So since it came up, the narrative of our various stat drips and thus overflows:
-Mature Trade Post - The trade post conducts international diplomacy and builds trade ties on our behalf. However, our sole trade post only neighbors a bunch of tribals, so this mainly translates to exotic goods from the far north making trade with us more appealing.
-King of the Hill - Everyone wants to know the biggest country. Typical Kings of the Hill would have neighbors routinely send emissaries and tribute to great powers unasked historically, though rarely anything significant.
-Grand Hall - Fancy ass hall big enough to take it from utilitarian to handle internal diplomacy. Deals made and favors exchanged internally makes everything run smoother.
-International Games(participants) - This comes from hosting the sole international conference. Everyone participating also brings a number of dignitaries to watch(though not their very top, keep in mind that this is a contest of physical and martial skill in a world of warrior-nobility), which also means that they're going to be making deals over shared meals, spas and Best of the Best prostitutes. All this means that the Ymaryn make hell of a lot of bank as diplomatic middlemen.
What does this mean when Diplomacy overflows into Wealth? We become an artificial trade nexus from all the people who are just so USED to trading at Redshore, and we leverage that into making mad bank.
(Oh and their nice healthy athletes meet the world's largest bioweapon factory and then spread it around to everyone less healthy than them)
-Salt/Gold production - Nothing too complicated here. We have a scarce material whose demand can't be saturated and is useful for the functioning of economy and society. By making obtaining them easier we grease the whole economy.
-Trade dominances - Nothing too complicated. We have enough production of certain goods that we more or less can ask whatever price we want and they'd have to pay it. Noting that this will change once production starts saturating demand and the guilds most certainly would bring out the knives when that day comes.
-Markets - Very complicated. We increase economic efficiency by enabling small transactions, which makes everyone richer because small and medium enterprise can actually participate in trading and thus make it sure that goods and services are more available to anyone with the money.
When Wealth overflows to Culture, the People are flush with wealth to start spending personally on amusements. Street musicians, mimes, clowns, artistic fads, other 'low amusements' spawn off the lower classes with wealth to burn.
-International Games(Cities) - This is pretty much the sheer available urban audience for sports driving a lot of 'free' artistic development out of team spirit.
When Culture overflows to Tech...I'm not really sure about the narrative of this bit. Any ideas?
-Sacred Forest Temple - Trains and maintains a flow of intellectuals.
-Dragon Graveyard Temple - Inspires priests in a number of ways as they get entranced by the natural wonder.
-Libraries - Relieves intellectual load of priests having to teach various esoterica to specialists
When Mysticism overflows to Culture...its mostly priests left idle enough to invest their effort into artwork and performances. Make rituals more elaborate and eyecatching.
-Palace Arsenal - Artisans work their ass off to qualify for the royal Arsenal, and the ones who don't make the cut...well they still get employed elsewhere.
-Palace Combo Refund - The list of Things Not To Do makes training new artisans much easier.
When Tech overflows to culture, our artisans have run out of practical, useful things to make with their time and start doing decorative pieces.