Clearly, we crit-succeeded study metal and crit-failed study health, so now we have bronze working, but only by a way that's so dangerous we're basically trading people for tool-heads on a 1-1 basis :p
Clearly, we crit-succeeded study metal and crit-failed study health, so now we have bronze working, but only by a way that's so dangerous we're basically trading people for tool-heads on a 1-1 basis :p
Or the Opposite...
We found out how to cure all ailments of metal, but it means getting rid of the metal on a 1-1 basis
Guys careful, we might be giving AN ideas
Next turn:

Meteors wipe out all of the nomads

Plague ravages the lowlands... again.

All three nations crit fail their war rolls, leading to the mutual annihilation of their warriors.

We develop Iron working due to a study metal crit, an elixir of immortality from the study health crit, and a combo of massive amounts of iron, gold and silver from a survey land crit.

Or a weird combination of crits and critfails. Crit succeed rock study and metal, but crit fail health.
Turns out magic was real this entire time, and we've just been assuming that it's fake. Cue the utter shock (well, more shock. Pretty sure the obliteration of all of our neighbors would be shocking enough) when we get a shaman interlude explaining that magic is indeed real.
I'm still not 100% sold on magic not being real myself. It's not like we haven't been avoiding the hell out of mysticism unless it provides study benefits of some sort for the most part.

But if it turns out this confirms magic is real, I'm up for a chain of events that literally turns us into elves. Or us finding out that the star is actually a star and we can make miniature stars out of it to power our furnaces, but we don't have good enough furnaces to deal with the heat.

New Megaproject: The Star Forge
I'm kinda half hoping that disaster does strike everyone but us, leading to all the other groups assuming that we are this uber-powerful magic group beloved by the spirits, causing them to all send their heroes to us whenever they rise up in the hopes we will bless them/give them moar magic bullshit/teach them something awesome.

All while we just sit here wondering we they keep bringing us really expensive shit.
I'm kinda half hoping that disaster does strike everyone but us, leading to all the other groups assuming that we are this uber-powerful magic group beloved by the spirits, causing them to all send their heroes to us whenever they rise up in the hopes we will bless them/give them moar magic bullshit/teach them something awesome.

All while we just sit here wondering we they keep bringing us really expensive shit.
Until we outclass them in tech, and wonder why they're bringing us FLINT knives. "Must be some weird local custom."
I'm kinda half hoping that disaster does strike everyone but us, leading to all the other groups assuming that we are this uber-powerful magic group beloved by the spirits, causing them to all send their heroes to us whenever they rise up in the hopes we will bless them/give them moar magic bullshit/teach them something awesome.

All while we just sit here wondering we they keep bringing us really expensive shit.
Land Of Oppurtunity Upgrade - Chosen Under Heaven
It used to be that you would simply accept refugees from all the people, accepting all with open arms. The others have noticed your runaway feats of magic and work that beggar belief, and so do the one thing reasonable, ever since the Spirit Talkers died and the Thunder Horse fell out of favor; Give all they had to the one obvious receptacle for spirits, and heaven in earth.

Pros: Constant influx of refugees, all the time. Traits can be brought in, but Chosen Under Heaven cannot be replaced. Constant increase in Diplo, and favored trading relationships.

Cons: Constant influx of refugees, all the time. Hubris?
I'm kinda half hoping that disaster does strike everyone but us, leading to all the other groups assuming that we are this uber-powerful magic group beloved by the spirits, causing them to all send their heroes to us whenever they rise up in the hopes we will bless them/give them moar magic bullshit/teach them something awesome.

All while we just sit here wondering we they keep bringing us really expensive shit.
Well actually this is kinda true.

The Ymrri are blessed by "spirits" after a fashion.

It's just in this case the spirits are a cross-dimensional optimizing hivemind of data based beings who want to grab all the shinies.
Land Of Oppurtunity Upgrade - Chosen Under Heaven
It used to be that you would simply accept refugees from all the people, accepting all with open arms. The others have noticed your runaway feats of magic and work that beggar belief, and so do the one thing reasonable, ever since the Spirit Talkers died and the Thunder Horse fell out of favor; Give all they had to the one obvious receptacle for spirits, and heaven in earth.

Pros: Constant influx of refugees, all the time. Traits can be brought in, but Chosen Under Heaven cannot be replaced. Constant increase in Diplo, and favored trading relationships.

Cons: Constant influx of refugees, all the time. Hubris?
You know, if you removed the religious aspect of it, this is kinda what I think America would have as a trait. Constant econ and diplo increases, at a cost of 'holy shit, how many people came in this year?!'. Probably some stability drain as well, though comparatively minor to something like LoO.
Land Of Oppurtunity Upgrade - Chosen Under Heaven
It used to be that you would simply accept refugees from all the people, accepting all with open arms. The others have noticed your runaway feats of magic and work that beggar belief, and so do the one thing reasonable, ever since the Spirit Talkers died and the Thunder Horse fell out of favor; Give all they had to the one obvious receptacle for spirits, and heaven in earth.

Pros: Constant influx of refugees, all the time. Traits can be brought in, but Chosen Under Heaven cannot be replaced. Constant increase in Diplo, and favored trading relationships.

Cons: Constant influx of refugees, all the time. Hubris?
At that point I think we have the right to just start slowly assimilating the lowlands.