Nay, but since you were making guesses for next turn, that was mine. Rather than switch policies two turns in a row and basically lose out on a Main Project, just let our provinces build up the Martial while we take care of other concerns. Besides, we plan to attack the Highlanders for their Treason, so high martial is not a bad thing.
I'm a bit confused on your timing. Can you explain it?

It's crazy to think this was all one turn I know(awed face), my sense of time is wacked.

Anyway I set up my "plan"*snerk* for the idea of getting as much done as possible. Yours is good too.
Main integrate provides no advantages other than speed, which is unnecessary. Integrating now when, acc to AN, the heroic nomad son is looking @ us sounds risky. Trade policy is better than defensive.

Would probably prefer to do both passive policies on defensive. Iron is spreading, taking away our major advantage. More walls will make us safer. But forestation is nice.
@Academia Nut how wise of an idea do our advisors think it is to integrate the Stallion tribes to refill our martial at this time? Specifically asking due to the nomads currently kicking around.
Also, I know AN closed the vote, but voting anyways just to say I voted(not that it mattered with how massive a lead tribute had :p )

[X] Offer tribute (-5 Prestige, -10 Wealth, keeps King of the Hill, chance of +1 Stability)
I'm a bit confused on your timing. Can you explain it?

It's crazy to think this was all one turn I know(awed face), my sense of time is wacked.

Anyway I set up my "plan"*snerk* for the idea of getting as much done as possible. Yours is good too.
Midturn goes and past.

New Turn. Still White Flag Peace, no Causi Belli with the Highlanders yet.

Thus, my plan.

Turn after, we siege the Highlanders for their treachery.
In all fairness the HK probably saw this as their only chance to get their neck off the precarious sinking boat it's been on since we basically swept around them like a river of iron and blood. For all our pretty rhetoric, I'm sure they saw war as inevitable.

Very glad we have not been HK negaverse this past century or so for I am sure the salt and desperation could fuel a reactor that would launch their nation into orbit.
In all fairness the HK probably saw this as their only chance to get their neck off the precarious sinking boat it's been on since we basically swept around them like a river of iron and blood.

Very glad we have not been HK negaverse this past century or so for I am sure the salt and desperation could fuel a reactor that would launch their nation into orbit.

HK's negaverse really don't understand the Ymaryn at all. Should have send more trade missions at the NPC.
Main integrate provides no advantages other than speed, which is unnecessary. Integrating now when, acc to AN, the heroic nomad son is looking @ us sounds risky. Trade policy is better than defensive.

Would probably prefer to do both passive policies on defensive. Iron is spreading, taking away our major advantage. More walls will make us safer. But forestation is nice.
*points to post where I make the change to Trade*

I can see putting a Raise Army in the Main instead, that would work too. *shrug*
I have said before I think with Integrate + Merc we can keep safe from Nomads. But if people don't want to do it there are other options.

On the passives you have something of a point, but yeah, forestation is nice.
And @Karugus, weren't you the priemer voice of war in the past?
Absolutely, but part of that is knowing what wars need to be fought. Peace here let's me put the entire HK Dynasty to the sword and gives us a window subjugate the Trelli. At which point the major trade partner of the Khemetri? Their source of tin, jewels, mercury and more? Are the same guys who fought a god to a standstill, who even Khemetri had to admit are the local super power. You have to understand, more than anything else- their infallible Prince is, in fact, aware of what happened here, he is aware this a war Khemetri can't win, and he is going to enshrine such knowledge with all the authority and tyranny his position commands.

War is a means to an end. There's not going to be a productive means to an end from continuing this war with the Khemetri. We have better wars to fight, to put us in a better position to fight the Khemetri if it comes to that.

You can't simply look at this as a 5 turn truce, because there's a very real chance this peace between the two can last. Expanding trade (ideally by bringing the Trelli to heel), presenting the Ymaryn as increasingly powerful and stable without threatening the strategic interests of the Khemetri (this is the problem we can't get around with the HK), having a theocratic society recognize the divine mandate the Ymaryn have to steward the land. So long as they keep the Levant and we keep Anatolia- both of us have spheres of influence that can be kept separate. It might require semi-regularly sending trade missions to each king as envoys, maybe even the establishment of embassies.

The point is- there's a reason the Battle of Kadesh is considered the birthplace of diplomacy between nations, and our equivalent was much much bloodier on both sides.
Why do we need more martial? We'll be at base 10
For me it's because in my preferred plan we spawn a merc company which eats 8, so have that and do a Raise Army/Integrate.

Midturn goes and past.

New Turn. Still White Flag Peace, no Causi Belli with the Highlanders yet.

Thus, my plan.

Turn after, we siege the Highlanders for their treachery.

Mine is mid turn, deal with our wealth issue and anything mid turn specific.

New Turn, my plan as I've posted. Makes us super swole to krump the HK.

Turn after krump the HK.

