Well, I guess that brings the other question up. How well could we actually fight the Trelli? I'm pretty sure we lose the naval engagements, but based on their mercenary company's performance in the last war, there is pretty much no way that they could beat us in a land war. So we would probably crush their colony, but they might be able to take tinshore?
They could cut off our resupply to Tinshore, but if one of our Banners is already there...

Plus, their colony is right next to their mainland. I think Trelli is, sadly, on the European side of the Bosporus, so we would have the problem on how to cross the Bospurus, but we could take all the land up to directly their door step. And then use catapults or whatever to threaten the city directly.

I mean, Age of Empires tells me land siege weapons get a bonus versus ships. Let's test this!
Golden Age innovation possible
[] [GA] Mitigate Nemesis Fashion (-5 Culture)
[] [GA] Erase Nemesis Fashion (-10 Culture)
[X] [GA] Gain random hero (-10 Culture)
-[] [GA] Specify: Diplo hero (Additional -2 Culture)
-[] [GA] Specify: Admin hero (Additional -2 Culture)
-[] [GA] Specify: Culture hero (Additional -2 Culture)
[] [GA] Gain random genius (-15 Culture)
-[] [GA] Specify: Diplo genius (Additional -3 Culture)
-[] [GA] Specify: Admin genius (Additional -3 Culture)
-[] [GA] Specify: Culture genius (Additional -3 Culture)
[] [GA] Random culture tech upgrade (-8 Culture)
[X] [GA] Random materials tech upgrade (-8 Tech)

Split some of the new cities off as Free Cities? (2 Econ and Econ Expansion transferred to each, max 2 transfers)
[] [FC] Redshore
[X] [FC] Sacred Forest
[] [FC] Redhills
[X] [FC] Stallionpen
[] [FC] Just one FC
[] [FC] None

[X] [Diplo] Talk with the Trelli (Main Trade Mission - Trelli)
[X] [Diplo] Talk with southern neighbours (Sec Trade Mission - Highlanders + Lowland Minors (South-West))
[] [Diplo] Victory lap (Main Salt Gift)
[] [Diplo] Tie everything together internally (Main Build Roads)
[X] [Diplo] Stay home, plant trees (Main Expand Forest)

[] [React] Continue work on the Place to the Stars (5/7-8 actions completed)
-[] [React] Kick project (ISoO already triggered this turn)
[X] [React] Main Build Glassworks
[X] [React] Main Expand Forests
[] [React] Main Build Watchtowers
[X] [React] Main Build Theatre
[] [React] 2xSec Dragon Graveyard Temple
[X] [React] 2xSec Blackmouth Governor's Palace​
[X] [GA] Gain random genius (-15 Culture)
-[X] [GA] Specify: Admin genius (Additional -3 Culture)
[X] [Diplo] Tie everything together internally (Main Build Roads)
[X] [FC] None
Damnit. The traders aren't being unreasonable-the Trelli are opening new markets and getting stronger.
Hmm. For all the people are talking about the Highland Kingdom, Trelli kinda need to G T F O, A S A P. They control Not-Bosphorus which is where the largest city in the world stood for the better part of 6 centuries or so, IRL. It's also keeping us locked into the Yllthion Mor - over which dominion must, in my opinion, be held. For our very own Dominium Maris Baltici (or rather, Dominium Maris Yllthion), I argue that the Trelli are in the bloody way, and therefore must be removed or destroyed. Also, being slaving fishsticks doesn't help their case.
Well, I guess that brings the other question up. How well could we actually fight the Trelli? I'm pretty sure we lose the naval engagements, but based on their mercenary company's performance in the last war, there is pretty much no way that they could beat us in a land war. So we would probably crush their colony, but they might be able to take tinshore?
They do have pitch now but we have catamarans, lateen sails, and our megaproject allows per-turn innovation. Thus, we might not outright lose the naval war.

Not that it matters. We'd just send a shitton of warriors through the hills, the loss of their merc companies and inflow of our luxuries would shatter their economics (hard to import grain from Khem if you have nothing to trade for it), and then they'd die once our soldiers reach them.
They do have pitch now but we have catamarans, lateen sails, and our megaproject allows per-turn innovation. Thus, we might not outright lose the naval war.

Not that it matters. We'd just send a shitton of warriors through the hills, the loss of their merc companies and inflow of our luxuries would shatter their economics (hard to import grain from Khem if you have nothing to trade for it), and then they'd die once our soldiers reach them.
Where did we see that they got pitch?

How the hell would they? Pitch is from the North TP?

I am confused.
I really do think it's worth trying to trade mission with Trelli, they're in a position where they can give a little now or lose everything longterm. They're simply not strong enough to hold the strait completely closed forever, I think the diplo genius has a good chance of making them recognize that.

Are legacies unique?

Yeah, if you want one that's taken you need to rip it from the civ that has them. The example AN gave was making a polity lose all it's colonies if we wanted the colony legacy.
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I believe this is speculation from their recent hoarding behavior, listed in the Trade Goods, which AN confirmed.
But. That's us hoarding lumber. Trelli isn't even on the Lumber list.

Pitch is not listed anywhere.

E: Weird. Where the fuck did we even see that they had an innovation. And more importantly where by Crow's Ball Feathers are they getting the pine?
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[X] [GA] Gain random genius (-15 Culture)
-[X] [GA] Specify: Admin genius (Additional -3 Culture)
[X] [FC] None
[X] [Diplo] Tie everything together internally (Main Build Roads)
[X] [React] Continue work on the Place to the Stars (5/7-8 actions completed)

I think we should get PttS done while we still have our Genius Mystic. That said, it's not worth spending Stability on the project.
So if we go for two free cities we'll still have one slot open, but we ideally don't want to fill that one so that if we ever take Vassal Support policy it'll attack as a low level influence rather than increase the cap.
Note that a third Free City almost certainly gets us a Legacy; I doubt any closeby civs have 3 True Cities, much less 3 Free Cities.

Yes. If there is a situation where more than half voted for a subvote but there is a split, I will go for the most popular subvote.
Wait. I'm only more confused now.

Lets say T people vote in Total, G people vote for a Given option, S people added Some subvote, and V1, V2, and V3 people voted for the seperate subvotes (so T > G > S = V1+V2+V3). I was under the impression that unless V1, V2, or V3 was at least T/2, none of them are included. But it sounds like you are saying that if S > G/2 you will include the most popular suboption?

Sorry; would you mind clarifying again?
Catamarans and trimarans are really fast, and impossible to sink.

Today's sailing world records are held with trimarans rather than monohulls.

Aren't those made of ultra-lightweight materials and based on advanced fluid dynamics math?

Does the advantage really translate to Late Bronze Age technology?
Why not kick it then?
I don't think it's worth spending Stability on it. Just because we have In Service to Order doesn't mean we should play willy nilly with Stability, especially when we're in a golden age. The value is a safety net but we should still play safe so that we're not caught off guard in a way that IStO can't account for.
Aren't those made of ultra-lightweight materials and based on advanced fluid dynamics math?

Does the advantage really translate to Late Bronze Age technology?

All modern racing boats are or can be made of ultra-lightweight materials and based on advanced fluid dynamics math. The fact that catamarans are still winning certainly shows something. And that something is that catamarans are better.

Khemetri provided +1 progress, Tormulyna provided +1 progress on the two actions committed thus far by influencing the construction rolls.
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