...Well. If you had told me things would end this well on a three front war a few turns ago I'd be skeptical. If I'm not mistaken we get a stability kick since we accepted the HK peace deal.

A march in the south seems preferable given HK bullshit but there may be other concerns.
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We might need some examples @Academia Nut. Just to make sure we understand this right.

So maybe you go:

[] [War] Incorporate (New province, +10 Econ, +10 EE, -1 Centralization, +3 Max Interconnectivity, +1 Yeoman Action)

[] [Repeat] Great Dam
[] [Repeat] None x3

[] [Guild] 1 action
[] [Guild Repeat] Kilns

[] [Yeomen] Take control of no actions
[] [Yeomen Repeat] Expand Forest
[] [Yeomen Repeat] None x1

[] [Priest] Take control of no actions
[] [Priest Repeat] Expand Forest
[] [Priest Repeat] None x1

[] [Active Policy] Balanced

[] [PP] Hygiene Infrastructure x7

And that is a valid vote. Does that make sense?

So will our Gilded Age bonuses be available next update?


Also hey guys!

Suppress only reduces power by 1!

...Well. If you had told me things would end this well on a three front war a few turns ago I'd be skeptical. If I'm not mistaken we get a stability kick since we accepted the HK peace deal.
Yep. We also need to drop a March there so that they don't try this again and we have room to focus on the rest of our stuff. Putting a bit of our core right to their east sounds painful.
You are no longer at war, and with all of the other bureaucratic shuffling going on you get a free Policy change. Do be aware that it sounds like the Freehills are embroiled in a major fight and may need your assistance in the near-ish future, so switching off Offensive is not necessarily an automatic good. Select your choice from the Active Policies as [Active Policy].
Would renting the merc companies out not be enough?
So maybe you go:

[] [War] Incorporate (New province, +10 Econ, +10 EE, -1 Centralization, +3 Max Interconnectivity, +1 Yeoman Action)

[] [Repeat] Great Dam
[] [Repeat] None x3

[] [Guild] 1 action
[] [Guild Repeat] Kilns

[] [Yeomen] Take control of no actions
[] [Yeomen Repeat] Expand Forest
[] [Yeomen Repeat] None x1

[] [Priest] Take control of no actions
[] [Priest Repeat] Expand Forest
[] [Priest Repeat] None x1

[] [Active Policy] Balanced

[] [PP] Hygiene Infrastructure x7

And that is a valid vote. Does that make sense?



So... we can set Faction Action on repeat without controlling?
Controlling gives us choice each turn?
So, all things considered.

Change Policy- Megaproject Support is something I'm in favor of unless people really feel the need to back the Freehills with a full offensive?

I'm not inclined to back them outside of renting out mercs since it was a war they started if I remember correctly.
Expand Forests [Yeomen] - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort. With charcoal now in higher demand, can also provide a sustainable supply
* S: -3 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -1 Tech, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled, potential discoveries, +1 Sustainable Forest
* M: -4 Econ, -4 Econ Expansion, -1 Tech, grows forest, +4 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory, improved odds of success, other effects, +2 Sustainable Forest

Oddly enough Main doesn't have discoveries, while Sec do.
Or does odds of success means for discovery?
I'm inclined to let the lowlanders go, just to see what would happen. That ??? intrigues me a lot and sounds like the kind of non-obvious reward we'd be interested in.
[] [War] Turn it into a march (-5 Martial, new march)

[] [Guild] 1 action
[] [Guild Repeat] None x3

[] [Yeomen] Take control of no actions
[] [Yeomen Repeat] Expand Forest
[] [Yeomen Repeat] None x1

[] [Priest] Take control of no actions
[] [Priest Repeat] None x2

[] [PP] Administrative Infrastructure x2
[] [PP] Defence x2
[] [PP] Industry x3

[] [Active Policy] Connection

[] [Repeat] Great Dam
[] [Repeat] None x3

[] [Secondary] Suppress Faction Patricians
[] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[] [Secondary] Hunt Troublemakers
[] [Secondary] ???

So folks that is my thoughts on things we should be doing. I get four secondaries after locking in the Great Dam because I nick one of the Guild actions. E: wait its guild limited... Hummmmm.... E2: Can't decide between War Ships and Textiles and Salterns.

We should turn the bit we gained into a march as defending a bit of a core their from the HK will be a hassle we don't really have time for in the future what with how busy we normally are.
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