So it's really only action particulars that are different.
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HK's negaverse really don't understand the Ymaryn at all. Should have send more trade missions at the NPC.
"AF, was there any way we could have avoided that?"
"Send trade missions, you would have learned more about their culture. Like how they don't fight wars of conquest."
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, almost every land grab done through war was with them as the defender. If you had just left them alone, they probably would have let you be too."
I see AN closed the vote just as I was catching up lol

[X] The war will continue (War continues, have mid-turn actions before next War Mission rolls to potentially regenerate forces)

Anyway, this is what I'd have voted for. Basically for similar reasons to @maximillian. I do not agree with giving them tribute after all this. It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. We fought them to a stand still, tens of thousands are dead on both sides. He should be asking for a white peace and I'd be unhappy, but fine with that.

I can also say that I'm pretty salty about passing over the upgrade to We Have Reserves for a pretty useless legacy that we aren't even going to use much. I mean, from the looks of it, the Khemri would barely have noticed the stab hits from it.
Front page under Extra Stuff I think.


So, as far as I understand it the disputed territory was the hills just above Not!Mesopotamia? And our vassals, the Txolla, are in the center of Not!Persia?

Was Not!Mesopotamia occupied in the past? It doesn't look like anyone's living there now. Was that where the Hathatyn were? It strikes me as odd that those lowlands are unoccupied.
I can also say that I'm pretty salty about passing over the upgrade to We Have Reserves for a pretty useless legacy that we aren't even going to use much. I mean, from the looks of it, the Khemri would barely have noticed the stab hits from it
Consider this: now no one else can have it

So, as far as I understand it the disputed territory was the hills just above Not!Mesopotamia? And our vassals, the Txolla, are in the center of Not!Persia?

Was Not!Mesopotamia occupied in the past? It doesn't look like anyone's living there now. Was that where the Hathatyn were? It strikes me as odd that those lowlands are unoccupied.
Well part of the weirdness is we don't know who lives there, and an interesting tidbit is that we and our lowlands are sitting on the 37th parallel. Where Mesopotamia sits in RL so our climate is different to RL Black Sea area.
For me it's because in my preferred plan we spawn a merc company which eats 8, so have that and do a Raise Army/Integrate.
I support the way that such a plan would result in a mix of veterans and fresh recruits in both our main army and the new mercenary company that we would establish. And the way it prepares us for attacking the HK.

Oh, also,

@pblur what new trade goods can we get other than ceramics and poppies w/o a) luck in finding a gold mine and b) establishing a northern trade post?
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Oh right, there's a thing I've been meaning to ask about. @Academia Nut, are we getting that option to build Stables as an Annex?

Other than that, let's keep in mind that we've now a dedicated-to-mercantile-pursuits [main] per turn and that these generally give us stats. Trade policy is so that our provinces send people trade missions, not for building stat points.

This might be a very good time to send out trade missions, but do it for that, not raw stat generation.

Other than that; I want a second Defense passive policy, and a Forestry passive. We simply aren't getting the time to bulk up our forests, and I'm unwilling to assume we'll get it anytime soon.

I rather like the option for The Games combined with trade with the Khemetri. Could go fun places, develop our diplomacy (which we honestly really need to do).
Well part of the weirdness is we don't know who lives there, and an interesting tidbit is that we and our lowlands are sitting on the 37th parallel. Where Mesopotamia sits in RL so our climate is different to RL Black Sea area.

I think we're at the same latitude, but a bit warmer. I think mesopotamia was moved north.
@Karugus now i'm imagining the total absurd that would be a Ymarin + Khemetri alliance...
I don't know about an outright alliance, but we could possibly keep long-standing treaties and relative friendship between our two nations if the thread is willing to drop like a secondary Khemetri each time we or they get a new king.

This is a war where both sides remember the horror, one side didn't get a decisive advantage to 'punish' the other for the atrocities inherent, and both sides have a mutual respect for each other as major powers.

It's probably not going to be easy, it's probably not going to be simple- but we can probably develop enough friends in the Khemetri nobility that war with us is unattractive, and if we have noble support- then supporting coups if an uppity Pharoah thinks he can take us is entirely possible.

So, as far as I understand it the disputed territory was the hills just above Not!Mesopotamia? And our vassals, the Txolla, are in the center of Not!Persia?
No, the Txolla are in the Mesopotamian river basin. The disputed territory was basically southeastern Anatolia.
Oh right, there's a thing I've been meaning to ask about. @Academia Nut, are we getting that option to build Stables as an Annex?

Other than that, let's keep in mind that we've now a dedicated-to-mercantile-pursuits [main] per turn and that these generally give us stats. Trade policy is so that our provinces send people trade missions, not for building stat points.

This might be a very good time to send out trade missions, but do it for that, not raw stat generation.

Other than that; I want a second Defense passive policy, and a Forestry passive. We simply aren't getting the time to bulk up our forests, and I'm unwilling to assume we'll get it anytime soon.

I rather like the option for The Games combined with trade with the Khemetri. Could go fun places, develop our diplomacy (which we honestly really need to do).
@Candesce He has said that the people in our core need to get more used to a horseback culture before it will be unlocked. Apparently it is locked right now because we chose Valleyhome where horseback riding isn't as big as the North. We might start getting the option if we integrate the Stallions though. That might be able to work