Sound really strong. IIRC, the Tigris and Euphrates were hugely important logistics routes for most of the big Fertile Crescent empires. I'm surprised the thread hasn't gone for it yet. I've followed enough ASOIAF quests to know how much SV loves canals.
We only recently had the time for the first time in centuries to settle the cataracts necessary to pull off the endeavor.
Oh god, we haven't paid the Trelli Mercanaries yet.
Analysis and Diffcheckers -- "Epic Age III"​

Econ 16 -> 16:​
16 - 1 (Carrion Eaters) - 1 (Study Health) + 2 (Automatic Refugees) = 16
Yay for refugees that don't deal stab hits :p Surprised the Thunder Speakers getting conquered didn't produce any refugees, actually, since it sounds like it was just the Metal Workers... @Academia Nut ?
Martial 10 -> 11 (+1):​
10 + 2 (Carrion Eaters) - 1 (War casualties) = 11 + (+1) (Veterancy boost)
Wealth 16 -> 14​
16 - 1 (Study Health) - 1 (Carrion Eaters) - 1 (Crossbow Vote) = 13 + 1 (???) = 14
Hmm...Maybe we got a boost from the silver mine?

Culture 7 -> 8:​
7 + 1 (Carrion Eaters) = 8
Mysticism 7 (+6) = 11 (+2)​
7 + 6 (Law Refunds) + 1 (Study Health) - 1 (Carrion Eaters) = 13 - 1 (???) = 12 + (+1) (Carrion Eater Refund)
Hmm... @Academia Nut fixed the earlier mistake, but we seem to still be missing a point...
Tech 5 -> 0:
5 - 2 (Mine assistance) - 3 (Crossbows)​
Prestige 57 -> 58:
57 + 1 (???) = 58
Probably from the war?

Stability 3 -> 3​
No stab loss from the MW refugees, woo!

Centralization 4 -> 3, from mine assistance

It's a good thing we keep the KotH bonus for hte'll help us get max stats this turn.
Baby boom and Population Explosion, but AN has said that the latter has a decent chance to downgrade this turn to just baby boom; i'll cover those quotes more in the relevant section.

We just got 3 companies for the cost of one!
Sound really strong. IIRC, the Tigris and Euphrates were hugely important logistics routes for most of the big Fertile Crescent empires. I'm surprised the thread hasn't gone for it yet. I've followed enough ASOIAF quests to know how much SV loves canals.
This required building a dam. And the spirit of AntiDam is strong.

I think we were about to defeat it before it incited the Khemetri to attack.
Sound really strong. IIRC, the Tigris and Euphrates were hugely important logistics routes for most of the big Fertile Crescent empires. I'm surprised the thread hasn't gone for it yet. I've followed enough ASOIAF quests to know how much SV loves canals.
we were more concerned w/ fixing the law & fighting wars. If the Khem hadn't attacked us we would have started the Dam soon/next, I think.
The Dam would be south of Valleyhome, right? Is the idea that it would make travel up and down that river easier? Because I can see how controlling that waterway would be ridiculously useful.

Actually, do any of the rivers and mountain ranges have names? It'd make talking about them a lot easier.
There's a few river names and the like. I'll get to those in a sec.

First though about the Dam we have three places. North of Upper Valleyhome. This gives the best benefits, but if it breaks, which is possible, there goes the core of our civ. The next is south of Lower Valleyhome and is safer but has less benefits.
The third is at the cataracts at our south border, beyond the badlands and it acts as the gateway to the Lowlands. What would happen there is that a Dam at the cataracts would let us turn a part of the badlands into a traversable lake and bypass the cataracts, opening trade.
We could also build a canal there, which lets us have a strong connection into the Lowlands, which we need with our capital in Upper Valleyhome.

Anyway, like pblur said the river south from Valleyhome to the Highlanders is the Snake River, I beleive the one that goes west to Redshore is the Mist River.
Going north along our coast, you get to the Black River which splits into two and goes into the steppe. Then at Greenshore on the West coast of the Yllthyon Sea(the Not!Black Sea) is the Green river. Then south of that between Greenshore and Trelli and the Not!Bosporus is the Tinriver with our Tinriver Trade Post. Then past the Trelli, about halfway between them and HV(Hatvalley), is the Vinula, where they put a colony. Then the next river is the Hat River, which just touches the Highlanders.

