, I don't want Axchin as a god but if Crow could b one... and maybe his mother? That'd be rad. I might go religious for Crow and Coyote.Ditto for Axchin as well, tho, and this has the net bonii of that he'd be a Fear/Faith spirit for the Lowlanders.
I'd support changing to a trade expedition tbh. Trading would let us learn more about them and we can set up annual festivities later. ON the other hand, though, the festival will boost our culture & art. And that seems like a really good thing, and might have a synergistic effect w/ regulating our non-productive acts, like storytelling and dancing and etc.Then would you both be open to saying yes then instead? Academia Nut has clarified that it it is a one time deal, not continued tribute or bowing our head to them.
Yeah, it splashed to our group as well, but it's not like we talked to them. We could even have Festivities Changed to Trade expedition to the Spirit Speakers so we can ask them not to do it again, or even just that by itself.
Doesn't mean it doesn't do anything, we might be overestimating the strife.
we're at our limit but we've been at it before. Increasing our food supply and resistance to environmental effects seems like a major priority to me, tbh. Also, I feel like we need to build the step farms first so that latter organizations take them into account.Except we're already at our limit for Centralization and Hierarchy tolerance. If we don't reorganize now we're gonna run into some serious problems. Also, reorganizing will get great bonuses towards future projects, as we'll be much more...well organized.
That's why I'm voting for it as my Main? We are at the very edge of our limit, it would be best to make a big push to fixing that so we have some leeway for future projects.
Crow would be a trickster spirit, not a weather spirit you egg![]()
Sounds reasonable IMHO. Idk if annual festival will suffice but I hate religion enough to support it.While I agree with a lot of what Veekie said, a lot of what he and zamin had stated that we've managed to get so far because we took the time to invest in our agriculture infrastructures. The thing is, with how fast we expanded to suddenly expanding and feeding three different groups that are very spread out we risk our current fields not providing enough, especially with all the drought/flood madness going on right now,
So in hopes of providing an alternate bandwagon
[X] Restrict such activities
[X] No
[X] {Main} Organize Settlement
-[X] Valley
[X] {Secondary} Step-Farms
[X] {Secondary} Establish Annual Festival
Focuse on organizing the Settlement instead as that is what boosts most of the projects. This ensures we are absolutely ready to continue many of the other projects as well as what I mentioned before, avoids disease outbreak due to crowding and bad village land development. As is, I doubt we have a centralized waste disposal system, and Academic Nut has already stated all the problems we have where the Silo's are placed in awkward places for consolidation.
Step-Farms. If we want to keep up with our suddenly doubled population, we need to continue advancing our agriculture tech. What might have been abundant for one village, is not enough for three. This also has the benefit of helping against further drought/flood mishaps that were happening
Note that it was our farming on the hills that helped us survive. Step Farms would be on those hills and therefore less affected by the flooding.
Establish Annual Festival. This is literally the bread and circuses we need to avoid strife. This gives people something to focus on away from the Spirit Talkers as well as giving us a chance to expand our circle of influence. So that we have more trade opportunities and further cement our culture into the local area as opposed to theirs.
Population density is good brah. Admittedly it means diseases spread more easily, but that's an issue of hygiene. I still think we should reorg tho.We haven't really expanded a huge amount though. The only other settlement we have is the sea village. Also, the sea village was able to provide more than enough food for its own population, so us assimilating their population and fishing grounds isn't straining our food production.
The problem is that we've become overly centralized in terms of government. Since everyone smashed the irrigation button so much we have such a dense population that we're going to run into problems soon. The only reason we've yet to have problems is because of the bonus towards our centralization tolerance. Re organizing both settlements will greatly boost future projects, prevent future diseases from becoming as much of a problem, and improve the efficiency of our farming methods.
We didn't suffer from diseases because a) we're not dumbfucks and b) we weren't trapped in muddy water while starving and thus w/ a vulnerable immune system.Wasting the Lowlanders, who pretty much everyone hated, and are essentailly Acceptable Targets, like Nazis? Notably, the rain/drought cycle was most damaging to those who didn't have good farming practices, and therefore didn't give proper respect to the spirits of the land. We, on the other hand, could basically shrug it off, effectively making it a targeted strike against the Lowlanders. Tack on the fact that we aren't suffering from the crippling plagues that are supposedly happening over there, and it looks like this disaster was very specifically targeted against ONLY the Lowlanders.
