Yes, but that doesn't create urgency. The Trade Mission are time sensitive since we have no idea when the fighting will start up again

I'm not too sure why we want to send out trade missions now. Since we would likely get better return by using the "gift salt" option when both sides are depleted by their pending war.

So wait a bit?
I'm frankly not too worried about arsenic bronze right now- the Ymaryn probably have the least need for advanced metals in terms of warfighting. We have highly sophisticated recurve bows, which could probably punch through anything we're liable to be fighting besides actual bronze cuirass and heavy shields like hoplon.

Linothorax? We could probably punch through. Quilted cloth/boiled leather? We can punch through. Scalemail? We can punch through. Wicker/bone armor and shields? We can punch through. Our ranged weaponry is ludicrously advanced by this point, we simply haven't developed the martial innovations and tactics needed to fully exploit the fact we have the most lethal and long ranged missile weapons in the entire region, and weapons complicated enough and requiring a diverse enough resource base no one is going to be able to replicate them anytime soon.

Copper and bronze definitely have their merits from us, but if any copper age culture could fight a bronze age and come out of it reasonably well- it'd be us.

[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[X] [Kick] The Garden

Edit: I suspect we're liable as we develop metal working to create something similar to the persian archers; relatively light infantry with spear and bow.
Okay, I can see us starting the Settlement.

It's time limited since we have no idea when the fighting will start up again. We try and send one during that time, we get dragged in. The Highland Kingdom were in the middle of a succession crisis. Note that the Thunder Horse had trouble talking to them too. Now however they are united again and drawing up some new laws. We saw hint of being able to influence each other in this very update.
I doubt the HK and the TH are going to be butting heads immediately next turn. The Law will still be running for the HK and the TS are still fighting the ETH right now. Granted, it's probably only a matter of time- but we should be able to throw a Gift Salt at the HK before the fighting picks back up.
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I'm fairly certain that it won't be a bonus, though there is a good chance that it'll be progress into the associated Extended Project.

At 5 econ now. -3 from Copper mine, go to 2. Provinces are only willing to spend 1, we don't know how they'll respond. They might not work on it at all since that would drop us to 0 econ.
I don't want to take that risk.
Well this variation with no kick has no risk of them freaking out.

Step 1: Econ 5 -> 5(-3 from mine, +5 from mine next turn, +1 from Southshore)(-1 Econ from Provinces: Garden, +2 from Provinces). Diplo 7(+1) -> 7(+1). Martial 8. Stab 3. Cent 5 -> 4. Myst 8 -> 9. More Econ slots.

Step 2: Econ 4 -> 4 ~(+2)(+1). Diplo 7(+1). Martial 8. Stab 3 -> 3 ~(-1). Cent 4. Myst 9.

Step 3: Econ 4 -> 4(+1 from Stewards, +1 from Garden, + 1 from New Settlement)(-2 from Province: Garden at worst,-1 from trails). Diplo 8(+1). Martial 8. Cent 4 -> 5. Myst 9 -> 10. More Econ Slots.
Stab may be at 2.

Step 4: Switched to Offense, resource drain of some form. Call it 2 Econ.

Step 5: Econ 2 -> 2(-2 from Us: Dam, +3 from Provinces)~(+ 2). Diplo 8(+1) -> 8(+1). Martial 8 -> 9~. Cent 5. Myst 10. Stab 3 or 2 -> (3 or 2) - 1.

Step 6: Resources in flux, sacrificed to Murphy.

Step 7: Econ 4 -> 4(+1 From East Hills, -2 Province Dam, +1 from Dam complete, +1 from Stewards). Diplo 9(+1) -> 9(+1). Martial 9~. Cent 5 -> 4. Myst 10 -> 11. Stab 1 is probably optimistic.

Step 8: Mid turn. Dam is done for sure. Switch to Expansion.

Step 9: Econ 4 -> 4(-1 from Trails, -2 from Festival)(+4 from Province actions). Diplo 10(+1). Martial 8~. Cent 4 -> 5. Myst 11. Stab 1 or 2.

Step 10: Take it on our faces.

Step 11: Econ 5-> 5(-2 from Boats, +1 end of turn, +1 next turn). Diplo 11(+2). Martial 8ish. Cent 5. Myst 11. Stab 1 probably.

[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Southern Hill People

The garden now has at least 1 action from us and 1 from Provinces. Going by update text. Step 3 has the Provinces pushing the total up to 4 actions into the Garden.

I feel that this will complete it for several reasons. One we will have copper tools. Two this quote:

basically every structure to be demolished and relocated, but since everything was already laid out on a grid and old buildings were often torn down and replaced anyway, the task was really more about accelerating the replacement schedule and moving things about during that time. Streets would be widened, more boulevards put in place, and channels to carry fresh and waste water would be laid underneath brick lined streets. It would take time, but the project had multiple provinces for backing. While some of it was just for the prestige of it all, a big part was that the chiefs recognized that Valleyhome was a good test case to see if they could extend the concept to other large settlements.

