Cool analysis Abby! Only got a few comments.

AN has said that technically Sacred Forest hasn't popped yet so if we can get below 12 we can keep it going with only a hiccup, and secondary poppies is enough for that.

I think what this means(brought up by someone I can't remember) is that that is the number of trails actions we need to do before we are fully trailed up like we were long ago.

I think this as a main is extra bullshit now since it is creating 1 Econ out of basically nothing.
Do you mean secondary hemp? I haven't actually looked at the tally in a while, but wasn't that the thing people were pushing for?

And hmm, maybe? Haven't we done more than 4 progress worth lately?
Do you mean secondary hemp? I haven't actually looked at the tally in a while, but wasn't that the thing people were pushing for?

And hmm, maybe? Haven't we done more than 4 progress worth lately?
B'eh! :V Yes I meant Hemp.

And since we started tracking the Cent cap raise, no we have not that I am aware off. And personally I don't think trails was doing that until the description changed to have it i.e that cap raise was the innovation we were waiting for.

Though I could be wrong on that last bit.

it's only going to fuck us hard if we ask for it rough
I've been having this chronic paranoid fit that even the simplest and worst options of the Law will have stability drops and or other nasty bullshit.

I hope to Gwygowyn said reforms don't cost culture or tech or we are probably fucked.
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I've been having this chronic paranoid fit that even the simplest and worst options of the Law will have stability drops and or other nasty bullshit.

I hope to Gwygowyn said reforms don't cost culture or tech or we are probably fucked.
The Law might not lead to a major tax overhaul. Last time we started The Law in the middle of taxes, rather than prior, after all. >.> One hopes.

Mostly I just want to rush catamarans so that a) we can face the Trell on even footing, b) admin overhead w/ the new Greenriver Colony (and probably the new WW capitol) will be reduced, and c) so that we have the culture to do The Games when we start our integration of the Stallions.
B'eh! :V Yes I meant Hemp.

And since we started tracking the Cent cap raise, no we have not that I am aware off. And personally I don't think trails was doing that until the description changed to have it i.e that cap raise was the innovation we were waiting for.

Though I could be wrong on that last bit.

I've been having this chronic paranoid fit that even the simplest and worst options of the Law will have stability drops and or other nasty bullshit.

I hope to Gwygowyn said reforms don't cost culture or tech or we are probably fucked.
AN had made comments about there being things that affect the centralization limits, that we'd eventually be able to see, so i think that always existed, we just didn't see it...same as how Distribute Land and probably Wildcat Prospecting mess with the lower centralization limit, and almost certainly did so before we could actually see it.
I think trails eitehr always affected centralization tolerance, or it did as soon as AN decided it should, but still probably before we could see it.

Also, i guess i'm fine with the winning vote:

[X][Main] The Law (Iron Age)
[X][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X][Secondary] Plant Hemp
[X][Free] Change Passive Policy - Defence (+1 significant walls/turn)
[X][Free] Found Colony - Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony
Thanks for the correction on needing max stats.
a) we won't hit a Golden Age any time soon.
Unless by "any time soon" you mean "next turn" (not the mid-turn).
Current plan is:
{M} The Law x3
{S} Proclaim Glory
{S} Hemp
{S} ??? (Province action, likely increase tech)

Ignoring the province action, that's
-6 to 8 tech, full Mysticism refund
* S: -3 Culture, -1 Econ, +1 Legitimacy, +1 Stability, potential +1 Prestige
*S: -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, +1 Tech, +1 Mysticism, +2 Diplo if have boats, +1 Econ next turn

The relevant (possible to max) stats are
Diplomacy 11: +1 from KotH, +2 from Hemp -> 13
Economy 15: +6 from Baby Boom, -3 from actions, -2 from city -> 16
Wealth 8: +5 from trade/saltern, -1 for Mercenaries, -(1-3) from crisis -> 9-11
Mysticism 11: +1 from Temple drip, +1 from Hemp, full refund -> 13

So yes, we won't have the stats to get a Golden Age. However, we're a single secondary away from getting a second max, a main at most. And we need to be at max stability for a whole turn whereas we only need to touch 2 max stats AFAIK. As such we can spend the mid-turn doing something to increase Diplo, Wealth, or Mysticism and we'd be at max stats as the Stability requirement is met.

b) More Boats gives us catamarans so we'll finally be on even footing w/ the Trell & it synergizes well w/ Hemp.
Boats causes Sacred Forest to pop since it adds LTE, though it might delay the popping for a turn.
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The Law might not lead to a major tax overhaul. Last time we started The Law in the middle of taxes, rather than prior, after all. >.> One hopes.

Mostly I just want to rush catamarans so that a) we can face the Trell on even footing, b) admin overhead w/ the new Greenriver Colony (and probably the new WW capitol) will be reduced, and c) so that we have the culture to do The Games when we start our integration of the Stallions.
a) I actually agree with since *raging Dracula voice* I vant to rip out their beating 'eart and eat it! *raging Dracula voice* *ahem* so it pains me not too.
b) Is also sensible. Admin should always be a concern.
c) I have no opinion on.

