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We could repair our relationship with the Khem and integrate Gulvalley and then that bloody canal to them via Guild Actions, that AN offered us as an Alternativ to the Trelli Strait

how do we go for that?
Well we could do that
We need to act more loyal? Or spend actions on support subordinate? Do something crazy that could have us hurting big time like what we did to gain that trait?
or we could just take the value evolution during the next GA, something which so many people had been happily ignoring during our last GA
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This gives us time to recover, then swop in and take control. :evil::whistle:

Given how exhausting these debates are, I am not sure this is a good thing.

edit: In fact, I am tempted to go all in on pawning it away to Freehills solely because I might just eat an infraction/quit quest out of sheer exhaustion if the next debate is as tiresome as this one.
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We could, repair our relationship with the Khem and integrate Gulvalley and then that bloody canal to them, that AN offered us as an Alternativ to the Trelli Strait

Well we could do that

or we could just take the value evolution during the next GA, something which so many people had been happily ignoring during our last GA
The evolutions are random though; that's a big part of why they aren't popular.
If negotiation fails, we're going to be fighting the Trelli in a pointless and bloody war.
When have we ever been forced into a war by lending troops to one side or the other? The absolute worse thing that will happen is that Freehills will continue to hire mercenaries, netting us 2 wealth per turn per mercenary company until we decide to withdraw them or the war ends.
Better to first do that goddamn Dam and Lowland Canal while we have bought time.

If the Straits still haven't exploded by then, we can look at repairing Khemetri relations and making the Canal down there to screw over the holder of the Straits and make it massively less dangerous to us.

Yep, I am so on board with eating Lowlands. Which means Dam+Canal, yes.
The evolutions are random though; that's a big part of why they aren't popular.

You are making it sound like that is bad, which is false, since evolved traits are always better then their previous ones, it's just not that good, because it means that players have to surrender part of the control

However given that all our traits are good I honestly do not see why people aren't eager to take it
You are making it sound like that is bad, which is false, since evolved traits are always better then their previous ones, it's just not that good, because it means that players have to surrender part of the control

However given that all our traits are good I honestly do not see why people aren't eager to take it
I'm not keen for stuff like Moloch Calls. Granted the chance of a bad trait is low, though.
You are making it sound like that is bad, which is false, since evolved traits are always better then their previous ones, it's just not that good, because it means that players have to surrender part of the control

However given that all our traits are good I honestly do not see why people aren't eager to take it

They are not always good, that's the thing.
Xohyr accidentally evolved Greater Good (human sacrifice and ultra-cheap Stability) into Moloch Calls (literally burning children now, with the diplomatic penalties implied) without a "conscious choice". So there is definitely a possibility of actions mutating corresponding values in a direction we really really do not want.

Like, in the beginning IIRC traits were defined by choices of actions, not explicit votes on values. I am quite sure this part is still there.
Given how exhausting these debates are, I am not sure this is a good thing.

edit: In fact, I am tempted to go all in on pawning it away to Freehills solely because I might just eat an infraction/quit quest out of sheer exhaustion if the next debate is as tiresome as this one.
The lowlands were a mess for forever, and we only took it when we were able to feasibly hold it. The same applies for the straights.
The lowlands were a mess for forever, and we only took it when we were able to feasibly hold it. The same applies for the straights.

Yeah, but we still do not have a firm hold over Lowlands and especially eastern parts.
Ask me again wrt straits when we "core" at least Txolla and preferably TS and are sure they are not trying to secede, I am not changing my mind away from "it will blow us up or force us to lose hold over eastern lands" before that.
[X] [War] Attempt to mediate a peace between the Trelli and Freehills (-4 Diplomacy, +1 Stability, chance to open the Strait for free)
[X] [Mercs] Take their pay and head out, further commitment is not worth it (+2 Wealth, mercs disengage)

We probably need to deploy the Banners to western Ymaryn next turn.

