[X] Fishing Village
[X] Step-Farms

I think you mean Support Fishers for your second choice:p

I'm hoping for Step-Farms myself. Maximize useage and all that before expanding.

Though I really want to Organize Settlement soon. We're managing to feed a lot of people and growing slowly. That means all the problems of lack of proper sewers and poor space management leading up to disease.
Tater tots all the way!
I want step-farms, too. I think it should be Step Farms -> Organize Settlement -> Expand Settlement -> Expand Managed Forest. We'll need to Expand to match the lowland expansion, but having the Step Farms will help our growth regardless. And putting it ahead of Organize Settlement means we can plan our new organization around them rather than our current model.

The expedition is something you are doing right away where the major project is sending effort over many years, and yes, you can choose both and get maximum effort. If you choose neither then there will still be some individuals who will head out to help, but it won't be a tribe wide effort.

You can also build a monument as the immediate action and dedicate a place to the spirits will basically expand it.

Radical. I think building a monument might be the best choice for immediate actions. It appeases the "Spirits Exist!!" group, and then we can do Support Fishing Village as the major project & move toward incorporating them. On the other hand, our charity appeased the spirits. Charity must be the way forward!! Onwards, to the Amiableity religion!
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Expiditions are immediate actions.
[] Fishing village
[] Spirit talkers
[] Lowlanders
[] Stay home, build monument

Major projects are actions over a few years.
[] Dedicate Place to Spirits
[] Establish Annual Festival
[] Expand Settlement
[] Expand Warriors
[] Expand Managed Forests
[] Organize Settlement
[] Step-Farms
[] Support Fishers
[] Trade Expeditions

So if you choose Fishing Village and Step Farms, immediate help will be sent to the fishing village while the tribe will construct step farms over the years as a group effort.
[X] Fishing village

Be a good Samaritan.

[X] Support Fishers

Though I do want our own rice terraces, well, same reason as above.
Then why not vote for Step-farms? Fishing Village means we provide immediate support and help them understand why the coastline is changing. That still allows us room to go for the long term project of maximizing space use
I want step-farms, too. I think it should be Step Farms -> Organize Settlement -> Expand Settlement -> Expand Managed Forest. We'll need to Expand to match the lowland expansion, but having the Step Farms will help our growth regardless. And putting it ahead of Organize Settlement means we can plan our new organization around them rather than our current model.
Yes, that matches up with what I want, though I do want to expand the warriors before expand settlement lest we end up with too few(we make a mouthwatering target after all. Why not vote Step-Farms then?

Also even if you do want to double down on the fishers,
Okay, I'ma say:
[x] Fishing Village.
[x] Fishing Village.

Let's help them by figuring out their problem and then solving it. Aka realizing that the lack of rain has fucked up the rivers and that what we need to do is build dams and channels to help reduce the effect of floods.
I think you mean
[] Fishing village
[] Support Fishers
Otherwise you're only voting for one:p
I think you mean Sure?
Its really an opinion o_O, in least you have a good paper analysis detailing all the factors lol
I'm pretty sure it's a joke.
Nope, although maybe I should change the question to
What makes a great civilization? :whistle:
Is it bread and circuses?:D
Then why not vote for Step-farms? Fishing Village means we provide immediate support and help them understand why the coastline is changing. That still allows us room to go for the long term project of maximizing space use

Yes, that matches up with what I want, though I do want to expand the warriors before expand settlement lest we end up with too few(we make a mouthwatering target after all. Why not vote Step-Farms then?

Also even if you do want to double down on the fishers,

I think you mean
[] Fishing village
[] Support Fishers
Otherwise you're only voting for one:p

I'm pretty sure it's a joke.

Is it bread and circuses?:D
Tbh, I assumed that the amount of warriors we have will expand proportionately to our population. Expanding our settlement just spreads us out and then our population grows in density to fit the new size, perhaps while still expanding outward at the same rate.

I support supporting the fishers, still, though. Diplomancing them and having that steady sea diet is just too much of a positive...
Tbh, I assumed that the amount of warriors we have will expand proportionately to our population. Expanding our settlement just spreads us out and then our population grows in density to fit the new size, perhaps while still expanding outward at the same rate.

I support supporting the fishers, still, though. Diplomancing them and having that steady sea diet is just too much of a positive...
That brings up the question of why is it even an option then? The original Warrior option was about making a select few instead of ensure more could fight. However it has been several generations since and we have grown much since and we still need to prepare for the lowland raiders. A smaller hope is that it will also open up the possibility of a proto-police, but that's for way later.

But we still would be, Choosing Fishers for the first choice would still help them. Grabbing Step-Farming would be big jump in agriculture though and allow faster bounce back in case of droughts. Recall that the fishers also had problems these last few years. We ourselves only barely manage to jump back because our innovations
The rains that year were late and weak, but they came. The harvest was poor, but it was. And the channels and cisterns and forests were all there to catch every last drop, and to slow down the water flowing over the dry soil and keep a blessing from becoming a curse. It was a hard year, a lean year, a year without births, but rations could be increased just a little bit and stockpiles increased.

Step-Farms help ensure that we would still survive even with little rain as we ensure nothing is wasted
Step-Farms - Bringing the irrigation systems to its limit, the hills can be sculpted into a series of steps, each step supporting a farm plot, the run off from a higher farm irrigating the farms lower down [Gardeners][Pre-King]

That means more surplus to use in trade, fuel festivities, or grow even more into maybe even a town. The Fishing Village came to use because even in Drought, we still managed to give. We can continue that if we better ensure that we always have plenty to give.
What's with the gold number Academia?

You're pushing into the point where you're getting over-centralized for your technology and social organization. You're lucky you developed a tolerance recently.

That brings up the question of why is it even an option then? The original Warrior option was about making a select few instead of ensure more could fight. However it has been several generations since and we have grown much since and we still need to prepare for the lowland raiders.

It means that you expand the proportion of professional warriors.
If we get to the access to the coast via the fishing village, we can become a sea power.
Not necessarily, it looks like the fishing village is just that; a fishing village. Hardly a trading port with long distance vessals.
You're pushing into the point where you're getting over-centralized for your technology and social organization. You're lucky you developed a tolerance recently.
So increase hierarchy? Also who's the new Big Man/Woman, I thought Crwyl was stepping down?