*considers iron weapons and the ability to kick wars plus our defensive bonuses*

I think you underestimate just how horrifically we can maul the Thunder Horse at this point in time, particularly if we start out at positive stability and go full Waagh.
Well, I'm confident they have more martial and more staying power than the nomads. If they get double martial hero and double crit too, it would be very hard indeed. Not that we should really plan for that.
And why should we do it?

For one we do not even have a casus belli, thus we can't do it.

For another do we truly want to become people who casually wage war on others just because they can?

We are in an alliance with the HK. I assume if the Thunder Horse declared war on the HK, we will be forced to intervene to make good on our alliance. We are depending on them to back us up if the TH decides to have funny notion of raiding us.
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Nothing is wrong, but people just think something SHOULD be wrong.
Their challenged superstition tells them so.
Then build the library. Memory and oral transmission are not suddenly going to become better than they have ever been because you want them to be.
-First, I said I was interested in upgrading the methodology (A.K.A. The 'why's and 'how's of skills and practices) as well which is taught its a big part of apprenticeships.
-Second, literacy among the shamans is a blatant and intentional thing. Its not all oral history. you can't build a library without writing... unless you can record and playback sound. I'm not sure how that would come about without writing in this situation. In a post apocalyptic world I could kind of see that happening, but not here.
-Three, you failed to answer the question. So does that mean you can't think of what the rush benefit is either?
-First, I said I was interested in upgrading the methodology (A.K.A. The 'why's and 'how's of skills and practices) as well which is taught its a big part of apprenticeships.
-Second, literacy among the shamans is a blatant and intentional thing. Its not all oral history. you can't build a library without writing... unless you can record and playback sound. I'm not sure how that would come about without writing in this situation. In a post apocalyptic world I could kind of see that happening, but not here.
-Three, you failed to answer the question. So does that mean you can't think of what the rush benefit is either?

The GM specifically said the vast majority of our writing is:
  1. "Sedimentary" Taxes
  2. Warnings for future generations
Making the conceptual leap to writing down ideas is what the library is about.

The benefit to rushing is giving the RNG less of a chance to screw us over with a plague or similar.
what does this mean?
Divine Stewards
Through the blessings of the spirits and the efforts of the People, the land is reshaped, and its management and protection is a good above all others. No effort is to great when it comes to the stewardship of the land.
Pros: Bonuses to all actions relating to land management, bonuses when fighting on own terrain, additional Econ and Stability whenever completing a land management type Megaproject, may spend Stability to double the effort of megaprojects and in defensive wars
Cons: Additional strife caused by deliberate environmental disruption unless it is for the long term betterment of the land, or loss of territory to others
Narratively: Arm every warm body and go on a psychotic rampage the likes of which will be retold for millennia as horror stories by whatever poor sap poked us

That does only happen if we kick every war mission possible for us

The normal narrative: Go over the top in terms of arms, strategy & bodies and then add a few more bodies just to make sure
[X] Improve Annual Festival (-2 Econ, +1 Stability, +1 Art chance for additional effects)
[X] Build boats to counter them (-2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects)
[X] Breed it
[X] Yes (Trade step farming for chinampas)
Still catching up, but I'm good to vote. Sacrifice it is going to synergize with Grand Offering and result in a very wasteful trait. I'd reather get an animal husbandry trait myself.

Festival as we don't need wine coming into play during a generational study. Stupid is bound to happen.

I'm picking Build Boats for both the mocking their silly 'war' attempts and the thing no one else has noticed as of page 1584, post #39600... Chinampas are floating farms. This means they must hold lots of weight.... I'm pretty sure those are bigger than the current generation of small sailboats. They are going to give us a boat building tech and don't know it.
.... they're only theoretically floating and it's due to people putting a bunch of logs on the bottom. Our current boats are so much better. Though if we can make floating boat greenhouses.... Plan Nomadic Sea Nation is a-go.
[X] Improve Annual Festival (-2 Econ, +1 Stability, +1 Art chance for additional effects)
[X] Build boats to counter them (-2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects)
[X] Breed it
[X] Yes (Trade step farming for chinampas)
Still catching up, but I'm good to vote. Sacrifice it is going to synergize with Grand Offering and result in a very wasteful trait. I'd reather get an animal husbandry trait myself.

Festival as we don't need wine coming into play during a generational study. Stupid is bound to happen.

I'm picking Build Boats for both the mocking their silly 'war' attempts and the thing no one else has noticed as of page 1584, post #39600... Chinampas are floating farms. This means they must hold lots of weight.... I'm pretty sure those are bigger than the current generation of small sailboats. They are going to give us a boat building tech and don't know it.

Actually only one kind of chinampa is a floating one.
Most are completely connected to or rather raised from the bottom of the lake or are even completely land bound with channels dug between patches of land.
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You know if you think about it sending a diplomatic mission to the fisher king now would be pretty metal.

"Oh, you armed everyone you could find and sent them out to fight us? We never noticed. Here, have some peaceful relations."

And you know he needs the help now that all his Warriors went Bandit on him. Yeah, I think imma vote for that.
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You know if you think about it sending a diplomatic mission to the fisher king now would be pretty metal.

"Oh, you armed everyone you could find and sent them out to fight us? We never noticed. Here, have some peaceful relations."

And you know he needs the help now that all his Warriors went Bandit on him. Yeah, I think imma vote for that.

Alas I do not think we have the action to spare, but if we were to do this Salt Gift would be the best way to rub it in.