- Location
- his hidden lair
I'm not trying to bite anyone's head off here, nor did I have any expectation of winning. I still think we have to find a way to handle Mathylmyn but I don't honestly see this as the end of the world.I'm apologizing because I am so pleased my first two picks won at the same time. I feel dirty.
INB4 you bite my head of @Karugus I actually liked Mathylmyn a lot and find a divine right kinda interesting so the God of Kings vs King of Gods is not too much of a problem for me, not enough to rate a consideration, and I also like the idea of building a temple for him in Valleyhome. I just found him less interesting.
That being said, the idea of a divine marriage between our esoteric primordial creation deity and our grounded easily understood possibly chthonic (such a fun word) harvest/fertility goddess is a fascinating prospect.