Sheesh this feels tense. I just hope this gamble doesn't blow up in our faces, so we can start developing our infrastructure and government reform as soon as possible.
Sheesh this feels tense. I just hope this gamble doesn't blow up in our faces, so we can start developing our infrastructure and government reform as soon as possible.
I kinda know what you mean? It's been a long time since I was really nail biting over what could happen in a vote option. My time in this eldritch thread has burned out a lot of my ability to stress about things through over-exposure.

Anyway, yeah, this is a gamble. Given what I've experienced in this quest, we are probably not going to be entirely happy with what we get out of this course, but it is not the end. Basically, we can probably succeed, but it will be a bitter success. And I really want to get onto our Important Things as well(of which I consider our vassals and infrastructure to be). Question though, what do you mean by government reform?
Weirdly enough, winning the war and taking Trelli improves relations with Khem. Who are the most important to have on good terms in the long run.
Huh, I was expecting more pages since there was an update. Has everyone migrated to the discord for discussions now or was it just that it was a short update?
Huh, I was expecting more pages since there was an update. Has everyone migrated to the discord for discussions now or was it just that it was a short update?
the discord is pretty lively and has most of the salty troupe
so you can probably expect significantly diminished pages when it doesn't come to like... direct vote arguments
the discord is pretty lively and has most of the salty troupe
so you can probably expect significantly diminished pages when it doesn't come to like... direct vote arguments
Which was most of the intended point if I understand it correctly.

Get all the salt somewhere else, via moving all our high speed and not quite as relevant discussion somewhere else. It's worked too for the most part. We are slow enough now that mods can give out judgement without locking it down, as Manus did today.
Huzzah for less saltiness in our time!
Mostly getting rid of corruption and straightening up the royal bureaucracy. Though I'm not... actually sure how we're gonna do that.
House cleaning and streamlining?

Yeah we don't really have any direct buttons to press there. We have a lot of indirect methods. *scratches chin*

Hmm. Enforce Justice will work on the lower bureaucracy, cleaning out any law breakers.

As for streamlining, Governor Palaces. And roads.
Roads are an important part of it, but I do think we have to stick to a bit of a modest pace with them to prevent disruption of the social order and diseases spreading too fast. Gotta let people adapt in ways that things like double main roads might not allow.
Why would we want to give the law breakers time to adapt their corruption?
We have very strict disease controls already.
Roads are an important part of it, but I do think we have to stick to a bit of a modest pace with them to prevent disruption of the social order and diseases spreading too fast. Gotta let people adapt in ways that things like double main roads might not allow.
There's also the point that double main roads is kinda unlikely to be taken, what with everything we have to do every turn. I don't see a lot of need to be concerned about it.

Now once we start approaching +75% roadage I expect there to be events we will have to deal with, namely our Half-exiles. And figuring those out will set us up for a good progression.