No, I am saying that mind of our High Chief is going Because of a crit failure on his health issues.

You might want to go back and reread exactly what Academia Nut said about those crit rolls, Sivantic.

AN: Three crits outside your favour. Three.
Yes they are crits outside our favour. That implies that they were successes not failures
Thus it was that the council found itself in a bind. Their High Chief was old and fading, but not yet sufficiently incapacitated that they could honourably retire him without issue, especially since his moments of forgetfulness were sporadic and uneven in intensity. Up until recently they had assumed that they could just ride the situation out a few more years and let it resolve itself peacefully one way or another, but Hewthyun's first grand project of setting the Thunder Tribe against the Dead Priests had run into a problem.
This implies that it was just a minor blip except that it happened in an inopportune time. Not something that required a crit to happen

Yes they are crits outside our favour. That implies that they were successes not failures

This implies that it was just a minor blip except that it happened in an inopportune time. Not something that required a crit to happen

A critical failure is still a critical roll.

I expect there had been two critical successes of our foes and one critical failure on our side this turn.

Or even one critical success for the DP or the ST, and a critical failure for us and for the nomads.

There are multiple possible scenarios.
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Three crits outside of our favor could include crit fails.

Even if it was three enemy successes, assuming you know exactly what those successes were when viable alternatives exist is folly.

Yes, there is a high chance that ST has the axe by virtue of them coming out of the battle in the best shape. That does not ensure anything, however.
A critical failure is still a critical roll.

I expect there had been two critical successes of our foes and one critical failure on our side this turn.

Or even one critical success for the DP or the ST, and a critical failure for us and for the nomads.

There are multiple possible scenarios.
If it had been a crit failure then he would have already caused damage in his senility or worse not catch it at all, as is we caught it in time. Three crits outside our favour implies that someone else got a crit success not that we got crit failures. Like the one needed to smash the Thunder Horses so hard, or to successfully destroy their line of succession, or to win so much in the battle as to get an Iron Axe out of the deal.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ctulhuslp on Mar 30, 2017 at 2:10 PM, finished with 11180 posts and 50 votes.
The three crits thing is mostly just a meta "This isn't just me screwing you over all at once" thing. If I let you know more about how things happen it would influence your behavior in ways that aren't optimal so don't worry about it too much.
Hm. 26 to 20 on plans. It is pretty close, way worse bandwagons were overturned, but still.

@Academia Nut , when are you going to lock the vote?
Plan Healing the chief is the same as plan little hand, and you didn't count sightsear, so it's actually 26 to 23.

@Ghostdevil @Ct613hulu @keenscythe @Sightsear vote for the following to be clearer, please:

[X] Plan Little Hand
-[X] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)
-[X] Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)

or just the first line.
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Hm. AN has stopped describing the nomads as massively bigger than us. Do you think that might mean we've succeeded in adjusting our diets? Or just that that has become the norm of how we see them.

I mean either way we should keep diversifying our diets to promote health, I suppose, so it's not really important to know which it is.

Well at the present stage it doesn't make a big difference which, we're going to mainly use it as a gem and pigment.

Uh, not really. This is one of the almost worst case scenarios. It means the Nomads will attack the walls in a stand up fight, when they lack siegecraft to overcome the walls, and are abandoning their skirmishing strategy to do a standup fight.

It mostly means the Nomads will be shattered, optimistically, unless they spawn a new hero RIGHT NOW.

The rest have been addressed previous, so no point nitpicking if our premises are different

Yep. There's basically no reason taking Fishing Expansion until the turn after the new settlement.

Somewhat unlikely, wood is wood, and we're pretty familiar with construction wood.
There are a few things which might help however:
-Sticky sap - There are a number of sticky resins that can be of use in waterproofing and binding logs together.
-Rattan type vines - See the vines used for the wonder cart bindings. Certain woody plants are pliable when fresh, but stiffen and harden as they dry out. These would help greatly with construction.
-Fabric material - Sailboats require large amounts of fabric, so if we find a nice tough fabric it helps a little bit.

Though the biggest leap would be copying the wonder-cart's construction method.
Well some of them indicate that there may be copper ore or something nearby that we have not yet found. We may not recognise it in ore form if all we've seen is worked metal. We won't know until we try to do something with it though so no use speculating, I suppose.

Regarding sailboat tech: Flax is one of the earliest domesticated plants. Flax makes linen, which makes perfectly adequate sailcloth. I don't know if we have flax, or even weaving (though I think there was some mention of us having wool at some point?) but if we don't I'm sure we can put in an effort to acquire it.
Hm. AN has stopped describing the nomads as massively bigger than us. Do you think that might mean we've succeeded in adjusting our diets? Or just that that has become the norm of how we see them.

I mean either way we should keep diversifying our diets to promote health, I suppose, so it's not really important to know which it is.

Well some of them indicate that there may be copper ore or something nearby that we have not yet found. We may not recognise it in ore form if all we've seen is worked metal. We won't know until we try to do something with it though so no use speculating, I suppose.

Regarding sailboat tech: Flax is one of the earliest domesticated plants. Flax makes linen, which makes perfectly adequate sailcloth. I don't know if we have flax, or even weaving (though I think there was some mention of us having wool at some point?) but if we don't I'm sure we can put in an effort to acquire it.
we have dyed cloth, so we presumably have weaving.
So nobody cares that we have a very low chance at acquiring the axe even assuming that the DP have the axe?

We need moar blackbird special operations, but we are somewhat squeezed in between great canal project and the potential need to protect our buffer state.
So nobody cares that we have a very low chance at acquiring the axe even assuming that the DP have the axe?

We need moar blackbird special operations, but we are somewhat squeezed in between great canal project and the potential need to protect our buffer state.
Yeah, they don't care about that and they don't care about the potential need to use blackbirds to get the war cart, either. They're perfectly happy so long as we do something to damage the DP, even if it fails and leaves the nomads without any artifact other than the axe to rally around.