This sounds to me like it is going to be relatively easy to complete.
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[X] [Kick] The Garden
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Western Thunder Horse/Thunder Speakers
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Highland Kingdom
Its actually easier to build this than elevated channels
Depends on basically everything. Terrain, relative tech levels, flow rate. But even the article about inverted siphons earlier noted they were the exception in aquaduct systems.
Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 1201 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6
Task: Kick
[16][Kick] The Garden

Task: Main
[7][Main] New Settlement -Southern Shores
[3][Main] The Garden
[3][Main] New Settlement
-[3][Main] Southern Shores
[1][Main] Art Patronage
[1][Main] Copper Mine
[1][Main] New Settlement - Southshore

Task: Secondary
[11][Secondary] Copper Mine
[11][Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[5][Secondary] Trade Mission - Highland Kingdom
[3][Secondary] Trade Mission - Thunder Horses
[2][Secondary] Trade Mission - Western Thunder Horse/Thunder Speakers
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Southshore
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Southshore x2
Total No. of Voters: 17

@drake azathoth , @Karugus , @Rakhun You've voted for the settlement wrong, check tally.

And only one of those I spelled right... Oh well, editing them in won't work...
Yes, but that doesn't create urgency. The Trade Mission are time sensitive since we have no idea when the fighting will start up again
If fighting starts again we might have to cut off trade again. If fighting is going to start soon, we don't want to be heavily involved with trading with them.
And yes, it very much does have urgency. We've been putting of metal for so long despite knowing that it's a game-changer. It's so valuable we're importing a lot of it despite the horrid inefficiencies of travel at the time.

Also, don't forget that the one rule that had the largest impression was our fairness one.
Well this variation with no kick has no risk of them freaking out.
And also only gets 1 progress done on it instead of 3. Is trading with the Southern Hill People really that valuable to you?

Also since @bluefur87 messed up your usernames:
Please vote for the settlement with the correct format
[] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Kick] The Garden
[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Great Dam x2
[X] [Kick] Great Dam
[X] [Kick] Great Dam x2

[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[X] [Kick] The Garden
[X][Main] The Garden
[X][Secondary] Copper Mine
[X][Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[X][Kick] The Garden

Pretty likely to get the Garden done this turn, especially with the copper mine coming online. The copper mine will also ensure we have a good amount of Econ, even with the megaproject's costs.
[X] [Kick] The Garden
[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Great Dam x2
[X] [Kick] Great Dam
[X] [Kick] Great Dam x2

...ok, while as awesome as that would be, I think it's time you had a talk with these nice men in the white suits holding the happycoat. You know, for your own good because we're worried about you :p
If fighting starts again we might have to cut off trade again. If fighting is going to start soon, we don't want to be heavily involved with trading with them.
And yes, it very much does have urgency. We've been putting of metal for so long despite knowing that it's a game-changer. It's so valuable we're importing a lot of it despite the horrid inefficiencies of travel at the time.

Also, don't forget that the one rule that had the largest impression was our fairness one.

And also only gets 1 progress done on it instead of 3. Is trading with the Southern Hill People really that valuable to you?

Also since @bluefur87 messed up your usernames:
Please vote for the settlement with the correct format
[] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
Not really actually.

TH and HK have later priority down the way but this is mostly something I can take that gives a benefit and doesn't fuck with my math. It's also in there to appease the folks that wanted trade missions and less about me.

I also listed reasons why I think 4 actions is enough. I could easily switch to Main Mine(or x2 Mine). It actually helps my plan I think...
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[X] [Kick] The Garden
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine x2
[X] [Kick] The Garden
I fucking knew it! You guys thought the metalworkers issue wasn't worth pursuing when they are the ETH's likely arsenic bronze provider! So help me, if one of you tries to shut down metalworking advances again I'll loose my mind.
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine x2
[X] [Kick] The Garden
I fucking knew it! You guys thought the metalworkers issue wasn't worth pursuing when they are the ETH's likely arsenic bronze provider! So help me, if one of you tries to shut down metalworking advances again I'll loose my mind.
Ahhhhhh no...

The ETH and MW Are on opposite sides of the known world.

I don't think that is likely.
I'm not too sure why we want to send out trade missions now. Since we would likely get better return by using the "gift salt" option when both sides are depleted by their pending war.

So wait a bit?

...thats exactly why now. The HK are codifying their laws. We can influence them to adopt some of ours to make future relations easier. By the time they start the wars up again we'd be a long time trade partner who could buy diplomatic immunity with Salt.

Oh and don't forget, we are likely to lose the Opium discovery from the DPs if we don't get SOME before their last guys who can identify the flower dies.
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine x2
[X] [Kick] The Garden
I fucking knew it! You guys thought the metalworkers issue wasn't worth pursuing when they are the ETH's likely arsenic bronze provider! So help me, if one of you tries to shut down metalworking advances again I'll loose my mind.
...AN already confirmed the ETH have NO CONTACT with the MWs. Cool your tits
Early Tally!

Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 1201 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.8.3
Task: Main
[16][Main] New Settlement - Southshore
[4][Main] The Garden
[1][Main] Art Patronage
[1][Main] Copper Mine
[1][Main] Great Dam

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Kick
[22][Kick] The Garden
[1][Kick] Great Dam
[1][Kick] Great Dam x2

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Secondary
[17][Secondary] Copper Mine
[16][Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[5][Secondary] Trade Mission - Highland Kingdom
[3][Secondary] Trade Mission - Thunder Horses
[2][Secondary] Trade Mission - Western Thunder Horse/Thunder Speakers
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Southshore
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Southshore x2
[1][Secondary] Trade Mission - Southern Hill People
[1][Secondary] Great Dam x2
Total No. of Voters: 24