It'll be a while before we become a major center of spiritual power, and good odds that some of their Speakers (or whatever)
It's called the "lie so that people give us free money" cheese. Aka Gouda.While I can sympathize with that rationale to an extent, we have to keep in mind that Academia Nut said opposing civs will be using 'cheese' strategies that are actually pretty good. If 'worship spirits' didn't do much for them at all it wouldn't be their strategy.
*highfives another nominally catholic childhooder. I see religion, or more specifically the Abrahamic religions, as being a good source of creativity and culture but being unacceptably hegemonic and overbearing as an institution.For me i chose festival since i figured it would make people happy. As an atheist with a (nominally) catholic childhood, i define religion as "an important and interesting part of human history and culture" and see it as "a powerful tool for hegemony and creativity"
Random notes: We'll be regulating all forms of gambling and betting, both on dice and on footraces and other games of strength or skill. The step-farms bring irrigation to its limit aka make it as efficient as possible aka best choice for water reserves. Establishing an annual festival after the drought's end is a good way to relieve tensions, even if it wastes food. While there's a high chance of turmoil, a combination of an annual festival to relieve tensions and some form of spiritual act will suffice. Building a dam has been argued to count as a form of appeasement to the water spirits - aka we're thanking the water spirits for their gift of rain and asking them to keep it at stable levels or something. The dam might be dangerous, but we've gone through a good two periods of dealing with floods, so I'd say we have a fair knowledge of how water soaks earth and what the effect is both in the short term and over generations. Admittedly, we probably don't know much about the effect of such weight, but it's unlikely that we're building the dam out of mortared stone or concrete, in which case we're using normal stones, which expand contract with relative ease. We'd probably also be packing it with dirt, or maybe just be using dirt alone.Just got in and there's so much discussion. After spending half an hour catching up on mobile...
Damn, here I thought there was serious debate about the merits of the various actions going on and it turns out to be one guy intent on soloing the whole thread on a percieved morality issue.
Now to assess and address the vote and actual discussion.
Lets see:
[] Ignore the issue
This has the benefit of avoiding yet another Centralization increase. Remember the actual concern here:
This isn't just about prostitution and gambling. It's all means of non-productive labor for rewards, which include, but are not limited to:
These are people who do things that produce nothing tangible, but gain something tangible despite that.
Ignoring it isn't as horrible as people are assuming.
[] Regulate such activities
Regulation meaning increasing Centralization, and we put down rules. Common rules for cultures which did this:
-Prostitution is checked to ensure that nobody is forced into it. This isn't a big immediate concern due to our communal culture, few people are really desperate enough that selling sex is the only way to make a living unless they're crippled or diseased.
-Disease inspection is enforced. Unregulated prostitution is one of the faster ways to spread diseases after all, but pretty much EVERY form of regulated prostitution has strict checks for that.
-Gambling is checked to limit how much people can gamble away, what people can gamble away and all that. For our culture, gambling with your luxuries or labor time is acceptable, but your food allotment shouldn't be up to gamble, nor should people, nor should land, nor should they be allowed to gamble into debt.
-Establish set rate and valuation for entertainment activities, including prostitution. This naturally limits their profitability and indirectly restricts their growth economically.
[] Restrict such activities
[] Ban such activities
These two are similar, but the difference is in degree...however, the first problem is precedent, we'd be banning forms of non-productive wealth gathering, including stunting the development of entertainment professions.
The second is enforcement. How do you achieve it?
Anyone with a functioning set of sexual organs can be a prostitute, and we currently have a pretty liberal attitude towards sexual behaviors. How do you tell the difference between someone getting paid for it, and a lover bringing gifts? This goes on to
Same goes for gambling. What's the difference between gambling on chance and a footrace?
I think Restrict and Ban are a problem because these are rules we can't actually enforce without going to the extent of enforcing who can fuck who, and it will have ripple effects on the development of theater and dance culturally.
As such, it goes Regulate > Ignore > Restrict > Ban.
[] Yes
[] No (high chance of social strife, mitigated by certain other choices)
Straightforward. Set a precedent for paying off someone living far away, because they might call down the wrath of the spirits OR spent a major action slot to appeasing the people's concerns that the Spirit Talkers might call down the wrath of nature by building our own place of spirits so that our own mystics can confirm that they'd protect us from foreign voodoo.
We pretty much set ourselves up for this by avoiding all spiritual development, but on the other hand doing that allowed us to build a robust economic backbone to tank the whole drought with minor pain.
I'd say fuck no on principle to rewarding people for summoning ecological disasters, but that means we MUST invest in spiritual infrastructure.
Okay, now for projects:
Necessary(stuff we need to take very soon or face very real consequences):
-Dedicate Place to Spirits - The people have increasingly much to be thankful for, and while individual observations of respect for the supernatural continues, perhaps something more grand to represent the group as a whole is required
We need this to lay our people's worries to rest. Major project, because:
This is not a minor concern. People are seriously afraid that they don't know why the spirits are so angry and making doom happen.
-Organize Settlement - Because everyone contributes to the whole, the borders of fields could be reworked. Perhaps a similar principle can be applied to the buildings in which people dwell [King]
Also necessary, and long overdue. This is reducing the effectiveness of all other projects, and we need to get it done with early before we invent the concept of urban sprawl.
Note that if we do this for the Valley but not the Fishers, there will be social strife because of unfair treatment.
This is a consequence of Integration, but if we take another action that benefits the Fishers they'd be appeased.
Useful(stuff which helps us a lot but probably won't kill us to do without):
-Build Wall - Long experience with retaining walls has lead to the idea of a settlement wall for protection (Extra benefit if after or during Organize Settlement)
This helps us boost defensive protection. With the lowlanders wrecked, we can theoretically let this be for a time. Their desperate refugees simply don't have the ability to penetrate our defense bonuses by force after how hard they were fucked.
Walls at this era are basically unbreakable. Siegecraft has not been invented yet, so when confronted by people retreating behind a wall, the only recourse is to insult the sexual habits of their mothers.
-Domesticate Snails - The snails that can have their shells processed into a vibrant dye have long resisted being directly managed, but with the expertise in land, water, plant and animal management they might be made to live as cattle and sheep live
Major economic boon, since it means we have a stable source of the most valuable dye of the area, which bolsters both Fishers and Traders.
-Expand Farms - The people have brought an enormous amount of land under cultivation in the valley, but there is more available in more marginal areas, and in the forests around the fishing village
Not really urgent I think. Yes, we need food, but the option itself says the uncultivated lands are in marginal areas.
-Expand Fishing - There are managed cultivation zones along the shore, and dedicating more people to the tasks can increase the yields of fish and luxuries brought in
See domesticated snails, but boosts more food than economy.
A good choice in the post drought period, and it also makes Fishers/Traders happy.
-Expand Pasture - While the traders mostly just take their animals where there is good grazing, specific areas can be set aside around the settlements that can be made ideal for the protected grazing of herds
This makes the Traders happy, and begins organized grazing. Necessary for domesticating milk and wool production, it's a leap forward like managing forests.
-Expand Managed Forests - The forests atop the hills surrounding your valley are now an integral part of your water management system as well as providing materials and the occasional bit of game. Expanding onto the back side of the hills can only bring more benefit
Prerequisite for expanding farming, I think. These are the support base for the farms and irrigation systems.
-Improve Trail - The path between the valley and the sea has been cut by generations of travellers, but the dirt path is easily disrupted by rain. Infrastructure improvements could be done to reduce this damage
Develop roads. As we now have masonry, this means early paved roads(not fully paved, but lining the road with stones and planting trees along it will stabilize it from being washed away). Promotes development of the Wheel we already have, and favors the Traders.
Boosts centralization tolerance.
Bad Timing:
-Establish Annual Festival - People already like to celebrate at certain times of the year, but with the level of control over food distribution a new and particularly lavish festival can be established
Right after a drought is not a good time for an annual festival. We don't have the food stores to spend, even if it encourages cultural development.
Boosts morale in general, so people don't get spooked so bad by foreign spirits.
-Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
Right after a drought is NOT a good time to establish expanding the proportion of people who eat more food than others.
We have a need for it, but the Spirit Talkers dealt with the last problem.
-New Settlement - The land is not particularly good for farming in between the valley and the sea, but there are places where a settlement could be set up, serving as a stop over point along the journey between the two settlements (If chosen during or after an Organize Settlement action, automatically Organized)
Poor timing to settle poor farmland after a drought. Useful for reducing centralization, by having a settlement between our two major settlements, this would promote trade.
Great for improving integration.
Just bad timing.
-Step-Farms - Bringing the irrigation systems to its limit, the hills can be sculpted into a series of steps, each step supporting a farm plot, the run off from a higher farm irrigating the farms lower down [Gardeners][King]
Right after a drought is not the time to push the limits of the irrigation system really. We need to stabilize our water resources first. Take this after Expand Manage Forest or one of the water mega projects.
-Grand Canal - The hills between the valley and the sea are rough and the rivers there fast and wild. In one man's dream there is the vision of an artifical river cut through the land, tame and managed [Gardeners][King]
Poor timing. We need bigger food reserves to do this safely.
Boosts trade enormously, reduces flooding somewhat. Relatively safe, but it consumes a great deal of food, manpower and materials to do this.
If the harvest stabilizes next turn we should be able to start it, but right now, not good.
-Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? [Gardeners][King]
Poor timing, AND intensely dangerous. A dam is good, but it has a lot of non-obvious points of failure(including for one, the completely unknown consequences of the ground absorbing vast amounts of water and weight, which can lead to catastrophic dam failure in about three or four generations if there's another flood/drought cycle to crack the foundations), failing which destruction will rain downstream.
I'd suggest starting this after we do both the Organize Settlements and Expand Forestry so that we have the building and land management experience to do it more safely.
So my vote now:
[X] Regulate such activities
[X] No (high chance of social strife, mitigated by certain other choices)
[X] {Main} Dedicate Place to Spirits
[X] {Secondary} Organize Settlement
-[X] Valley
-[X] Coast
And now I'd probably see that typing this for one hour means I missed another 5 pages >.<
And nobody would read it.
I figured that water mills and windmills were more or less the same, though the latter might be a bit more delicate. Both of them require solid woodworking skills and stoneworking skills. Admittedly windmills alone require gears, but water mills greatly benefit.We have a strong economy, but it's also mentioned in text that we used up a lot of the food stores.
Economy is how fast they replenish, but we lack reserves to absorb bad luck(which as we've seen with the drought, can be sudden).
Basically Bad Timing, not Bad Idea.
Build up at least a turn's worth of reserves and I think the Canal would be a great idea(the Dam REALLY should wait until we've done the Canal, because we need to learn the lessons of the danger of water weight load on geography that you simply cannot learn with Irrigation).
People don't tend to realize how much water weighs, especially if the bedrock is flawed in some way. There are primitive dams that caused earthquakes from fracturing the land they're built on.
So its literally an economic boom/bust build. Be assholes to everyone until they riot, then roll in the warriors to enslave them, so they now work for minimal rations.
But they tunnelvisioned on human threats and ignored environmental.
Yeah, that was obvious, I mean, they're too far to send a steady stream.
It's a combination of these:
1) Please don't nuke us, see, we're friends!
2) Fuck yes, you destroyed the environment of our enemies, thank you!
3) Maybe we should pay off the spirits so they won't do this again.
Non-exclusive, but I think Gardeners would be thinking of 1 and 3. 2 is anathema to us.
3 would be mitigated by our building our own Spirit Place
1 would be mitigated by Dam/Canal(reducing our vulnerability to the elements) and to a lesser extent, Organize Settlements, as well as Manage Forests.
Makes sense.
Though I get the impression you're going to want a stockpile of food before you start a mega project, because while working on it your ability to respond to negative events is greatly reduced.
Tagged voting (i.e. [][Major] Organize Settlement) helps.
You also need to establish a standard notation for actions which can be taken twice, like Organize Settlement and Build Walls.
Example version of my current vote in proper notation for the easiest tallying.
Live and learn I guess.
