Lowlands. Not much to be gained from conquering the steppes, while you can get a shitload of pretty much everything from the lowlands.
To give the Southern Provinces more power? Not buying it.
You're fearmongering. He will most likely not have the ability to set policy or declare war without our say so. He just makes it rewarding to do so by being a Heroic Martial king, and the action he automatically takes bolsters our military to that effect.
What do you think the Agenda for different candidates mean? It would be pointless if they would not act upon them.
Except, he won't be building infrastructure. His agenda is conquest. What form of conquest would give the Northern Provinces more power? More provinces in the Steppes of course.

Agenda is a thing, but he most likely won't assume direct control, so stop demonizing him.

And in what world 'break power of oligarchy that ignores entire provinces via legitimate means' is a bad thing? IMO that's a rare opportunity to involve northeners in our political process which we should grab.
Huh, heir dies in thd night in confusion on a routine scouting mission that encountered enemy nomads and our nominal nomad allies have a leader that's pushing to become king of the People.
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He makes the North stronger and more independent without actually mending the split. Previously they don't split off since they rely on Southern resources.

Basically it temporarily fixes political unhappiness in exchange for making the divide have actual teeth.

Essentially creating a Red State / Blue State scenario.

...and he's still far from the worst candidate.
Which suuuuucks. But hey it gives us time to finish the mega, since the update hinted at it being almost done and also start working on the North issue.
I really don't like our leader options. Not any of them.

Guildmaster is just straight-up nasty, a corrupt idiot isn't good news either. Kid means heredity. Outsider Warleader with nomad cultural traits and a push for war... bleh.

I think I might consider the commander of Heaven's Hawks the least bad option.

Oh my God.

This update about the leader is the exact description of the 2016 Philippine Presidential elections. And our least bad candidate was Duterte.

...looks like we are electing the Ymaryn Duterte.
Our Northern Provinces are Colonies and Marches. They have their own turns and can enact their own projects. That is why I count them as different. Yes we should make this right, but we do that by building roads, not expanding into the Steppes.

Except, he won't be building infrastructure. His agenda is conquest. What form of conquest would give the Northern Provinces more power? More provinces in the Steppes of course.

That is our fault. The way to fix that however is to increase connections via new trails into the north, not create even more northern provinces
The Northern provinces also include stonepen and blackriver. An argument could be made that the nearly completed Redhill province also feels closer to the North than the south.

Furthermore: marches and colonies both try to fulfill their primary purpose first and foremost, even if it benefits the core more than themselves. Marches will build their military to defend the core, while colonies will expand and exploit resources. Neither of them are likely to be able to do megaprojects, and even extended projects may be outside of their permitted activities.
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Is there anything in particular that you want me to explain about why I voted for nomad king?

Because I'm willing to if you want to air out your grievances.
It'd be great if you gave your thought on the situation. However it won't help the fact that at least 15 others who left a vote and no comment has severely influenced the thread.

Also! Someone give me an explanation on how Child + King = hereditary kings from now on. Where is the logic? One time isn't likely to drastically affect our Heir system that much people...
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All the best industries and centres of culture are in the south, so the north is dependent upon them for a large number of things beyond immediate survival, and they have to dance to the tune of the southern chiefs to get the good stuff.
Interestingly, Dythuwyn is more likely to cause the North to split off due to a major consolidation of power to Valleyhome.
On a side note... I think this is the final confirmation that AN is absolutely horrible at predicting his voter base.

Actually it described my preference perfectly.

30% for more artisan power.
30% for land distribution.
30% for economy expansion.
10% for northern candidate.

No matter which heir is chosen, i win. ;)
God damn, I hate the bandwagon. Especially when people just vote the exact same thing as someone else copy-paste style. It pisses me off how a vote can be won by people unwilling to even discuss why their selection is sensible, let alone good for long term planning.

Folks vote for many a reason, ideologies, conviction, uncertainty, deduction, assumption, amusement, bandwagon, ....etc.

One thing they all share in common, is that they don't have to bloody justify themselves. It wouldn't a vote then, but an approval test.

Discussion before or after votes is a great thing however. And nothing is stopping it.
It'd be great if you gave your thought on the situation. However it won't help the fact that at least 15 others who left a vote and no comment has severely influenced the thread.
I can't do anything about everyone else, but here is a repost on my thoughts when the update first came out, since I believe they still accurately depict my feelings on the matter.

So, initial reaction out of the way, time for analysis.

