Econ 16 -> 16:
16 - 1 (Carrion Eaters) - 1 (Study Health) + 2 (Automatic Refugees) = 16
Yay for refugees that don't deal stab hits

Surprised the Thunder Speakers getting conquered didn't produce any refugees, actually, since it sounds like it was just the Metal Workers...
@Academia Nut ?
Martial 10 -> 11 (+1):
10 + 2 (Carrion Eaters) - 1 (War casualties) = 11 + (+1) (Veterancy boost)
Wealth 16 -> 14
16 - 1 (Study Health) - 1 (Carrion Eaters) - 1 (Crossbow Vote) = 13 + 1 (???) = 14
Hmm...Maybe we got a boost from the silver mine?
Culture 7 -> 8:
7 + 1 (Carrion Eaters) = 8
Mysticism 7 (+6) = 11 (+2)
7 + 6 (Law Refunds) + 1 (Study Health) - 1 (Carrion Eaters) = 13 - 1 (???) = 12 + (+1) (Carrion Eater Refund)
@Academia Nut fixed the earlier mistake, but we seem to still be missing a point...
Tech 5 -> 0:
5 - 2 (Mine assistance) - 3 (Crossbows)
Prestige 57 -> 58:
57 + 1 (???) = 58
Probably from the war?
Stability 3 -> 3
No stab loss from the MW refugees, woo!
Centralization 4 -> 3, from mine assistance
It's a good thing we keep the KotH bonus for hte'll help us get max stats this turn.
Baby boom and Population Explosion, but AN has said that the latter has a decent chance to downgrade this turn to just baby boom; i'll cover those quotes more in the relevant section.