That's... unlikely. We already have a pretty loose leash on our vassals as-is, and who knows how powerful Not!Japan, Not!China, Not!Europe and Not!America will be by the time we meet them.

Not!Europe, at least the eastern parts, are apparently mostly stone age tribes that trade us furs and amber.

China is possibly already a thing. Cotton has to have gotten to the Swamp Folk somehow, so the Silk Road should be a thing.

But our grip on our vassals is not as weak as you think. We need to infuse our culture and make them colonies, but thats something we can manage.
That's... unlikely. We already have a pretty loose leash on our vassals as-is, and who knows how powerful Not!Japan, Not!China, Not!Europe and Not!America will be by the time we meet them.

Poor Not!Korea, no one ever expects them to be competition in Asia.:p

Neither is Not!Australia.:V

Are we Homo-Sapien or Neanderthal?
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In my opinion, nuclear power is a high risk, high reward power source. If something goes wrong, it has the potential to go REALLY wrong, but the odds are pretty low of that from happening due to safety regulations and strict building codes.
In my opinion, nuclear power is a high risk, high reward power source. If something goes wrong, it has the potential to go REALLY wrong,
Let's be absolutely clear on this:

Every nuclear plant in the world could have the safety record of Chernobyl and still be cleaner than an equivalent number of coal plants with perfect safety records.

If nuclear counts as "high risk," what you really mean is that the use of electricity as a power source is unacceptable.
Let's be absolutely clear on this:

Every nuclear plant in the world could have the safety record of Chernobyl and still be cleaner than an equivalent number of coal plants with perfect safety records.

If nuclear counts as "high risk," what you really mean is that the use of electricity as a power source is unacceptable.
i want nuclear.
just no bombs and let's not radiate cities.
Bombs are likely to be a necessity depending on global politics by that point. If we are in a Cold War situation (that is, very hostile power that is roughly a peer) we can't accept being without a deterent.
Slightly more topical to the thread since we won't get nuclear power until a year or two IRL from now. I wonder if we've found pitchblende yet.
That's... unlikely. We already have a pretty loose leash on our vassals as-is, and who knows how powerful Not!Japan, Not!China, Not!Europe and Not!America will be by the time we meet them.
Bombs are likely to be a necessity depending on global politics by that point. If we are in a Cold War situation (that is, very hostile power that is roughly a peer) we can't accept being without a deterent.
i want nuclear.
just no bombs and let's not radiate cities.
Or we simply take over the world before nukes.....
Who's to say nuclear fission is as "easy" as RL. For all we know the magic trees/charcoal we are burning could be more efficient and cleaner than natural gas.:p
Who's to say nuclear fission is as "easy" as RL. For all we know the magic trees/charcoal we are burning could be more efficient and cleaner than natural gas.:p
Magic has been one of those things that I've always wondered about in this thread. On one hand, its obviously REAL to some extent... the death meteor against the TH and the circumstances behind the Spirit-Talkers proved that, but besides vague prophecies and astrology stuff we haven't really seen much else in recent history.

Kinda makes you wonder if magic ITTL is something that must be believed in to become true...
Magic has been one of those things that I've always wondered about in this thread. On one hand, its obviously REAL to some extent... the death meteor against the TH and the circumstances behind the Spirit-Talkers proved that, but besides vague prophecies and astrology stuff we haven't really seen much else in recent history.

Kinda makes you wonder if magic ITTL is something that must be believed in to become true...
I say we have 40k style psykers.
just very very low level.
and without training.
That holy forest is totally magical, it protects the realm from drought and floods events.:V
One day it will attract magical beings and cover the world.
Totoro! Totoro!

Magic has been one of those things that I've always wondered about in this thread. On one hand, its obviously REAL to some extent... the death meteor against the TH and the circumstances behind the Spirit-Talkers proved that, but besides vague prophecies and astrology stuff we haven't really seen much else in recent history.

Kinda makes you wonder if magic ITTL is something that must be believed in to become true...
I'm surprised you didn't reference the blatant strangeness Yenyna did in <Inflection point>.

My markers for something being off script as it were is Yenyna doing something I think is blatantly impossible. Tormulyna I won't touch and I am of the opinion that the Spirit Talkers were mostly competitions of showmanship gone bad.

I say we have 40k style psykers.
just very very low level.
and without training.
Mmmmmmm. It's a wonder we don't have anything crawling out our asses if this is the case...

*looks at general Ymaryn insanity*
Ah! I know what's going on! The Ymaryn are slowly having their minds replaced by those of warp entities.


E: Personally the whole magic/strange thing, is that it seems more like Nasuverse Mystery and is based around our sheer age as a civ.
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I want Mandelian Inheiritance yesterday.

Mendelian inheritance - Wikipedia

The mileage we can get out of some of these plant varieties is insane.
Adansonia - Wikipedia
Look at the Baobab for example. Holding that many gallons of water could be critical in terraforming some driers areas. Crossing it with other useful plants like the mangrove would get us a juggernaut. Natural desalination plant anyone?
Mangrove - Wikipedia
Study Health Megaproject: Sacred Shaping
The People have long understood that the traits of any living thing are related to those of its parents, but the patterns of inheritance are not well understood enough to use them in a predictive or constructive fashion. With the emergence of new mathematical tools, perhaps it is possible to unravel more of this mystery.
Possible Requirements: Rudimentary Statistics, expanded number of shamans /temples /libraries, additional study health actions
Possible Rewards: More rapid animal and plant selective breeding improve farm yields and progress of cavalry units, ability to begin projects to breed specific traits in particular species (e.g. higher dye content in snails)