Diplomacy 6
Economy 14 (+1) [-2]
Econ Expansion 8 [+2]
Martial 4 {9}
Wealth 14 [+2-1]

Stability -1 (anxious)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 5
Hierarchy 6
Religious Authority 2

Art 5
Mysticism 13 [+1]
Prestige 22

Climate Instability: Random damage to Econ, Econ Expansion, and Stability each turn for the next 4-12? turns
WE cant take any of the options that have negative stab considering we can have possible stab damage every turn for the next 4 at least.
[x] [Stab] The world is changing, find a new balance (Begins Sacred Forest Renewal Megaproject [costs Econ, Art, and Mysticism])

Better do it now than later when we are in a crisis

[x] [City] Found Free City (2 Econ and Econ Expansion Transferred)

I really want this

[x] [Merc] Hire to the Thunder Speakers

We need to keep the lowlands divided

[x] [Hat] Integrate March (-6 Diplo, +6 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion, +8 Martial, +3 Wealth, +2 Art, +2 Mysticism, -1 Centralization)

May as well we need all the econ we can get now with a climate problem on our hands

[x] [WC] Begin limitedconstruction (-3 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Econ Expansion, -1 Centralization; +4 Econ, +2 Martial end of next turn)

Why not but we cannot do major because we are at our forest limit

[x] [Refugee] Those who arrive on their own (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

We are at negative stab no need to worsen it.
Ooh. So many choices!

First up - obviously we don't have enough Diplo to do anything about Hatriver. So:

[X] [Hat] No

Second, I can't think of a better use for the mercs than getting paid to destabilise the lowlands and get exposure to the cultures and tech that far away. Hiring them out to the HK would also work, though. So:

[X] [Merc] Hire to the Highlanders
[X] [Merc] Hire to the Thunder Speakers

For dealing with climate change, I'd actually like to start the megaproject, but we really need to buffer our stability. So:

[X] [Stab] People obviously aren't following the laws on disease control (Main Enforce Justice)

And to compensate for the Centralisation increase, let's open a mine! We have enough Econ for now, and splitting off the Mercs gave us some Martial breathing room, so:

[X] [WC] Begin major construction (-4 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization; +6 Econ, +3 Martial midpoint of next turn)

I don't want full-on war with the Xohyssiri, though, just keeping the lowlands fragmented, so let's save our coins and let them overflow into Diplo:

[X] [Hawk] No

Also, I'd like to increase our usage of Enforce Justice, and expand the number of subordinate states that actually take actions (and the Baby Boom is over), so I'll vote against the city:

[X] [City] Leave it be

The refugee one is tricky. With Main Enforce Justice, we'll remain at Stab 0, so we could take more than the minimum, but we're looking at an extended period of random stability damage, so we should probably batten down the hatches. Especially since even the -1 option carries a risk of further loss.

[X] [Refugee] Those who arrive on their own (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Apparantly theres a relationship between a girl, a gay guy and a bisexual o_O
I think I've seen more non straight people in this quest than I've actually seen in real life.
Keep in mind this quest has already covered an order of magnitude more time than you've been alive, so of course you'd see more non-straight people.
[X] [Stab] The world is changing, find a new balance (Begins Sacred Forest Renewal Megaproject [costs Econ, Art, and Mysticism])
[X] [City] Found Free City (2 Econ and Econ Expansion Transferred)
[X] [Merc] Hire to the Thunder Speakers
[X] [Hawk] No
[X] [Hat] No
[X] [WC] Deny request
[X] [Refugee] Those who arrive on their own (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Either we succeed or die. :3

Edit: Now i favor a slightly less ambitious route. I think making the temple/library a free city will encourage the Shaman/Priest classes more political neutral, while making sure they know how difficult it is to manage a population.
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Holy shit. Guys, we can nail the fucking Xoh to the walls here. This is the chance... not to conquer the Lowlands but to utterly shatter the regional power there.

[X] [Stab] The world is changing, find a new balance (Begins Sacred Forest Renewal Megaproject [costs Econ, Art, and Mysticism])
[X] [City] Leave it be
[X] [Merc] Hire to the Thunder Speakers
[X] [Hawk] Yes (Hire the Heaven's Hawk Tribe on for -1 Wealth/turn, can be used to guard the north-east and potentially transformed into a March, or for regular military actions; do not count as your subordinate)
[X] [Hat] Propagate March (-6 Diplo, +4 Econ, +2 Econ Expansion, +2 Art, +2 Mysticism, -1 Centralization, new territory gained)
[X] [WC] Begin limited construction (-3 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Econ Expansion, -1 Centralization; +4 Econ, +2 Martial end of next turn)
[X] [Refugee] Those who arrive on their own (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

... Unfortunately, we don't have the diplo to war dec the Xoh right now and expand our Hat holdings. Now, the beauty of hiring the Hawks is to warn off Nomad invasions and to lay the groundwork for turning them into another march of ours.
For dealing with climate change, I'd actually like to start the megaproject, but we really need to buffer our stability. So:
We might not get the Megaproject if we don't start it now. Don't rush for the button, as much as I agree we need stability.

Oh, quick note: This Megaproject undoubtedly qualifies for the Divine Stewards stability bonus.
WE cant take any of the options that have negative stab considering we can have possible stab damage every turn for the next 4 at least.
Well, there is the blame sin option for some Stab boost but Cancelling the Apocalypse holds much sway on my voting pick because that will probably mitigate the climate change. Actually...

@Academia Nut, can we take the Renewal Megaproject in the main turn later?
... Unfortunately, we don't have the diplo to war dec the Xoh right now and expand our Hat holdings. Now, the beauty of hiring the Hawks is to warn off Nomad invasions and to lay the groundwork for turning them into another march of ours.
Well, there was discussion about sending them a salt gift. I guess this works even better! do you even leverage having three heroic characters at once?

On that note...

[X] [Stab] The world is changing, find a new balance (Begins Sacred Forest Renewal Megaproject [costs Econ, Art, and Mysticism])
[X] [City] Found Free City (2 Econ and Econ Expansion Transferred)
[X] [Merc] Hire to the Thunder Speakers
[X] [Hawk] Yes (Hire the Heaven's Hawk Tribe on for -1 Wealth/turn, can be used to guard the north-east and potentially transformed into a March, or for regular military actions; do not count as your subordinate)
[X] [Hat] Propagate March (-6 Diplo, +4 Econ, +2 Econ Expansion, +2 Art, +2 Mysticism, -1 Centralization, new territory gained)
[X] [WC] Begin limited construction (-3 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Econ Expansion, -1 Centralization; +4 Econ, +2 Martial end of next turn)
[X] [Refugee] Those who arrive on their own (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Let's experiment with some decentralization. Gives us room to Enforce Justice for stability.

That, or Improve Festivals. We need the Art for our megaproject. Note that we'll probably need to stay in Balanced for a while yet, so this'll take a while.
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I mean like, our heroes seem to have a high rate of homosexuality considering for all our work there would be bias against them in some form still.
...Our people literally think queer people are queer because of having extra souls, which also makes said queer folk powerful and magical. If i remember correctly AN said we have a god of queerness and magic :p
also at what negative stab do we collapse again?

-4, but where other civs can go to -4 temporarily so long as they're out of it by the end of the turn, we break the instant we hit it.