They're probably learning fast how to do it better since we keep adding more stuff for them to administrate
Oh and this is old but, windmills required advanced woodworking, developing gears, bearings, fabrics or lightweight wooden need something sturdy enough to catch enough wind to do useful work without being too heavy for the wind to move.
Watermills also aren't that simple.
No? We're far away, they didn't ask for tribute. Our people simply saw that whatever they did worked so we're doing it too(admittedly what they're really good at is to have people give them food for doing strange dances, give them food when people are starving, give them food when people get's a good gig).
Religious rivalry isn't a thing yet, unless we start going into dickwaving contests about the power of our relative spirits. Consider what happened when the Romans swept over the Greeks, they saw the Greek gods, liked the idea and pretty much cloned the pantheon.
Religious rivalry tended to be much lower key in the primitive era due to heavy syncreticism(which is to say, believing that you or the other guy have similar gods and spirits, just interpreted differently and freely stealing elements).
It's only when monotheism rose up that religions became exclusive and rivalries went from political justifications to long term grudges, because reconciliation became impossible.
A significant portion of our population believed what they did worked, and they don't have the means to learn that it's not so unless we have people whose job is to look at clouds and stars all day and still get fed.
Whether it worked or not probably isn't relevant, but our people being anxious about angry spirits is a real concern that needs to be sated. They don't need to even do anything, people expecting a curse would attribute unrelated events to supernatural intervention.
...and I think I'd like our local beliefs not to be subsumed by other belief systems.
Note the 'proof' is from our people's PoV.
-Care for the land and it will care for you. Proven. Our care for the forests, soil and the flow of water sheltered us from the drought and the floods.
-Give unto those in need, and your needs too will be met. Proven. Our charity ended the drought and brought us tribute and friends. Our aid for the Fisher-folk saved us when the unseasonal rains drowned the farms, bringing us fish, and we saved them in turn again when the storms destroyed their fisheries.
-What was taken, you return in equal share. Not quite proven, but it's worked so far.
Crow is such a dick mfg.When the children ask "Where did the people come from?" there is a tale that their elders tell, and this is it.
Long ago the people came from a place of abundance, a garden where all was in order and one could simply pick food from eternally full bushes and trees when one was hungry. All was well and peaceful, until Axchin came. A greedy, grasping man, he insisted that all of the abundance belonged to him. When people protested he struck them down and burned the bushes, and so the people gave way. The men he put to labour, gathering food for him, while the women fed it to him and appeased his sense of beauty. It was this way for many years, for none had the strength to oppose Axchin, and he horded all good things for himself.
Then was born Crow, a clever child who was blessed with knowledge and wisdom beyond his years by the spirits. Crow knew that Axchin was wicked, and he knew that he needed to be opposed, and while he did not have the strength to fight directly, he was a trickster who could outwit the wicked man, stealing away the things taken and giving them back to the people. The beasts he broke free from their confinement, the seeds he scattered to the wind, and the women he stole away in the night with, bringing them back to the men.
Soon enough Axchin's rage was beyond the breaking point, and he gathered everyone he could find together and said, "Look at Crow, look at how he steals from you! Am I not generous and give you food to survive, while he releases it all into the wild where you will have nothing?"
And thus it was that some people came to resent Crow, and Crow knew that he would soon be surrounded by traitors. So he went to the people and said, "I have not taken your food away, I have merely set it free from one who could not own it in the first place. Come with me, and I shall teach you the secrets the spirits have whispered in my ear since I was a babe. There shall be both food and freedom for all."
Thus it was that the people were divided. There were those who stayed, disbelieving in him, and those who followed him, their leader being the most beautiful woman in Axchin's possessing, Crow's wife Mwya. Crow took the people out into the wilds, where he taught them all the things that make a people great. He taught them to hunt wild beasts and tame domestic ones, he taught them to gather sweet fruits and farm. Though life was not as easy, Crow and Mwya taught the people how to respect the land and the spirits, who grew increasing angry with Axchin and the wicked people who stayed. Finally though Axchin's crimes grew too great without the righteous people Crow had lead away to restrain him, and dark clouds gathered. With a single stroke a tremendous bolt of thunder broke the sky and smote the garden Axchin fouled. The land was flattened to the horizon, the good earth pounded to dust and sand.
