Patricians (14) – Mood: Upset. Desire: Main Distribute Land. Power: Add or subtract their faction power from factions they are supporting/opposing. Objective: 0/4 Main Distribute Land actions within turns 3 Failure: Civil War[Unsuppressible][Suppressible]
Presumably the same as a hijacked action?Do faction repeat actions give the factions any amount of power? It doesn't say it does.
We might need some examples @Academia Nut. Just to make sure we understand this right.
Yep. We also need to drop a March there so that they don't try this again and we have room to focus on the rest of our stuff. Putting a bit of our core right to their east sounds painful....Well. If you had told me things would end this well on a three front war a few turns ago I'd be skeptical. If I'm not mistaken we get a stability kick since we accepted the HK peace deal.
Would renting the merc companies out not be enough?You are no longer at war, and with all of the other bureaucratic shuffling going on you get a free Policy change. Do be aware that it sounds like the Freehills are embroiled in a major fight and may need your assistance in the near-ish future, so switching off Offensive is not necessarily an automatic good. Select your choice from the Active Policies as [Active Policy].
So maybe you go:
[] [War] Incorporate (New province, +10 Econ, +10 EE, -1 Centralization, +3 Max Interconnectivity, +1 Yeoman Action)
[] [Repeat] Great Dam
[] [Repeat] None x3
[] [Guild] 1 action
[] [Guild Repeat] Kilns
[] [Yeomen] Take control of no actions
[] [Yeomen Repeat] Expand Forest
[] [Yeomen Repeat] None x1
[] [Priest] Take control of no actions
[] [Priest Repeat] Expand Forest
[] [Priest Repeat] None x1
[] [Active Policy] Balanced
[] [PP] Hygiene Infrastructure x7
And that is a valid vote. Does that make sense?
Do faction repeat actions give the factions any amount of power? It doesn't say it does.
So... we can set Faction Action on repeat without controlling?
Controlling gives us choice each turn?
Wait, Build Docks is still an action and harbors is not on there?
@Academia Nut to clarify, is that "we can get 8 more tolerance from roads/IC, for a total of 15" or "we can get 1 more tolerance from roads/IC, for a total of 8"?