Come to think of it, having more Libraries is bound to give us more ideas and types of actions that make us of Libraries. Like, otherwise IC there would be no reason to think about, say, more expensive Mysticism-wise research or whatever.

Starting with docks sounds OK to me. A little concerned about the temple increasing religious authority, but it might be OK.

What are your thoughts on the saltern? We have word of AN that we'll never saturate that market unless we're so powerful we've won anyway. So there is tremendous potential to build passive income there.

Somewhere between Libraries.
Dock in the North -> Double Main Trails somehow -> Library in Valleyhome -> Saltern?
With Expansion -> Balanced (or Infrastructure, lol) other concerns probably would take care of themselves via policies.

- Main Megaproject
- Main Megaproject if we have enough Art, Secondary Docks in the North x2 otherwise,
- Secondary Docks in the North.
If we have a free policy switch this time, go for Balanced or maybe Trade to shore up Wealth, Diplomacy and all.
Or maybe Expansion, but it might increase an effort necessary to complete megaproject.

....aaaaand nevermind, shit's going down.

@Academia Nut , did our provinces take Main Enforce Justice despite us no longer being able to tank red Centralization?
If so, I am never ever trusting provinces to not be asshats/morons ever again.
There should be an update tonight, and I also have to offer a warning: the main choice is probably going to generate a tremendous amount of salt as it is going to have a choice for every faction, as well as choices that every faction will find objectionable.

Are these good choices (like everybody in the lowlands collapsed and we now have to decide between eating one neighbour for -3 Stab or eating them all for -6 Stab & - 6 Cent) or bad choices (like we lost one Stab, the provinces decided to main reinforce Law & we are now at 7 Cent, which is why we either have to choose the sell land option or face a civil war with the threat of fracturing due the king being not being able to keep everything together) ?
A bit confusing to parse.

So, the Main choice is going to generate a huge amount of salt for us?

There will be four options. I expect that three choices will have about 30% thread support each and 10% for the remaining one, and everyone will have at most two choices they would be okay with and be vehemently, vehemently opposed to the other choices.

did our provinces take Main Enforce Justice despite us no longer being able to tank red Centralization?
If so, I am never ever trusting provinces to not be asshats/morons ever again.

Naaaaaaah, they're not that stupid, plus, you know, they can't.
we'll never saturate that market unless we're so powerful we've won anyway.
You're reading it the wrong way around.
And at this era, if you can saturate the salt market you've won. Permanently.
If we manage to get saturation now it means we win. It does not mean that we need to win to saturate. Of course, this only applies if we can stay on track to saturate. We'll need Salterns, bulk shipping and trade posts.

It's the difference between Saturate salt -> Win vs Win -> Saturate salt.

You only need 3 minor actions and 6 Econ to become dominant in salt, and your next +1 from salt can be unlocked with five minor actions and 8 Econ, if you pick those actions correctly.
There's also an 8 Econ Saltern somewhere. Probably in Blackriver since the Redshore one would have been found by now if there was a good location there.

Edit: AN cleared up some ambiguity.
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Whoops. I'm guessing it's religious trouble. We'll see.

With regards to expanding territory... I think that would put even more of a burden on the king and it certainly wouldn't help with roads. I know a lot of people are hoping the Palace is a magic bullet, but I think we're going to have to bite the bullet and Distribute Land eventually.

SV's paranoia over giving control to anyone else is semi-justified, there's always a risk of corruption when you give someone power, but the further out we expand the less the king can control the provinces.
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Jeez. I thought this game looks interesting but I don't understand how people are able to generate so many pages of discussion. It's getting ridiculous. So, what's the current plan of action?
Adhoc vote count started by gutza1 on Jun 28, 2017 at 7:46 PM, finished with 63623 posts and 100 votes.
With regards to expanding territory... I think that would put even more of a burden on the king and it certainly wouldn't help with roads.
It would help with roads if we build new provinces, which drops Centralization.

Have you read Plan E.T.? It takes advantage of that Cent drop to do two double main trails in three turns. I think it's the best road offer you're likely to get.
Whoops. I'm guessing it's religious trouble. We'll see.

With regards to expanding territory... I think that would put even more of a burden on the king and it certainly wouldn't help with roads. I know a lot of people are hoping the Palace is a magic bullet, but I think we're going to have to bite the bullet and Distribute Land eventually.

SV's paranoia over giving control to anyone else is semi-justified, there's always a risk of corruption when you give someone power, but the further ourt we expand the less the king can control the provinces.

Sound about right. The whole patron gods probably did a mess of things, and the voters chose to disagree with the heir.

"Potential trouble" indeed.
Jeez. I thought this game looks interesting but I don't understand how people are able to generate so many pages of discussion. It's getting ridiculous. So, what's the current plan of action?

People have different view on priority and "just" society that we are projecting onto this civilization we contributed to.

It's like a political forum where politicians argue half baked ideas, poorly worded budgets, and shouting; without any of us getting paid.:p

Edit: my bet is on the 3 hero's individuals supporting blocks have different view on heir and national focus.
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Sound about right. The whole patron gods probably did a mess of things, and the voters chose to disagree with the heir.

"Potential trouble" indeed.
Maybe the son was upset by his mother's opposition and launched a coup? So we either accept matricide and undesirable religious viewpoints on the throne, or fracture, or try to remove him by force.
There's also an 8 Econ Saltern somewhere. Probably in Blackriver since the Redshore one would have been found by now if there was a good location there.
Actually, the mysterious action AN hinted at was founding a trading post, not a hidden saltern.
Jeez. I thought this game looks interesting but I don't understand how people are able to generate so many pages of discussion. It's getting ridiculous. So, what's the current plan of action?

It would help with roads if we build new provinces, which drops Centralization.

Have you read Plan E.T.? It takes advantage of that Cent drop to do two double main trails in three turns. I think it's the best road offer you're likely to get.
Plan E.T. is the closest thing to a consensus plan right now.