The river going down the east of the Lowlands is the Great River. It supposedly has an eyebrow raising and freaky god associated with it.

Hope that all helps!
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This is why you don't fight in other peoples wars with your forces.

We learned that lesson well.
We have leased out the Red Banner two times so far, and both times were very successful. The first time splintered the Xohyri Empire, as they had to release the Thunder Speakers, and both times the Red Banner got to split some Baby Killer skulls.
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AN: The Khemetri and the Ymaryn have met and are fighting over the King of the Hill status.

Trell-verse Players: Rent em out, lel. We can just shift sides when one is winning real hard.

AN: One of your merc companies died in the fighting.

Trell-verse Players: Sux, but that money tho.

AN: Yet another one of your merc companies are dead, along with 100k soldiers total, and the Khemetri & Ymaryn have declared peace.
So in the end, neither the Ymaryn nor the Khemetir lost the war.

The Trelli did. :lol:rofl::lol:rofl::lol
Not only that- a massive percentage of the Trelli trade wealth was from acting as a middleman between us and the Khemetri.

We don't need that anymore now that we've directly met.

The Trelli are definitely the losers of this war, especially if we set up that trade post.
First though about the Dam we have three places. North of Upper Valleyhome. This gives the best benefits, but if it breaks, which is possible, there goes the core of our civ. The next is south of Lower Valleyhome and is safer but has less benefits.
The third is at the cataracts at our south border, beyond the badlands and it acts as the gateway to the Lowlands. What would happen there is that a Dam at the cataracts would let us turn a part of the badlands into a traversable lake and bypass the cataracts, opening trade.
We could also build a canal there, which lets us have a strong connection into the Lowlands, which we need with our capital in Upper Valleyhome.


At first glance, I'm inclined to go with the third option for the dope logistics bonuses, but I feel like I barely understand the mechanics, so if there's serious economic benefits to building higher up the river, I'm all ears.

Anyway, like pblur said the river south from Valleyhome to the Highlanders is the Snake River, I beleive the one that goes west to Redshore is the Mist River.
Going north along our coast, you get to the Black River which splits into two and goes into the steppe. Then at Greenshore on the West coast of the Yllthyon Sea(the Not!Black Sea) is the Green river. Then south of that between Greenshore and Trelli and the Not!Bosporus is the Tinriver with our other Trade Post. Then past the Trelli, about halfway between them and HV(Hatvalley), is the Vinula, where they put a colony. Then the next river is the Hat River, which just touches the Highlanders.

The river going down the east of the Lowlands is the Great River. It supposedly has an eyebrow raising and freaky god associated with it.

Hope that all helps!

Thanks, this is all really helpful!
[X] The war will continue (War continues, have mid-turn actions before next War Mission rolls to potentiallyregenerate forces)

We bow before none. Blood and salt. The crow demands its due.
I am strongly in favor of opening up a trading Post with the Khemetri. We should ensure that this war does not happen again. We are horrible enemies and amazing friends. Now that we are no longer enemies, let us be friends. And make sure that they remember all of it.

Poppies are high on my list since grabbing another trade good would be nice and it helps replenish both wealth and martial.

I'd like to do The Games if our Mysticism hero is still around. Megaprojects are really nice to have.

The problem is, a trading post seems to require claiming land, at least in this age. Perhaps we could convert some of our existing land somehow?
This is why you don't fight in other peoples wars with your forces.

We learned that lesson well.
We have leased out the Red Banner two times so far, and both times were very successful. The first time splintered the Xohyri Empire, as they had to release the Thunder Speakers, and both times the Red Banner got to split some Baby Killer skulls.
The key is that your Mercs have to be gamechangers. Our Mercs came in and rolled over anything in their way. This is a safe and valuable way to use Mercs; send them out to strategically reinforce allies or hurt enemies when they can be the dominant force in any engagement they participate in.

The Trelli sent a bunch of mercs with mediocre discipline and equipment, and put them in the middle of a much larger conflict - where they got ground up like the chaff they were.