[X] Plan We Have Them By Their Axe
-[X] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Dead Priests (If the Dead Priests have the axe, attempts to get it away from them)

As long as Dead Priests cannot control the nomads, it is workable situation.

Also you're misvoting, he has both retrieve the star axe and support the heir.
@Academia Nut A few questions.

What does our construction chief say on how the canal is progressing? What actions can we take to speed the process?

What does our farming chief say on the effects of the Canal being built? Will it interfere with our harvests unless we take specific actions soon?

What does our war chief say on the ST and the DP? How are they acting right now?

Also, what is the WC doing at the moment?
Rushing the canal...we actually did just fine without the main action. The problem was doing it when our economy was poor, because we couldn't afford to take emergency actions.
The poor economy had nothing to do with it. Rushing a megaproject doesn't multiply the total number of Econ it needs, it multiplies the number of Econ it uses in the turn that it's rushed. If, for example, a megaproject cost 4 Econ and 4 turns (rate: 1 Econ/turn), rushing it would make it 4 Econ and 2 turns (rate: 2 Econ/turn). The downside is you can't use those Secondary actions for something else, not that it consumes more total Econ.

As for being fine without the main action, we were, up until Patrikwos decided to be an asshole and kill our emissaries. Then we had to go to war without being able to use the Main action for it.

Even then, just because we might be "fine" without rushing a megaproject, it doesn't mean it's optimal. The sooner we complete a megaproject, the sooner we begin reaping the rewards. It ultimately consumes the same number of Main/double Secondary (counting both as equivalent) whether you rush it or not, and it costs the same total Econ whether you rush it or not, so assuming you don't need those Secondaries immediately for something else, the optimal course of action is to rush the megaproject.
What does our construction chief say on how the canal is progressing?
We'll find out next turn when it'll say how long it'll take until the project is completed.

What actions can we take to speed the process?
He already answered this.
For building the grand canal, unless you can figure out a way to cut soil and rock faster, the only thing that will help is more bodies thrown at the problem and the workers having places to live that are closer to the actual work site.
[X] Plan We Have Them By Their Axe
-[X] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Dead Priests (If the Dead Priests have the axe, attempts to get it away from them)
[X] Get the intercession of the shamans to attempt to heal him (Wildcard)
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[X] Plan Little Hand

I'm switching my vote. AN has said that taking the axe back from the DP will be extremely hard, even if they do have it. Our actions should thus be based around mitigating the effects of them having it. This plan also maximises our efforts if the ST have the axe instead of the DP, and considering the ST were the major victory in the three-way battle and not the DP, the axe is likely with them. This plan is also more likely to succeed.
[X] Get the intercession of the shamans to attempt to heal him (Wildcard)
[X] Plan Little Hand

I should stop flipflopping.

As for the canal: We can't really do much to throw more bodies at it since we just made a settlement at the river confluence, unless AN gives us more locations in the valley to settle.
There's only one sample to study. At the very least have two samples, one which we keep, another we can destructively test and take apart.
I'm confused...what samples are you talking about? The one we could've gotten from the nomad leader last turn?

I was saying that, if we get the axe, then we could maybe study it's properties.

What's there to learn about it? We were already told about its properties when we were introduced to it and poking it with a stick isn't going to tell us how to make more.

We can use it to identify any metal deposits on our land that match the metal.
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If this follow world history, we are unlikely to jump directly to Iron. More likely we'll be stuck in the bronze age for thousand of years, barring lucky coincidence.