So, no war! and we get a bunch of tin.

The Trelli are also starting to expand though, which could be bad if they decide to start expanding towards us.

Overall, I like the outcome.
They set up a settlement of their own on the river to their east. While they weren't yet trading directly with the People, it seemed that rather than throw a fit as some had feared, the Trelli had instead decided to step outside their complacency of being the sort of place where everyone came to trade and actually began to go out and claim territory for themselves. There was some consternation among the council as to whether or not this was better or worse than an immediate military reaction.
What resources do they mostly trade with/for in this trade-post?

Have we still cut their tin/bronze-trade up, or at least in the future be capable of doing that?
Not particularly?

Their rivals in the sense of being the strongest civ in the general area that isn't us, but we have no reason to fight them and they have no reason to fight us.

Peace I find is good, especially now that we're trying to get through a crisis.

Though I fear you may be underestimating how long distance a war can be ranged.

Even then we may end up fighting for control of the region we have expanded into i.e Punic wars
Nothing changed then :/
We have presented ourselves as a viable alternative to trading with the Trelli, at least to the Tin Tribes, and were able to stop a lot of the raiding in the area by backing the less assholish villages.

We're getting more money, and we aren't stuck in a war like a bunch of people claimed we would be.

It worked even better then planned! The Trelli didn't attack, we have their Bronze capabilities by the balls and the slave raiding tribes they were trying to use are now pacified!

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[X] [Main] Found Mercenary Company
[X] [secondary] New Trails
[X] [secondary] New Trails x2

Need to road and mercenary to lower martial for ST integration.

Diplomacy 10 (+1) [+2]
Economy 6 (+1+1) [-2+5]
Econ Expansion 12 (0+1) [+2-5]
Martial 10 {13}
Wealth 8 [+5-1]

Stability 2 (hopeful)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 3
Hierarchy 7
Religious Authority 4
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It worked even better than planned! The Trelli didn't attack, we have their Bronze capabilities by the balls and the slave raiding tribes they were trying to use are now pacified!

On the other hand who knows.

They might be able to nick the Riddle of Iron off of us...

Probably not.

Still any idea how close we are to steel of any type?

(I know bugger all about ancient steel production. I know Besemer, but not plate mail and chain vests ect.)
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Highlands Kingdom
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Highlands Kingdom x2

This will give us the Stability and Diplomacy we need to enter the golden age. It'll also repair relations with the Highlands Kingdom, lowering the chance of another war between us in the future. "Don't be dicks to your neighbours or they will back you pack in the worst possible time." We weren't dicks, but we still hurt them badly and they still dislike us for hurting them, so the lesson still applies.
[X]Main Integrate Vassal
[X]Main Integrate Vassal x2
[X]Secondary Enforce Justice

Go For The Golden Age
...that's exactly what they did.
Sorry, I meant more in the sense of them agressively expanding towards our core territories, which they did not do.

Them having more settlements and not just being a city state actually makes them more vulnerable, since we can now beat them up effectively using the Red Banner and they can no longer rely solely on the prowess of their ships to keep them safe, if it comes to it.

More importantly, it shows that the Trelli are content to let us compete with them in trade, and won't instantly sick their entire military force on us.
Well, that went well!

[X] [Main] Found Mercenary Company
[X] [secondary] New Trails
[X] [secondary] New Trails

This is a reasonable line to take as to increase our lacking trails and set up for ST integration next turn, while MP support will take care of Palace.
OK, just noting for all a reminder (but not naming any plans because I seriously can't be trusted with knowing the stats here) :

Whatever we do, remember to keep the baby-boom going.
I am surprised that we have not devolped a value or belief along the lines of "disharmonus actions tend to attract disharmony until the disharmony goes away". It makes a great justification for the series of improbible events that lead to that city killing.
Our Wealth is now +5-1. We're making a profit even counting max tax reform penalties and mercenaries.

We have presented ourselves as a viable alternative to trading with the Trelli, at least to the Tin Tribes, and were able to stop a lot of the raiding in the area by backing the less assholish villages.

We're getting more money, and we aren't stuck in a war like a bunch of people claimed we would be.
I meant the situation between us an the Trelli. They escalated, by expanding. So there is still potential of trouble.

On the hand, they expanded inward so their boats are no help to them there, so yay?