That's been the stated goal of several people. We're still a long way off, no question about it, but fully integrating them (integrate->wait 100 years or so) basically means "get rid of all their unique traits" which just seems wasteful to me.
Not at all. We have already looked over their current traits, which are actively detrimental to our system. Blend them in and wait for a new crop to emerge from the remaining peripheries.
Periphery states explicitly will continue to generate new traits. There's no waste involved when these are traits we're trying actively to stamp out and new traits will continue to spawn.
Waste refers to neutral or desirable traits. We're looking at the following divergences:
-Stallion Tribes - Ymaryn Hereditary Ownership dissident base married to Nomads
--Confirmed Ancestral Honor(Family Honor + Honorable Death) - Boosts Hero generation, increased class divisions, decreased gender equality, stronger pressure towards hereditary everything.
--Hinted Martial Glory - Fights better, but wants to fight more.
-Heaven's Hawks - "Domesticated" Nomads from a Heroic Nomad Diplomat past
--Confirmed Martial Glory - See above
--Confirmed Ancestral Honor - See above
--Hinted Honor Debt - Probably an Eye for an Eye/Word is my bond evolution
--Others unknown
-Western Wall - Core Ymaryn settlers off a baby boom married into nomad wives, forming a March that demilitarized, having expanded along the coast.
--Everything unknown, nothing come to our attention yet.
--Likely to share some Stallion Tribe traits
-Greenshore - Core Ymaryn traders off a baby boom, forming a Trading Post
--Likely to share some Trelli traits
--Likely to share some Metalworker traits
--Strong focus on boats and trade
-Hatvalley - Hathatyn refugees under Ymaryn leadership
--Traits towards individualism
--Traits towards being possessive about land
--Traits towards mining/resource production(probably Wildcat?)
-Red Banner - Core Ymaryn warriors off the Hathatyn war, having since been exposed to Highlander, Thunder Speaker and PTSD-chan culture
--Hinted Self Sacrifice trait(Honorable Death + Greater Good adaptation?)
--Hinted Martial Glory trait
-PTSD-chan - Lowland Minors being systematically assaulted, robbed, dominated and enslaved by everyone around.
--Share many Xohyssiri traits
--Hinted Revenge trait(Eye for an Eye adaptation)
--Hinted Bide Your Time traits(may be same as the revenge trait)
And nearly certainly will get another Want Trait? event when we integrate.