- Location
- Volksstaat Hessen, Deutsches Reich
They could cut off our resupply to Tinshore, but if one of our Banners is already there...Well, I guess that brings the other question up. How well could we actually fight the Trelli? I'm pretty sure we lose the naval engagements, but based on their mercenary company's performance in the last war, there is pretty much no way that they could beat us in a land war. So we would probably crush their colony, but they might be able to take tinshore?
Plus, their colony is right next to their mainland. I think Trelli is, sadly, on the European side of the Bosporus, so we would have the problem on how to cross the Bospurus, but we could take all the land up to directly their door step. And then use catapults or whatever to threaten the city directly.
I mean, Age of Empires tells me land siege weapons get a bonus versus ships. Let's test this!