So why not I'll slot it in as an approval vote, since my burning desire to eat some hearts is kicking up. If it blows up though I will blame you in a special corner of my heart. :V

[X] [Main] The Law (Iron Age)
[X] [Free] Change Passive Policy - Defence (+1 significant walls/turn)
[X] [Secondary] Plant Hemp
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Aqueduct Redshore
[X] [Secondary] More Boats
[X][Free] Convert Greenshore to colony

AN had made comments about there being things that affect the centralization limits, that we'd eventually be able to see, so i think that always existed, we just didn't see it...same as how Distribute Land and probably Wildcat Prospecting mess with the lower centralization limit, and almost certainly did so before we could actually see it.
I think trails eitehr always affected centralization tolerance, or it did as soon as AN decided it should, but still probably before we could see it.

Also, i guess i'm fine with the winning vote:

[X][Main] The Law (Iron Age)
[X][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X][Secondary] Plant Hemp
[X][Free] Change Passive Policy - Defence (+1 significant walls/turn)
[X][Free] Found Colony - Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony

I am totally spit balling here. I'm fine with it being either, though I'd prefer it being a meter for tracking how roaded up we are.
@Academia Nut,
Would a singular secondary be sufficient to have or at least prompt large scale applications of hemp and the cultivation thereof?

A single secondary would begin large scale production and thus processing of hemp, yes.

Heres hoping that an adventurous Ymaryn would travel east. Were in the arid hills he will discover the noble flocks. They will give him the secrets of shepardy. And when the night is at its darkest, he will return to Valleyhome, spreading the teaching of the sheep and ask the king to follow the path of the fued as proclaimed by the woolen ones!

You've had goats and sheep for like the past two to three thousand years, since like page 22 of the thread.

@Academia Nut : How well-preserved are our historical records compared to other civs? Assuming some of them survive, would there be more recorded history in this world compared to real world Earth?

You're likely to leave behind decent records, although it's impossible to say what will survive and what will be blown away by the sands of time.

Metal gives tech for a secondary, and only costs 1 mysticism in teh main, in a straight up buff. Odd that it doesn't give tech as the main... @Academia Nut is that intentional?

It's technically costing Tech in the Main, but Best of the Best is turning some of that into Wealth cost instead.

What happened to Resettlement? <3

I renamed it to Retraining. It was always meant to be your new "Let's step down the warrior population" action.

Also, will go back through the actions and fine tune a few of the typos and costs.
have you considered {M} Retraining? It's nicer narratively. Though I suppose that making an ST MC would provide an outlet for their martial culture and a source of income for their families.
I'd much rather leverage our Martial into a new Company as opposed to just throwing it away. Previously, throwing it away would have been tempting, but mercenary companies have gone from -5 to -8 Martial, so doing one Company actually leaves us without much excess.
@Academia Nut would it be possible to simulate Roman levels of cultural assimilation of conquered territories with our current actions/values? I'm asking because it seems that while we're way ahead of them when it comes to integrating refugees and others I'm curious as to how monolithic we can be culturally without resorting to atrocity.
Current Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by gutza1 on Jul 23, 2017 at 9:43 PM, finished with 83278 posts and 64 votes.
It's technically costing Tech in the Main, but Best of the Best is turning some of that into Wealth cost instead.
Oooh, so without BotB it would be:
Study Metal - Iron and copper, gold and silver, what other secrets are hidden in metal and stone?
* S: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Mysticism, +1 Tech, small chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Mysticism, -1 Tech, improved chance of new insights
Where the improved insight chance costs 2 tech?

Also, can you clarify what the 4/14 is in the description for new trails?

Also, for anyone wondering, i think the only change AN just made other than typo fixes was having the Library cost culture instead of tech.
Stone Age Canal
The People cut an artificial river in the hills without the use of metal. Not only does this improve the internal economy and trade, but as long as its memory remains it will be a source of pride in collective labour. Whenever the People complete a major engineering project, they also gain Culture, Tech, and Mysticism.
Oooh, neat! The Canal gives both Tech and Culture.
Best of the Best
Whether in war or in art, the People want only the best, damn the costs
Pros: Increase Martial gain from raising elite units, bonus Art and Mysticism for certain actions
Cons: Increased potential Martial loss in fighting, increased social stratification, increased costs
Whoops! Missed this before - Best of the Best hasn't been updated yet.
Some time in the future I would like to double main expand snails and begin large scale aquaculture. If we could unlock offshore fish farming, and eventually artificial reefs and islands. Shapers of the land could evolve again.
[X] [Main] The Law (Iron Age)
[X][Secondary] Plant Hemp
[X] [Secondary] More Boats
[X] [Free] Change Passive Policy - Defence (+1 significant walls/turn)
[X][Free] Found Colony - Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony