I'm apologizing because I am so pleased my first two picks won at the same time. I feel dirty.

INB4 you bite my head of @Karugus I actually liked Mathylmyn a lot and find a divine right kinda interesting so the God of Kings vs King of Gods is not too much of a problem for me, not enough to rate a consideration, and I also like the idea of building a temple for him in Valleyhome. I just found him less interesting.
I'm not trying to bite anyone's head off here, nor did I have any expectation of winning. I still think we have to find a way to handle Mathylmyn but I don't honestly see this as the end of the world.

That being said, the idea of a divine marriage between our esoteric primordial creation deity and our grounded easily understood possibly chthonic (such a fun word) harvest/fertility goddess is a fascinating prospect.
Yeah, this whole thing is thematically appropriate for Crow.

If we get lucky, this will be a superior choice. If we don't, we break our civ.

Let us hope the dice roll well. (Though a middle ground is probably the most likely result)
Fun facts:
We are at -1 Stability.
50% we take -1 from the immigrants, we are at -2.
We may take a Stability hit from this tie. If so, -3
RO causes a -1 drop initially. -4. Dead.

So yeah, I really hope we roll well. The chances are low, but considering how hard we've avoided the chance of this before...
We don't have Greater Good anymore, so we don't even get a chance of reversing the stability hit.

Does the chance of -1 stability for the immigrants take CA's effect into account?
But seriously, I really do like how the vote ended up. It's pretty much the embodiment of our civilisation. It's both Crow and all he represents (us the players) and STRONG OPINIONS ABOUT AGRICULTURE - the core of which our civilisation was founded on and which we are unsurpassed in.
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-4 stability is worse than civil war, its cultural fracturing, we would likely lose values with Love of Wisdom being the most vulnerable.
Cultural fracturing into squabbling independent states, which we would control one of, which will be the WW cus it's both dissimilar from our original state and not strong like the ST.
I'm not trying to bite anyone's head off here, nor did I have any expectation of winning. I still think we have to find a way to handle Mathylmyn but I don't honestly see this as the end of the world.

That being said, the idea of a divine marriage between our esoteric primordial creation deity and our grounded easily understood possibly chthonic (such a fun word) harvest/fertility goddess is a fascinating prospect.
I'll be straight up and say that I can't tell sometimes...

But that's my own issue, so I apologize for getting on you if you took it that way.
Oooh! @Academia Nut are you taking ideas? Because we could make the Goddess out of silver, then paint and sculpt the walls and ceiling with a giant six-eyed crow. That way, in low light conditions, you can only see the Goddess, but when you put enough light in the room, you see the Sextuple Crow and holy fuck he's looking at you! How you interpret his gaze is entirely up to you of course. Is it the gaze of an approving teacher? The glance of a scheming trickster? Or the glare of a destroyer...