Dythuwyn is definitely a no go for me, seeing how he will likely exasperate the issues we have with the stallion tribes and will likely have no problems killing all o his detractors while enhancing his personal legacy.

Giirry is also a no go, considering that he would 100% legitimize nepotism within our system, completely destroying our meritocratic ideals.

Phygrif I have the least problems with, considering he will give a voice to our people in the north, turn the Heaven's Hawk into a march, and is not influential enough to actually push through his more undesirable nomadic ideals.

Rulwyna will be a puppet in all but name, and we be in effect the same as not having a king for a turn while the oligarchs attempt to push through their personal agendas.

So overall, I think electing Phygrif would be the least damaging move, since his people have been our allies for several generations and he himself has no inroad to push particularly controversial policies.
To give the Southern Provinces more power? Not buying it.
He's not going to just YOLO into the steppes either. The probelm with the nomads is not that we can't conquer a bunch of land, it's that we can't hold it. Even if the northern territories went all out, full kingdom support, they really can't claim that much steppes land for two reasons.

1. Everything needs to have bullshit concentrated defences. We're talking walls, forests, watchtowers, the whole shabang. Taking a huge chunk of land isn't exactly a smart idea with that in mind.

2. The land is too dry to support too many people. There is a reason, after all, that the nomads are nomads. Even with our DS trait making us bullshit, we can't get enough land to matter.
These candidates are all terribly flawed and I hate them all.

Dythuwyn - Patrician. Agenda: Valleyhome Association Supremacy. Admin: Excellent, Diplo: Excellent, War: Poor. Turns King: 1
[] [King] Dythuwyn (+1 Stability, Sec Expand Econ + Sec Art Patronage)
Pros: Excellent admin, dies quickly.
Cons: Supports the south by ruining the North. Potential for civil war.

Hahaha. Yeah, no. When a pro for a King is that he dies quickly, there's definitely a problem. This might even lead to a civil war with how badly the North may feel after this.

Giirry - Golden Boy. Agenda: Land Reform/Bribery. Admin: Mediocre, Diplo: Good, War: Abysmal. Turns King: 2, maybe 1
[] [King] Giirry (Main Distribute Land, may have other oligarchs attempt to kill him)
Pros: Lowers centralization. Might die early.
Cons: Explicitly allows bribery. Terrible stats.

This completely poisons Distribute Land as an action and opens up our Kings to bribery.

Phygrif - Chieftain. Agenda: Conquest. Admin: Mediocre, Diplo: Mediocre, War: Heroic. Turns King: 1, maybe 2
[] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
Pros: Brings the North closer and focuses on them. More territory.
Cons: War should not be the best way to ascend to the throne. How are we supposed to administrate all the territory we conquer? Outsider has too much of an easy path to Kingship with this precedent. Values don't match ours.

We're basically letting someone without our values take over our system. It's a terrible precedent.

Rulwyna - Puppet. Agenda: Stability. Skills: Undeveloped. Turns King: 3-4
[] [King] Rulwyna (Main Expand Econ)
Pros: Stability agenda helps if we choose Hatvalley Colony.
Neutral: Has potential but may be useless because of the council. Easily manipulated by the council.
Cons: What's meritocracy? Go hereditary! Precedent for female puppet leaders. Main Expand Econ is overkill if we're taking in 6-8 Econ's worth of people.

She has potential for the future, but the council may stifle that. We actually don't want [Main] Expand Econ if we take in as many people if we want. Dythuwyn is also on the council, but he may be moderated by the other members.

You've done a great job making every candidate terrible. I'd take a normal average king over any of these. I might even settle for below average.

One important question though. @Academia Nut Does absorbing people through Cosmopolitan Acceptance consume Econ Expansion slots?
Well, the suckage could be avoided by just not voting for Chariot Boy! Vote the artisan guilds' candidate!
Well I see his desire to focus on Valleyhome first as a major kick in the pants to widening the split.

I mean if he is focused on his City and Associations, then he is not focused on bridging the gap by simple logic and there is no indication he would try otherwise from what I read.
We're not only losing 2-3 Stability, we're also losing Legitimacy. This is not going to be good. If it weren't for the fact that we need the gold and silver from the mines I'd be voting for the minimum refugee option.
Seriously, there are problems with Phyghiz-khan, but him giving north reminder that they can work within the system is a great opportunity, not a problem. It's a way to reinforce a belief in nonviolent means of acquiring power, which is going to help in managing any province that feels neglected.