Crow could not recreate the garden Axchin ruined, but it was he who had the last laugh.
Apologies, but if everyone could recast their votes, this time using [] instead of {} to designate Main and Secondary, that would be great. I have been planning something like this for a while, and using this point as a threadmark interrupt to reset the vote is rather useful for me. Also, I have added another option for sending a trade mission, which really amounts to a diplomatic mission.
Also, this has been fun to plan, in thinking about how stories get rearranged based on incorrect memory and embellishment based on later considerations.
And spread as we spread, though.The thing is before Economy 5 used to mean that a lot of grain spoiled, yet now we are hearing nothing of the sort. I'm not saying that we are starving but the food is now being stretched, and at long distance at that. I think it would be best to continue to prevent that from ever becoming a problem. Also as I said it helps avoid the problems drought and flood have caused.
The step-farms would be built in our valley as we are only one's with the infrastructure, knowledge and manpower dedicated to building them.
[X] Restrict such activities
[X] No
[X] [Main]Organize Settlement
-[X] Valley
[X] [Secondary]Step-Farms
[X] [Secondary] Establish Annual Festival
We do actually
Do we want spiritual beliefs in line with our cultural cores of Charity, Equivalent Exchange and Ecology, or do we want to take in a foreign ideology we don't know much of, except that they definitely are not interested in Ecology(or they would have balked at the thought of blasting an enemy with drought or floods).
2 PM here.
sexy sexy logic, sir. You're converting me to the "Let's make up a religion that suits our beliefs" way of thinking.We do actually
"High chance of social strife" is pretty indicative that this is serious business.
I'm not certain that the festival would do anything to address their issues. It's basically a bread and circuses approach to a very real fear of the unknown and a sense of loss of control that's not being met, it simply defers the issue to a later date.
That's one of the reasons people brought the Spirit Talkers food during the drought. Remember when our people were about to enact violent regime change for not sending people to beg for spiritual intervention, only saved by the timely rain?
Either we develop our own spirituality, we import it from the Spirit Talkers and accept that some of their values will displace ours, or the people will force the matter eventually.
Note that AN never gives pointless votes. This sets a precedent.
When something spooky happens, you bring offerings to the Spirit Talkers. When something good happens, you bring offerings to the Spirit Talkers. When you have an enemy, you bring offerings to the Spirit Talkers.
It means that the next time something weird happens, there would be even stronger pressure to bring tribute to them in hopes of intervention. And of course, it means importing their beliefs on the spiritual world.
Do we want spiritual beliefs in line with our cultural cores of Charity, Equivalent Exchange and Ecology, or do we want to take in a foreign ideology we don't know much of, except that they definitely are not interested in Ecology(or they would have balked at the thought of blasting an enemy with drought or floods).
That's a good response. But it implies that we'll start sharing whatever we have if they ask for it, kind of. It doesn't say that we dispense reciprocity to people, only that our sharing forms deep ties of reciprocity.Sharing Circle
You share what you have, even if you have little. Sometimes you are taken advantage of, but more often than not people will share what they have in turn.
Pros: Deep ties of reciprocity, ideas shared more easily
Cons: Strife generated from turning people away, paints a target
Eye for an Eye
Justice is to be served, but it must be discriminating and proportional. Retribution must follow, but it must also end once served.
Pros: Greater assurances of fair behaviour, regardless of position within the tribe
Cons: Justice must be served
We are reciprocating the favor of them freeing us of the lowlanders, but if they even think of taking advantage of us, the response will be harsh.
Are all y'all from SEA?
I'm not a scary lady, but I'm red and yes.Trying to, metal cross. It's 10pm here on Pacific time.
[X] Restrict such activities
[X] Yes
[X] [Main] Step-Farms
[X] [Secondary] Organize Settlement
-[X] Valley
-[X] Coast
Hey red scary lady! Does these counter my prior vote?
r u red from all the heart disease canadian food gives out?
Then why not give? It might open up the option of entering in dialogue with them.I hope not giving the spirit talkers a gift doesn't take away our Sharing Circle trait...