Why would we care about Americas?
They are prone to revolting anyway.
Because the Americas are huge and not all of it has been colonised. We shouldn't just leave it to a handful of nations to conquer at their leisure.
We should have a piece of the pie. Having a piece of territory in the Americas would make it easier for us to influence them in future than trying to do it across the pond.
I'd rather support natives, like not!Inca sitting in their mountains and showing middle finger to Vortuga.
's not like the Americas are empty of native life.
Its not really viable to take and keep long term. Too damned far.
Our priorities should lean towards consolidating our gains if we stay neutral. Finish pushing connectivity so our quality of life aligns with education level.
Then eat another chunk of Greater Ymaryn while we wait for the Railroad and Steam Power.
The Natives aren't gonna be major factor. The majors powers would ride roughshod over them.
They would be better off in our lands than under other powers.
They both practice human sacrifice just the Aztec involved a lot more blood.The incas practice slavery and human sacrifice, right? Hmmm... or was that the aztec?
In the end the whole world is communistDon't care so much about control over things, but I want to see Paths of Civilization: Victoria II edition.
Tapping the huge resources of steel, coal, and oil of gylruv should also be one of our focus as well. With these resources OTL russia had, we can really industrialize like crazy and become even more powerful and influental.Ehhh.
Read the design doc please.
Notice the Siberian expansion. As per AN, it only claims the neighbouring part of Siberia.
We will have this comparatively cheap avenue of territorial expansion for a while.
Also, if each Academy can research one thing at a time, and thus they are, so to say, "research slots", we need Education 6 to unlock 4th Academy. This one is quite urgent in my eyes too.
Sooo...we likely need some combination of army investment, siberian frontier, improving connectivity (again) and education investment for the next several turns; after we have 4th Academy, we can switch to pushing out Trust/Espionage to 10+.
At least that's my very rough gameplan so far.
Kus consolidated into a minor power already, and, again, not!Inca are still well enough - and with Revolution taking attention of Franco-Iberia away from them, they will likely be overlords of at least West Coast of Southern America.
Like, colonizers are not stopped, but they are having some technical issues compared to OTL. "not!Incas are alive, well, modernized and maintain semi-regular trade with Asian countries, including Ymaryn" is one of them.
Thanks! So i get that we want to be friendly with them to annoy the Not!Europeans but it seems like our culture and religion (if they are like the aztec/incas) means we will not be compatible since they are similar to our ancient enemies. We may have to suppress our own population if we want to continue buddying up with them.They both practice human sacrifice just the Aztec involved a lot more blood.
Edit: Child sacrifice in pre-Columbian cultures - Wikipedia
Tapping the huge resources of steel, coal, and oil of gylruv should also be one of our focus as well. With these resources OTL russia had, we can really industrialize like crazy and become even more powerful and influental.
Not to mention, our people could be more prosperous as well.
Thanks! So i get that we want to be friendly with them to annoy the Not!Europeans but it seems like our culture and religion (if they are like the aztec/incas) means we will not be compatible since they are similar to our ancient enemies. We may have to suppress our own population if we want to continue buddying up with them.
They are not the inca of the original timeline and they are probably modernizing as fast as they can, which may lead to ban on child sacrifice.
As long as AN doesnt specifically say so, i highly doubt they'll change their culture after driving off the Not!Spaniards, instead they may just double-down on it.They are not the inca of the original timeline and they are probably modernizing as fast as they can, which may lead to ban on child sacrifice.
Can Launch Espionage Mission get us military observers to that war? Ostensibly to act as neutral go-between and mediators, observing that treaties are upheld like cease-fires and give assurance that no war crimes (or as close as we know the concept) are committed by either side?
And all the while stealing military innovations and striking arms deals (or less offensive but critical supplies like food, tents, uniforms etc)?
Maybe offer the rebells/monarchists to buy a colony or two...
Thanks! So i get that we want to be friendly with them to annoy the Not!Europeans but it seems like our culture and religion (if they are like the aztec/incas) means we will not be compatible since they are similar to our ancient enemies. We may have to suppress our own population if we want to continue buddying up with them.
@Academia Nut
One point in the Industrial Age Design Doc, why do we have humours medical theory? We had what was basically germ(invisible demon spells) theory long before the OTL invention of humours theory. It should have prevented the idea of unbalanced humours causing illness from ever developing. While our entire medical system died to the Great Khan, we had given germ theory to the Khemtri (and from them the rest of Europe) millennia before.
Good place to send dissidents to.@ctulhuslp Whats so good about Siberia, tho?
Wouldn't climate conditions make it bitchingly hard to do anything there?
Alaska at least isn't a frozen wasteland, and we know is very very rich in resources. If we do get Siberia, both become very close anyway.
@ctulhuslp Whats so good about Siberia, tho?
Wouldn't climate conditions make it bitchingly hard to do anything there?
Alaska at least isn't a frozen wasteland, and we know is very very rich in resources. If we do get Siberia, both become very close anyway.