In that particular case, it still falls under the catch 22. "We need to own the lowlands to be able to hold the lowlands from people who'd take it." The question, really, is how the hell do we take the lowlands in the first place. Basically, in order to commit enough resources to take them, we'd need as many resources as they provide in the first place.

We use the salami tactics, one small piece at a time. Inching Settlements close while planting forests, providing us firmer movement control for other people. Then expand warriors there, then more settlements and forests. Sooner or later we can get a comfortable 1/4 of the area, and will be part of local economy; so if anyone is coming or wanting to change status quo, we will know.
Alright, figuring out a few things before I move on too far.

@Academia Nut What will our boost for mysticism and art apply to? Considering our farms are step farms, would building farms give us mysticism and art? Walls? Do we have to main it or would secondary actions also be good? If we can get mysticism such projects could we alter our currently existing ones to get such from them?
More than anything it sounds like once you do have control of the Lowlands, you would be impossible to remove.
I think our dam mega project might help with that. By building a dam literally half of the low lands will find themselves several undercut in resource output. Basicly making it so that only one river is actually highly productive. Which, in a funny way, would keep things the way they are right now. Because at the moment the only river being worked is the one the dead priests are occupying.

In the absolutely best case scenario if we ever manage to absorb the spirit talkers we could gain a total stranglehold on the low lands by being the ones who decide when and how much both rivers flood.
I think our dam mega project might help with that. By building a dam literally half of the low lands will find themselves several undercut in resource output. Basicly making it so that only one river is actually highly productive. Which, in a funny way, would keep things the way they are right now. Because at the moment the only river being worked is the one the dead priests are occupying.

In the absolutely best case scenario if we ever manage to absorb the spirit talkers we could gain a total stranglehold on the low lands by being the ones who decide when and how much both rivers flood.
You do realize we are friendly with the people in the half of that land that would be effected, right?
I'm a bit worried about academia nut's comment about running into issues with focus soon, any ideas what he meant?

Not actively sending out trade and war missions, no expand martial actions; I think.
We are really mono-focusing on local production related stuff and not pursuing changing the world type of actions. Our people being meh when someone suggests going out of our forested hilly world. So lack of adventurous spirit?

Page 500!
For a given value of friendly. We did unleash a hard of nomads on them and then subsume a good amount their population after all.
So let's just piss them off more. *slow claps*

I'm a bit worried about academia nut's comment about running into issues with focus soon, any ideas what he meant?
Possible interpretations:
We'll run into issues with focus aka run into issues with continuing focus because other problems, like war, will arise and stop us.
We'll run into issues with focus because we've overfocused and people have concentrated on other options that will give them leverage over us, potentially more than the focus we chose gives us leverage over them.
[X] The ritual is incomplete, more study is required before it can be safely used on a widescale (Temporarily unlocks Scourge Warding megaproject)
[X] Build more boats and attempt a flank attack (Costs Econ to build new boats, which you will keep no matter the result)
[X] Bynwyn (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplomacy, Heroic Mysticism, accelerates Scourge Warding megaproject while alive, chance for bonus Stability)

People seem more focused on doing the megaproject than the nomads and are essentially just hoping the boat plan doesnt get botched. Well we get to keep the boats so im up for it i suppose
So if we annex the fishing villages, the next step is building wall or building forest in a effort to destroy their advantage of open terrain?
I think some trade missions or exploration might be a good idea both for more trade and so we have some idea of what's out there?
[X] The ritual is incomplete, more study is required before it can be safely used on a widescale (Temporarily unlocks Scourge Warding megaproject)

Delayed gratification for even better results.

[X] Hole up in the hills where the People are at a maximum advantage.

Stick to our strengths. We excel at defense.

[X] Bynwyn (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplomacy, Heroic Mysticism, accelerates Scourge Warding megaproject while alive, chance for bonus Stability)

Has synergy with the megaproject.
Inserted tally

A land slide i say.
Adhoc vote count started by VoidZero on Apr 2, 2017 at 6:42 PM, finished with 12484 posts and 46 votes.
[X] The ritual is incomplete, more study is required before it can be safely used on a widescale (Temporarily unlocks Scourge Warding megaproject)
[X] Hole up in the hills where the People are at a maximum advantage.
[X] Bynwyn (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplomacy, Heroic Mysticism, accelerates Scourge Warding megaproject while alive, chance for bonus Stability)
[X] The ritual is incomplete, more study is required before it can be safely used on a widescale (Temporarily unlocks Scourge Warding megaproject)
[X] Hole up in the hills where the People are at a maximum advantage.
[X] Bynwyn (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplomacy, Heroic Mysticism, accelerates Scourge Warding megaproject while alive, chance for bonus Stability)

We should EXPAND FOREST at some point in the future, reasons being, #1 in order to deny our enemies use of war chariots against us, #2 it's an econ option and more of that is always good, #3 everything within the SacretForest belongs to us.
I'm just going to hope that chasing the shinies aren't going to end with us getting invaded and decimated by the hoards/DP's. I mean it's not like people are essansaily forgetting that in terms of fighting were probly the worse out of everyone we know of, it's also not like out diplo is trash so it's totally not possible that everyone is planning to kill us. *Is working on a boat to flee if everything goes to hell*
On the counter raid...

Bynwyn (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplomacy, Heroic Mysticism, accelerates Scourge Warding megaproject while alive, chance for bonus Stability)

Think about that for a moment before committing to raiding NOMADS on their own terrain, even from an unexpected angle.
We've built the wall around the coastal city to protect it from possible sea raiders.
But then we were the sea raiders.

Not sea raiders, sender of goodwill*! We are send fishing people goodwill so they too can send their neighbor goodwill. And we will all be big happy family**.

*army on foreign soil
**wild nomads need not apply, same goes for DP; reformed ones are ok however.
[X] The ritual is incomplete, more study is required before it can be safely used on a widescale (Temporarily unlocks Scourge Warding megaproject)
[X] Build more boats and attempt a flank attack (Costs Econ to build new boats, which you will keep no matter the result)
[X] Bynwyn (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplomacy, Heroic Mysticism, accelerates Scourge Warding megaproject while alive, chance for bonus Stability