[X][Annex] Library
[X][Annex] Library x2
[X][Annex] Shrine
[X][Annex] Shrine x2
[X][Annex] Storehouse
[X][Annex] Storehouse x2
[X][Annex] Gardens
[X][Annex] Arsenal
[X][Loc] Valleyhome


Also, added [Annex] thingies.
Them cut-off the intermediary and do auctions... where anything that's lower than price X and in bulk will have the biggest possibility of wining, ie, the government buys more for a lower price, but the seller still gets his profits, even if lower by units, but bigger because of bulk.
But that just adds more administrative overhead. We're a command/palace economy, so our government buys, sells, and otherwise handles a large portion of the goods our economy produces/uses/buys/sells/imports/exports/etc. Adding an auction to every step (or even the largest and most vulnerable steps) where a good goes from private hands to government hands, or vice versa, would slow our economy nontrivially, and require more clerk time to oversee the auction and properly record the (now less standardized) results, which we're already overworked on.

@Academia Nut how much more has our horse courier system evolved? It's already gone from "handful of military runners" to being a relatively widespread phenomenon in military, administrative, and probably diplomatic situations, with a set up horse courier chain at least between valleyhome and redshore able to ensure emergency news is quickly translated, but how widespread is that setup? how redundant/how often can it actually be used before the horses and people are too tired or out of place to continue? Have our horses gotten noticeably bigger since it started, or are they still only barely big enough to carry young girls? Have teenage boys joined the teenage girls in being couriers, or any form of adults? Have the couriers come up with any new techniques or accessories to keep themselves (and their cargo) in place, or to better carry more parchment with them? What about the rodeos? How developed (and popular) are those? How does the prestige of being a horse courier or rodeo-rider compare to other prestigious careers like being a Red Banner soldier, or a chariot archer, or miner, or blacksmith (...which i think we still find prestigious?), or low-level chief, or...are clerks prestigious?

Wait so if I vote right now for
[X] Gardens

It will win?
Or does the x3 count as plain garden as well?
From bungie's tally, no:
Tally wheeee!

Vote Tally : Original - Paths of Civilization | Page 2858 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.1
[13] Storehouse x2
[8] Great Hall Expansion x2
[5] Fortifications
[4] Great Hall Expansion x3
[3] Gardens x2
[2] Storehouse x3
[2] Arsenal x2
[2] Fortifications x3
[2] Shrine x3
[2] Arsenal x3
[1] Fortifications x2
[1] Fortifications x4
[1] Gardens x3
[1] Great Hall Expansion x4
[1] Arsenal x4
[1] Arsenal x5
[1] Arsenal x6
[1] Arsenal x7
[1] Arsenal x8
[1] Shrine x4
[1] Shrine x5
[1] Shrine x6
[1] Shrine x7
[1] Shrine x8
[1] Garden x3
[1] two thirds of annual revenue for twenty years to make it as close a reflection of divine perfection as possible.

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Annex
[102][Annex] Library
[101][Annex] Shrine
[94][Annex] Library x2
[71][Annex] Storehouse
[51][Annex] Great Hall Expansion
[48][Annex] Gardens
[30][Annex] Arsenal
[25][Annex] Shrine x2
[9][Annex] Library x3

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Loc
[58][Loc] Valleyhome
[40][Loc] Redshore
[3][Loc] Sacred Forest
Total No. of Voters: 115
It needs like 9 more votes after yours, if nothing else has changed and i'm reading things right.
OK if you include the wrongly worded votes, then garden and halls have quite a bit of a following, or those never count?
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Ah that.

Hmm. What @Raichu1972 said is probably a good start.

I'm honestly not sure though. Maybe some restrictions on contract law, specifying what terms can be in contracts?

This is way outside my knowledge though so I can't help much.

The governor palaces may be a solution to his, at least in part due to more direct oversight. Those would act as regional palaces because it's plain stupid to route everything through Valleyhome.

Redshore would absolutely merit a 'palace' later on, given the traffic it has. So would Blackriver and pretty much every trade nexus in the kingdom.

It may be better to think of the governor palaces as administrative/logistics centres than a place of politics.

That also raises the question in how far the Grand Palace acts as a template for the lesser palaces. If we overdo it, it may make the lesser palaces overly expensive and focused on politics.

In the extreme long term, we'd still need to privatize some parts of the economy as the complexity increases exponentially. Which is somewhat desirable as it means that our technology and society in general develops rapidly. Otherwise, we risk a total meltdown as clerks just can't keep up with it all.

But that is still some ways off. Better let people get used to having provincial authority manage things to some extent.

As for Colony versus March: I'd go for Colony. It can still defend itself if needed and we will eventually have a Company assigned to them once the crisis is over. As a Colony, they may be more vulnerable, but they will also build up their economy rapidly thanks to Black Soil and Forests. Which means they will have a shit ton of Yeomen and eventually warriors. If peaceful expansion should peter out, we can still count on the lowlanders to give us a CB. They are reliable like that.
As a Colony, they may be more vulnerable, but they will also build up their economy rapidly thanks to Black Soil and Forests.
Don't forget also that they will expand to new provinces, which a March will not. Just look at what Western Wall is doing.

And apparently, with good connectivity, they will spontaneously send provinces back :). So, Expand forests -> survey -> wildcat mines -> trails.
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Nope the cutoff number is 57.5.
That number is bullshit. You're putting your faith in a machine to compile all the people who voted even if it wasn't counted by the machine. This includes people who might have only voted for location instead of the rest of the vote.

