See cash problems only exist if we have curency that is backed by something, we just need to invent fiat money and most problems should be dealt with.
Who would trust the fiat money? I imagine that at best, we might be able to get it implemented locally - but that doesn't help if most of our money is spent on propping up foreign nations.
This canal needs to service ocean-going ships and so needs to be very deep and very wide. It's going to be ruinously expensive.

What the Ymaryn Empire needs is credit so that it can draw on low-interest loans, and consolidate & service public debt.

[X] Ymaryn Crown Bank (1x)

Central Banking get!
The collaboration between the People and the Khemetri also brought up the potential idea of some form of canal system between the Saffron and Monsoon Seas within Khemetri territory that would make both kingdoms fabulously wealthy by cutting down trip lengths immensely, but the surveyors were distinctly uncertain about the possibility. [...]Perhaps lesser canals and dams within the Khemetri to facilitate internal trade and agriculture first to build up local expertise and funds?
Is the first the Ymaryn-Khemtri Canal Company and the later the Greater Khem Trading Company?
Why does this feel like we are attempting to nom polity by loaning out unpayable debt?
Wait, so does this create a central/crown bank or do we already have one and picking this is merely to get them to finance the canal?

Creates a central bank to help manage government and business financial transactions and debts.

Why does this feel like we are attempting to nom polity by loaning out unpayable debt?


I have no idea how the narrative I have crafted out of your prior choices could lead you to that conclusion.
Who would trust the fiat money? I imagine that at best, we might be able to get it implemented locally - but that doesn't help if most of our money is spent on propping up foreign nations.
You base it on debts that are paid with fiat money in a scheme that will bring other people on the borders of sanity, then nobody needs to trust fiat money as nobody sane will understand our system :D it will be as our bureaucracy of old.