We can also start talking about pairings. :V

Red wine X Lamb
Salmon X White Burgundy
Sasu X Naru X Naruko
Sake X Pork Belly
Can we @ Manus? It does seem safer to just lock the thread and he is our mod. Don't know if it is against the rules to tag him like that.
Can we @ Manus? It does seem safer to just lock the thread and he is our mod. Don't know if it is against the rules to tag him like that.
PM'ing a request might work?

But he'd somehow have to figure out that it's what most/all of us want to do because he can't cut out people who want to keep it running, as that would be unfair to them.
Can we @ Manus? It does seem safer to just lock the thread and he is our mod. Don't know if it is against the rules to tag him like that.
If you don't want to be in the thread, don't be. So far as I can see you have no reason to restrict the rest of us from talking. I actually LIKE a few of the crazies around here. And if we want to discuss the Ymaryn as an intergalactic colonial power... so it goes. ;)
If you don't want to be in the thread, don't be. So far as I can see you have no reason to restrict the rest of us from talking. I actually LIKE a few of the crazies around here. And if we want to discuss the Ymaryn as an intergalactic colonial power... so it goes. ;)
Still, derails can only go so far. If you really want to s***post, this is not really the place for it.

Only thing I can do is ask that we don't take it too far.
If you don't want to be in the thread, don't be. So far as I can see you have no reason to restrict the rest of us from talking. I actually LIKE a few of the crazies around here. And if we want to discuss the Ymaryn as an intergalactic colonial power... so it goes. ;)

I too like the crazies and would not like to see the thread locked.
My personal preference would be main watchtowers (or at least a hatvalley targeted secondary*) + secondary study metal + one of support subordiante Gulvalley/new trails/tech-boosting-action?

Hm. I don't think supporting Gulvalley will do much. They've still got a bunch of legacy martial and econ from their time as Hatriver and Hatvalley, they just lack infrastructure right now. I'd favor new trails, or maybe study alchemy or even expand forest. Maybe even M[New Trails] and then two secondary study actions...
Look I don't like Offensive wining but we can work with it the only thing we have to do is not send any war mission with the king actions. I still like 2 main Raise Army what do you all think of it.
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Look I don't like Offensive wining but we can work with it the only thing we have to do is not send any war mission with the king actions. I still like 2 main Raise Army what do you all think of it.

You sir, need to learn the magic of periods.

I mostly want to use the mysticism hero to tech up metalworking and recruit more blackbirds if it's at all possible. Otherwise, shred martial via a new company so we can start recruiting more.
I see AN has called the vote. I was just about reply to a few things lol oh well, I'll just spoiler them, don't feel the need to respond.
I'll bring up something pointed out to me which was that it's probably not safe to integrate the Stallions while the Nomads are still brawling in the attic.

It's not inherently suicidal but we would have to be confident that we could stand those nomads off before we can integrate. It's possible but other plans are probably more viable.

I don't quite agree with your starting premise about us being able to finish this even on offensive in a single turn. They are a peer and that means a lot in any age. We would finish it quicker however, and the rest of your points in the first two paragraphs I don't disagree with.

Anyway! All that aside I highly suggest you go read these three things Yeargst showed us.

A Mandala for the Southeast Asian International System
Mandala of Power - ScienceDirect

They support your conclusion quite nicely. Pay extra attention to the first. You should see some striking similarities to the Ymaryn.
It is a good point about the Stallions and, to be fair, its something I'd like to support but the reality of the situation will probably change priorities.

While I freely admit it is unlikely we would be able to conclude this war within a single turn, Offensive gives the best chance of a decisive knockout blow and we are currently built for that. We have iron and are fighting on terrain we are familiar with. I feel on balance we have more advantages than disadvantages for attacking. To be honest, I look at the map and feel distinctly uneasy about just sitting and turtling while the Khemetri attack us. We're surrounded by too many hostile powers and it just feels indecisive.

Very interesting links. I'm about halfway through them and I see what you mean.

Except Defensive isn't a do nothing at all plan. We are not just going to sit twiddling our thumbs expecting our provinces to solve the problem for us. We would be sending War Mission as well as anything else the peripheries might need.
Oh, I am aware of that. We'd be sending War Missions no matter which policy is on. Offence just appeals to me far more at this moment, as an opportunity to push the Khemetri away from our territory and make them react to us. As I said above, defensive feels indecisive and that doesn't appeal at a time when we are surrounded by hostile neighbours looking for weakness. I'd rather take the chance for a quick end to the war, no matter how slim, than a grinding defence of our lands.

Fighting a war, whether we win or lose, will make us actually weakened.

Our neighbors are very beatable. We have a decent idea of where they are, how they fight, and how strong they are. We've beaten them before. They watched us torch Xohyr. They have no stake in a fight besides the opportunity to take out a threat, so as soon as it doesn't seem feasible to exterminate us, they'll come to terms.

The Khemetri, though - we don't know their size, except that at some point they were much bigger than us, or their military capabilities, except that they're fabulously wealthy in an age of mercenaries, or their fighting style, except guesses from RL history that they'll use chariots. They have their reputation on the line here, so they won't back down until they either win or take crippling losses. And with DS, quite frankly, we're much more vulnerable to crippling losses.

We can beat off all our neighbors, even at once. We even get a chance this turn at preemptively establishing negotiations/bribery with them. But taking on the Khemetri, OTOH, is a huge risk.

And if the war gets costly - especially land loss - even if we ultimately win, we'll be more vulnerable to our neighbors than ever.
You have valid points, and I understand your reasoning for them. Ultimately, I think the risk is worth it to protect our reputation, and not appear weak to the sharks surrounding us, or our subordinates. Thanks for giving your reasons and being willing to discuss them :)

Then perhaps some levity is in order to distract people of the heated nature of this argument?

Awww- wait... that last cat looks a bit different from the rest...

@Raichu1972 too(can't grab their quote). I apologize if you folks are annoyed by it. Feel free to speak up when you feel annoyed and ask me to stop and I'll stop. (Seriously, I'm not joking or pulling a lark)

I have to respect you guys too.
I find it more amusing than anything else. Breaks the seriousness of the thread. You're a vampire with a heart of gold *peers at avatar* or whatever equivalent you have.
More omakes please, those are always great.

I'm a little sad that no tells if the music is good or not.
The music was pretty good, it fit quite well. I'll second the omakes, it's always funny reading negaverse reactions.