>Trelli Naval Dominance - The Trelli are the only major naval power in the area and are able to extract "protection" fees from merchants. Build up your navy or war with them to knock it off

Actually, Golden Ages only need Stab 3+.
Awesome :) Shouldn't legit and stab be colored green on the front page, btw? Or at least stab, i dont remember off the top of my head if 3 legit got coloration or not.

Blackmouth was the first one that needed a new policy, but two more came only, for three total, plus the extra for Redshore.
I'd been under the impression we already had that... but hey, i'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth, fuck yeah 4 policies!!! =D

What happens if we pass the guild quest and it chooses the bazaar as the free megaproject, btw?

Also, @Academia Nut how poor were our games and research rolls this turn? We once again got no prestige from teh games even with 3 contestants and +4 to our rolls (more if being the host helps), while Alembic was the only tech we got out of twelve research rolls. I feel like we only ever get amazing rolls or terrible rolls on research... :'(
Remember the astrological prediction. It got 90 on it.

This is also a chance to gain favor with HK and invites them to the Games and rebuild our reputation.
[X] [Policy] Special: Forestry (+1 Sustainable Forest and -1 Econ Expansion/2 turns)
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
[X] [Policy] City Support (2 True Cities have their maintenance paid for each turn)
[X] [Policy] Skullduggery (+1 Intrigue/turn, -2 Diplo)

Why not just take it all, wry :V

Beh beh beh Muda muda muda!

[X] [Art] Sanitation is too important not to entrust to experts! (Several actions gain or increase their Tech costs, +1 Urban Poor power, ???)
[X] [Art] The entire half-exile practice should be reviewed (-1 Stability, ???)

Ohh my uhhgh aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why now!??!!?!?!

And your king was okay with because it enhanced his own power as your crown is closely tied to divine investment in the right to rule... right up until a splinter faction of these radicals decided that he was offering too many consolatory words towards the priests of other gods, and even began proclaiming that those who refuse to acknowledge their One God as the Only God are being mislead by charlatans and deceivers. And they are becoming increasingly vocal and unhinged in their beliefs and calling for violence. And your king has decided that this is our fault and is demanding some form of compensation or assistance to deal with the problem."
Duh wah? Did... did we just spawn fanatical monothesitc zealots? *scratches head*


Myranyn Reforms Result: Mass Levy Active Policy
Mass Levy
- While this policy is active, the sum of Econ + Wealth + (Sum of Ironworks Levels) x2 added to Temp Martial Score one combat phase after policy activated, but Expand Econ and most Wealth generating actions disabled while this policy active. Otherwise acts as the Offensive Policy
What tha shit?

That is right now 12 + 5 + (1+1) *2 = 17 + 4 = 21.

Twenty. Fucking. One. Bonus martial.

Whhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? *holds head*
Nearly... three... small countries.

Sec Salt Gift is
S: -2 Mysticism, -3 Wealth, +1 Tech, potential new discoveries x2

So scary amount of wealth right now when we are in the crunch.
[] [HK] Ignore them
[] [HK] Offer tribute to patch over the issue and improve their king's standing (Targeted Sec Salt Gift)
[] [HK] Offer to let them buy the Banner Company contracts
-[] [HK] Gold only
-[] [HK] Show goodwill (Pay upkeep costs yourself but gain Diplomacy instead for duration of hire)
[] [HK] Offer to send military aid
-[] [HK] No policy change
-[] [HK] Offensive Policy
-[] [HK] Mass Levy
So Myranyn has a point about the Mass Levy thing, since it means we won't have any ability to raise Econ. That is mildly dangerous since Panem means we take -11+6 = -5 damage but we will be at 22. But the dude who suggested this also had a point. There would be 21 Temp Martial sitting in their country.
Though personally I don't think you can deal with these fanatics with force, just makes them worse, unless you use enough force to get everyone in a ideological cleaning. Le sigh. I'm not really sure what to do.
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[X] [Art] Sanitation is too important not to entrust to experts! (Several actions gain or increase their Tech costs, +1 Urban Poor power, ???)

[X] [Policy] City Support (2 True Cities have their maintenance paid for each turn)
[X] [Policy] Special: Forestry (+1 Sustainable Forest and -1 Econ Expansion/2 turns)
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)

[X] [HK] Offer to let them buy the Banner Company contracts
-[X] [HK] Show goodwill (Pay upkeep costs yourself but gain Diplomacy instead for duration of hire)

The prophecy!
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"Well, even if they know we are a bit weak in standing warriors, they probably can't appreciate what we have in the armouries. We could send over aid, and then just keep sending aid, until we've basically occupied their territory for them, and even if they have surprises in store for us they would be powerless to resist the raw numbers," the advisor explained.

