We starve.
This plan will destroy Ymarn. We currently have Econ 5 [-6]; we basically cannot spend any Econ next turn. We have to have at least 10 before we should feel comfortable spending any. We're going to lose Stability to the Second Sons and that means Western Yamryn will vamp us for up to 4 Econ; combined with our -6 'income' we have to have at least 10 or we're going to starve.
During the mid-turn (we're not actually in it yet, apparently) we'll have to take some type of Expand Economy and Enforce Justice or {S} Proclaim Glory + {S} Restoration of Order. We may be forced to use PSN to get a [Main] Expand Econ or else we starve next turn.
I was operating under the assumptions that we would be doing Main Expand Econ PSN next update and have 13 [-6] in the main turn and that we will be doing Main Econ PSN for most of the foreseeable future till we get out of Second Son. Best I double check what you are talking about.
Now with the assumption that we have 13 [-6] Econ in the next main turn before "income" which hits in the start of the mid turn we spend:
+4 Econ Expand, -4 Econ Kilns, -5 Culture -1 Stability -2 Econ, -3 Martial -1 Stability -2 Econ, -6 Panem and city = -14 Econ.
Huh. Interesting. Swap one of the Kilns for a Support Artisans Or Art Patronage then and we will be at 0 Econ instead. Thanks for making me check that. The bigger problem is that I see a wealth shortage incoming very very quickly, which causes its own stability hit if we go lower than 5 or so and that's another 2 Econ down the drain.
*sits here thinking about it for a while*
Wealth will be 16 [+3] in the next mid turn assuming we don't spend any of it next update, so that leads to 11 [+3] in the main turn afterwards. Pretty much a turn of buffer. Now how do we get more wealth... Hmmm...
Passive Trade Policy is +1 so two of our passives for +2, we'll be getting more soon, will handle that expenditure so that we can keep doing Art Patronages and Support Artisans till we start to overflow Tech or Culture.
Porcelain works might be worth it, have to think about that one.
So Porcelain is pretty much it for things which in combination with Support Artisan or Art Patronage don't cost more than -4 Econ which is the cap I set while looking around for guild actions. And Porcelain actually offsets 2 of the Wealth cost meaning we could in theory handle the -5 Wealth expenditure from Support or Patronage for much much longer.
Well that was enlightening. Thanks Redium that was actually really helpful.