The total number of voters is actually either 100 or closer to 100 than is being shown. With 15 voters votes being funny in some manner that would take a human eye to make a judgement on instead of a cold computer counting machine.
That number is bullshit. You're putting your faith in a machine to compile all the people who voted even if it wasn't counted by the machine. This includes people who might have only voted for location instead of the rest of the vote.

The total number of voters is actually either 100 or closer to 100 than is being shown. With 15 voters votes being funny in some manner that would take a human eye to make a judgement on instead of a cold computer counting machine.

There is also the tyranny of correct formatting and spelling. It's unjust to have to retype stuff, unjust I tell ye!
No bad sheepy, not those kinds of spitroasts!

*Thwap Thwap*

That number is bullshit. You're putting your faith in a machine to compile all the people who voted even if it wasn't counted by the machine. This includes people who might have only voted for location instead of the rest of the vote.

The total number of voters is actually either 100 or closer to 100 than is being shown. With 15 voters votes being funny in some manner that would take a human eye to make a judgement on instead of a cold computer counting machine.
*raises eyebrow*

That number is bullshit. You're putting your faith in a machine to compile all the people who voted even if it wasn't counted by the machine. This includes people who might have only voted for location instead of the rest of the vote.

The total number of voters is actually either 100 or closer to 100 than is being shown. With 15 voters votes being funny in some manner that would take a human eye to make a judgement on instead of a cold computer counting machine.

*touches the laptop*
Dunno about "cold", it's definitely warmer than me. :V

(I should clean it sometime)
That number is bullshit. You're putting your faith in a machine to compile all the people who voted even if it wasn't counted by the machine. This includes people who might have only voted for location instead of the rest of the vote.

The total number of voters is actually either 100 or closer to 100 than is being shown. With 15 voters votes being funny in some manner that would take a human eye to make a judgement on instead of a cold computer counting machine.
Actually no it is not bullshit now that I've thought about it for a minute.

By voting for only a location in our Approval voting system, that means they do not want any annexes at all. That is their vote and their preference to vote against all the annexes. So those who vote for location only should count as well to the total number of voters.

I'll link it it's an interesting read. Approval voting.
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Don't forget also that they will expand to new provinces, which a March will not. Just look at what Western Wall is doing.

And apparently, with good connectivity, they will spontaneously send provinces back :). So, Expand forests -> survey -> wildcat mines -> trails.

Which just adds more manpower.

I think a part many people forgot was that the Ymaryn as of before the climate crisis were roughly equal in numbers to the lowlands.

The entire lowlands if I remember correctly.

And now we control a sizeable chunk of the lowlands and while we took a lot of damage from the climate, the lowlands didn't do so hot either for the most part. And we stole a big chunk of their land/population which we are uplifting to our standards.

Now we stopped taking damage, have new territory, both in the lowlands and coastal and the other guys are still taking damage.

Btw, is anyone else getting Carthage vibes from Greenshore? Carthage also started as a Trading Post and quickly grew to eclipse it's founder.

@Academia Nut

How are our colonies feeling about the central administration?

How is Greenshore viewing us now that they are transitioning to become a Free City/Colony/City State under their own power?
As for Colony versus March: I'd go for Colony. It can still defend itself if needed and we will eventually have a Company assigned to them once the crisis is over. As a Colony, they may be more vulnerable, but they will also build up their economy rapidly thanks to Black Soil and Forests. Which means they will have a shit ton of Yeomen and eventually warriors. If peaceful expansion should peter out, we can still count on the lowlanders to give us a CB. They are reliable like that.

There will also be a lot of internal migration as well, so we basically ymarnize the possibly outnumbered lowlanders.
A more in depth tally with voters included for those who care.

Vote Tally : Original - Paths of Civilization | Page 2858 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.1
[8] Great Hall Expansion x2
[4] Fortifications
[3] Gardens x2
[3] Great Hall Expansion x3
[2] Storehouse x3
[2] Arsenal x2
[2] Fortifications x3
[2] Shrine x3
[2] Arsenal x3
[1] Fortifications x2
[1] Fortifications x4
[1] Gardens x3
[1] Great Hall Expansion x4
[1] Arsenal x4
[1] Arsenal x5
[1] Arsenal x6
[1] Arsenal x7
[1] Arsenal x8
[1] Shrine x4
[1] Shrine x5
[1] Shrine x6
[1] Shrine x7
[1] Shrine x8

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Annex
[102][Annex] Library
[101][Annex] Shrine
[93][Annex] Library x2
[70][Annex] Storehouse
[51][Annex] Great Hall Expansion
[49][Annex] Gardens
[29][Annex] Arsenal
[24][Annex] Shrine x2
[13][Annex] Storehouse x2
[9][Annex] Library x3

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Loc
[59][Loc] Valleyhome
[40][Loc] Redshore
[3][Loc] Sacred Forest
Total No. of Voters: 115

...really not important enough to start swearing at one of our top contributors.
Well whether or not I am a top contributor is irrelevant to that particular in my opinion. :)
Ok, so from the tally the only sure things are double library, a shrine, and a storehouse. Great Hall expansion might get in(it has nearly half the votes) and Garden is only 2 votes behind that, so it also might get in. The other options are at least 20 votes behind.
"Sigh" I'm just salty that if there were a total of 115 voters to make your number accurate. Gardens and main hall would lose. There might not be enough time to turn this vote around. And I just lost a lot of data on an omake I was trying to write... It was going to be funny.

Psst, hey you! Want some fuedalism?
It'll I'll make all the sad go away.
Also, I do agree if you're making a vote to be funny because the winners are clear, please don't put actual Xs in the vote. It distorts the vote count which makes winners on opt in votes harder to parse.

Or better yet, simply don't use a vote as a joke. It's not as funny as you think.