You know, neither Trelli nor Freehills having complete control of the straits feels pretty good

It's arguably a disaster, as it makes it vastly more likely that the straits will be randomly closed at any point, due to having two hostile polities glaring at each other over it.

Well, hopefully an opportunity to correct this will come out of the next Freehills-Trelli War, and we can use a Regional Stability cassus belli again and finally take the Straits.
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[X] [War] Attempt to mediate a peace between the Trelli and Freehills (-4 Diplomacy, +1 Stability, chance to open the Strait for free)
[X] [Mercs] Take their pay and head out, further commitment is not worth it (+2 Wealth, mercs disengage)

There were a few hints in the update about our mercenaries' appreciation for the Freehills king. In tumultuous times such as these with war and internal strife, plus our Pride in Acceptance and even mutterings of making him the People's king, I think it would be prudent to get them out NOW. This is way too familiar to the time when our warriors brought back the lowland's warrior gods.
[X] [War] Attempt to mediate a peace between the Trelli and Freehills (-4 Diplomacy, +1 Stability, chance to open the Strait for free)
[X] [Mercs] Take their pay and head out, further commitment is not worth it (+2 Wealth, mercs disengage)

Good point.
[X] [War] Attempt to mediate a peace between the Trelli and Freehills (-4 Diplomacy, +1 Stability, chance to open the Strait for free)
[X] [HS] Prototype Weapon Storage (Palace Arsenal + Storehouse Annexes, Reforms advance)

Peace is nice.
[X] [War] Attempt to mediate a peace between the Trelli and Freehills (-4 Diplomacy, +1 Stability, chance to open the Strait for free)
[X] [Mercs] Stick around unless they intend to go after the Khemetri (Mercs still paid by Freehills barring war dec on Khemetri)
[X] [HS] Prototype Weapon Storage (Palace Arsenal + Storehouse Annexes, Reforms advance)
[X] [HS] Increase Iron production to make things cheaper (Redshore Ironworks [-3 Econ, -3 Tech, 2 Sustainable Forest used, Expand Econ additional +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech] + Sec Survey, Reforms advance)
Another reason to pull out our mercenaries, apart from needing to send them to prevent the Western Ymaryn being vassalised, is because doing so will strongly deter them from making trouble with the Khemetri, as they'll have to keep their troops on the Straits to prevent the Trelli attempting to retake it, so they can't even consider such an option.

We really, really don't want the Khemetri to gain a port on the Ymaryn Sea. That would complicate our international situation immensely. Freehills getting into a war to the south could lead to that.

In retrospect, probably the worst option was chosen last turn. We gave up the opportunity to decidedly intervene to prop up the Western Ymaryn early, we didn't take the Straits ourselves, leaving them disputed, and we strengthened Freehills to the degree that they think they can take on a Great Power.
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You know the straights situation is not so bad. Sure it would be nice to hold them but having the Trelli and Freehills bleed each over over them and being able to play one against the other is a nice consolation prize.
You know the straights situation is not so bad. Sure it would be nice to hold them but having the Trelli and Freehills bleed each over over them and being able to play one against the other is a nice consolation prize.

I'd say it's worse than one side holding them, particularly with Freehills bordering the Khemetri colony and so causing a risk of their intervention. There's also almost certainly going to be a naval arms race between Trelli and Freehills, further militarising the Black Sea. We're also likely to see an escalation in the pirate problem, as they sponsor privateers and the like, that could lead to an indefinite shut down of Black Sea Trade, which would be a massive problem for us, making our administration challenge much worse.

It's a really bad outcome.
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[X] [War] Attempt to mediate a peace between the Trelli and Freehills (-4 Diplomacy, +1 Stability, chance to open the Strait for free)
[X] [Mercs] Take their pay and head out, further commitment is not worth it (+2 Wealth, mercs disengage)
[X] [HS] Prototype Weapon Storage (PalaceArsenal + Storehouse Annexes, Reforms advance)