"Devious. I like. Probably not going to do it, but I like that sort of thinking," Myranyn said while mentally making a note to get the man transferred somewhere with less authority.
Aww, but I liked the idea ._.
We just got out of one fire.
We got out of three.

Looking into the half-exile problem is worth it, at least to remove the pseudo-hereditary aspect of it.
[X] [Art] Sanitation is too important not to entrust to experts! (Several actions gain or increase their Tech costs, +1 Urban Poor power, ???)

[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)
[X] [Policy] Skullduggery (+1 Intrigue/turn, -2 Diplo)
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates) x2

[X] [HK] Offer to let them buy the Banner Company contracts
-[X] [HK] Show goodwill (Pay upkeep costs yourself but gain Diplomacy instead for duration of hire)
Why is it that even with all our tech we always fail at war? If our enemies actually attacked us we would lose if it wasn't for our insane defence boosts and near limitless numbers.
Why are people not wanting to review the half-exile practice?

All the other fish to fry and the Urban Poor is sufficiently close to half-exile class for a step-up to be possible. Complete unshaklement of people within our realm will be large scale social change if at all possible. Machines are the most important driver for such a change and it is no where near close.
[X] [Policy] Armament (+1 Martial/turn)
[X] [Policy] Armament (+1 Martial/turn)
[X] [Policy] Defence (+1 significant walls/turn) x1
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates) x1

[X] [HK] Offer tribute to patch over the issue and improve their king's standing (Targeted Sec Salt Gift)

[X] [Art] The entire half-exile practice should be reviewed (-1 Stability, ???)

Let's do what is right rather then what is easy and trying to aim for a golden age.
Actually, Golden Ages only need Stab 3+.

Academia Nut, I'm not sure if I should curse your name or jump giddily for joy. Sometimes, this quest has made me do both at the same time.

The Patricians are dicks.

It's going to utterly fuck us with the Guilds, though. x2 Spiritbonded is -10 Wealth. We're currently looking at 8 for next turn. We will hit negative through order of operations. With the Gold Mine, we can get it up, but I am sure that it's going to cost us. The only way that this doesn't cause problems for us is if we give the Highland Kingdom our Mercs or go in on a Trade Policy x2. That will give us the Wealth we need so that we don't crash to negative Wealth but it will be a near thing.
All the other fish to fry and the Urban Poor is sufficiently close to half-exile class for a step-up to be possible. Complete unshaklement of people within our realm will be large scale social change if at all possible. Machines are the most important driver for such a change and it is no where near close.
Look at the narrative. This is not about removing half-exiles it is removing the stigma against them because of their work.
Regarding our proto-plans, looks like we've got to scrap the whole thing and S x2 More Spiritbonded,
We have 5 [+3]. Boom we hit negative 5 Wealth. Guilds freak the fuck out and probably try to hijack one of them. Then we bounce to 6+income.

So yeah. Le sigh patricians. Le. Sigh.

We have 5 [+3]. Boom we hit negative 5 Wealth. Guilds freak the fuck out and probably try to hijack one of them. Then we bounce to 6+income.

So yeah. Le sigh patricians. Le. Sigh.

Turn isn't over, so we haven't gotten income yet, no? Income that is going to overflow into Wealth, no? I was asking due to the Salt Gift, whose proceeds would also overflow back into Wealth.
@Academia Nut So, will the Guild panic if we briefly went negative and had to be funded by econ before we get the gold mine up?
We don't have an option that takes us below 0, do we?
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[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn) x2
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn) x3
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn)
We need infrastructure bad seriously

[X] [Art] The entire half-exile practice should be reviewed (-1 Stability, ???)
Ok this is important, and basically amounts to: Do we recognize that the dirty work is valuable or not?
I say we do

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Blood Rain Banner Company (Mercenary Company) - Can be hired to other kingdoms for wealth, or maintained to boost Martial capacity (L: 4/5, E: 4/10)
AN updated the civ sheet after i first looked, and ouch! Another merc company badly injured... down 1 loyalty, 2 effectiveness.
Not sure yet on other options, but i've been specifically pushing for 4 policies to fit in what i thought was 2 policies, so hell yeah =D

[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
[X] [Policy] Diplomacy (+1 Diplo/turn)
[X] [Policy] Skullduggery (+1 Intrigue/turn, -2 Diplo)
[X] [Policy] City Support (2 True Cities have their maintenance paid for each turn)

Reasoning: AN has very pointedly hinted that the narrative effects behind the stat gen policies are super good and we're doing ourselves a disfavor by ignoring them as "inefficient". Of them, diplomacy and skullduggery have the best narratives, basically saying that our gov has minor efforts going on in the background dedicated to diplomacy and intrigue, which should help keep us much more informed about issues and opportunities both internal and external. Vassal support is due to having 2 colonies at low loyalty, and city support is due to having -5 net econ a turn right now.