True City mechanics:
Valleyhome becomes a True City!
+2 Prestige for having the second True City

True Cities are engines of trade and productivity and centers of innovation and invention... they are also unruly things and serve as demographic sinks. Every turn a True City consumes 1 Econ just by existing, but also returns 1 Econ to the expansion pool. Additionally, when spending Econ a point will be refunded to the expansion pool for every True City a civilization controls. True Cities also generate their own stresses, make a civilization more sensitive to environmental factors such as weather and disease, and if Econ grows too low or the expansion pool too large then a settlement can lose its True City status as people leave for the countryside or die out and are not replaced.
If all you care about is 2 points of econ with no impact on martial gain, likely no potential use the following turn (it's hard to fall from 12 to 1), and sacrificing 2 provincial actions, yes.
Oh wait, you're having them do a main expand econ and doubling it? That's unlikely. By WoG, balanced policy prefers secondary actions and if there is an eligible secondary action, it gets doubled. Not the possible eligible main.
Oh wait, you're having them do a main expand econ and doubling it? That's unlikely. By WoG, balanced policy prefers secondary actions and if there is an eligible secondary action, it gets doubled. Not the possible eligible main.

Secondary Expand Econ x Law = Main
Secondary (?) New Settlement
Secondary ????
Secondary ????

Well, new settlement is about as likely to be a main actually.
Hmm...i wonder if Magwnya and her son have been mythologized yet, and if so, how... someone remember to ask AN about that after this next update, since he's probably too busy to answer questions right now :p
Well, our newest infantry tech development is...remember about 30 turns ago? The Xohyssiri figured out how to throw lots of dudes in armor at someone at once?

We just got that in the proto-phalanx innovation of We Have Reserves
massed warfare != phalanx
Well, the advance is called "Close Formation" on the civ sheet, so it doesn't seem very advanced or specific, no :p

I suppose Hatriver is gonna fix that given that Chariots aren't that good there.
We didn't seem to get an advance from the one main expand warriors theyve done so far...i asked @Academia Nut if there had been one that we didn't hear about but didn't get a response, i think? but its probably like last turns Blackbirds that gave no advance: either "additional effects" is actually always "chance for additional effects", or its building up to a bigger advance or something...
One other question I forgot to ask: does spending Econ "give back" expansion?
Losing econ to war does, but otherwise no...unless you have at least one true city. With that we get +1 expand econ back for every true city we have for every instance of spending econ, capped at the actual expense
That is:
1 True city, 1 main action spending 2 econ: -2 econ, +1 econ expansion.
2 true cties, 1 main action spending 2 econ: -2 econ, +2 econ expansion
3 true cities, 1 main action spending 2 econ: -2 econ, +2 econ expansion
We currently have 1 true city, and can get more by way of making more aqueducts, though managing many large city centers in this era is very difficult by word of AN.
The only real "exception" is that extended project actions are counted separately; that is, a Main Aqueduct building is actually 2 separate secondary actions as far as true city (and presumably the library benefit) is concerned
1 True city, 1 main aqueduct action spending 4 econ: -4 econ, +2 econ expansion (1 per actual action).
2 True cities, 1 main aqueduct action spending 4 econ: -4 econ, +4 econ expansion (2 per actual action).
3 True cities, 1 main aqueduct action spending 4 econ: -4 econ, +4 econ expansion (2 per actual action).
massed warfare != phalanx
Thats the thing. We didn't even HAVE massed warfare, and proto-phalanx is not quite one either.
Hmm...i wonder if Magwnya and her son have been mythologized yet, and if so, how... someone remember to ask AN about that after this next update, since he's probably too busy to answer questions right now :p
Check back on the temple votes. One of the god candidates had her as an aspect.
Well, the advance is called "Close Formation" on the civ sheet, so it doesn't seem very advanced or specific, no :p
It's basically "hey, lots of dudes standing together fight better, who knew?!"
Losing econ to war does, but otherwise no...unless you have at least one true city.
I think basically if losing econ comes from people DYING or physically leaving, then you can get slots back normally because that's abandoned farmlands. Otherwise you lost Econ because those guys are doing different jobs now, so you don't.
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Ok, I give up. Can't parse your math, sorry. ;)
I didn't adjust for the fact that we're now both doing a Main Black Soil rather than PG, which had the effect of a net 2 split. My apologies.

Base: 4
Settlement: 4 econ expand actions = 8
Provinces: 2 econ expand actions = 4

Both will have a settlement: 1
Both will have a Black Soil: 1

Net difference is 4 econ.

Total is:
Settlement: 14 (+4 martial, unless it gets rounded up in which case +5)
Provinces: 10 (+3 martial, unless it gets rounded up in which case +4)

Provincial actions consumed:
Secondary Expand Economy -> Main via Law
Secondary (?) New Settlement

Remaining: 2 Secondaries

tldr: You're correct, and more correct than previously assumed. My apologies.
Given that expansion is "how much room is left for development" does that mean that taking losses to Econ via We Have Reserves adds to the expansion pool? Fields left fallow as their owners die elsewhere.
We didn't seem to get an advance from the one main expand warriors theyve done so far...i asked @Academia Nut if there had been one that we didn't hear about but didn't get a response, i think? but its probably like last turns Blackbirds that gave no advance: either "additional effects" is actually always "chance for additional effects", or its building up to a bigger advance or something...

In this case they would learn froth the Hath if a fight breaks out and by constantly using their warriors. Thats where you learn how to fight. Or you die.
Given that expansion is "how much room is left for development" does that mean that taking losses to Econ via We Have Reserves adds to the expansion pool? Fields left fallow as their owners die elsewhere.
Yes, we had this happen last turn, and also back when the last big nomad waagh with the dual heroes critted past our army and March and did 2 econ damage to us.
Given that expansion is "how much room is left for development" does that mean that taking losses to Econ via We Have Reserves adds to the expansion pool? Fields left fallow as their owners die elsewhere.
Is this a trick question? Fields don't have owners! They are simply worked by the People for the good of all.

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Ok, my math. We have 4 province actions and one main action that will differ.

Case 1
[Secondary] Change Policy Balanced
Province actions:
[Law] [Main] Expand econ
[Secondary] Build Settlement
2x [Secondary] other stuff
+4[+1] econ

Case 2
[Secondary] Change Policy Balanced
Province actions:
[Law] [Main] Expand econ
[Main] Expand econ
[Secondary] Build Settlement
+8[+1] econ

Case 3
[Secondary] New Settlement
Province actions:
2x [Main] Expand Econ
+8[+1] econ

So far as I can see (for a target of maximizing econ) these are equally efficient at best. At worst, the provinces might decide to do case 1 on balanced, which would be bad for that target.

So if (like me) you just want a pile of econ and econ slots out of these actions, Case 3 is best.

Edit: ANNNND ninjad
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By the way, we still have guaranteed extra effects from maining Blackbirds.
I wonder if it might be crossbows.

We've had the tech to build those for a while now, but we haven't had the specific pressures that make them desirable before.

Econ does three things for us I want:
And, far as I figure, the +4 from a law-backed Expand Econ on Balanced + the continuing Baby Boom is more than enough to cover that - what's the point of demanding the last two also getting spent for more econ?
