Erik kneels in front of his son with a look of concern.
Fence Acquired-[X] Passive Action: Construct a fence around my land.
-[X] Passive Action: Hunt Storm Toads in the marsh, trade the bodies to Hrolfr for Mushlings.
-[X] Passive Action: Expand the house, to better accommodate current and future members of the Clan.
-[X] Passive Action: Make a leather bag from Storm Toad Skin, to hold javelins made from Storm Toad Spines.
-[X] Passive Action: Put a Storm Toad skull up for display in the house
-[X] Passive Action: Attend the Dance
-[X] Passive Action: Ask Hulfr Hardwood about acquiring a Shield for the Northern Expedition, in exchange for regaling people with stories of its success upon my return
Gefjosa acquires Trenchwork Defenses-[x] Passive: Harald attends his cousin Moli's dance party, hopefully with company.
-[x] Passive: Harald will work with Agmundr(mentioned in his action as landscaping) to fortify Gefjosa's cottage with a ditch and earth wall. If mushroom man is ripe, it will assist with the digging as it's primary action. Harald remembers the ground Torgarr died on. He will go there, use his connection to the soil to find the spot that Torgarr's hearts blood fell upon, then take a part of that Earth and use it to lay the foundations of that wall. (Retaining a smaller part of the soil to put under Torgarr's Runestone when he raises it). Once their efforts are complete, he will arrange some small glowcoral images of the Gods that Gefjosa made and arrange them in a circle of tilled earth around him as he attempts to bless the wall with a prayer to the Gods and the Soil. As Sacrifice he will cut himself in the side with a sickle and offer all blood that falls before he finishes his prayer, stating also to the Gods that Torvarr Villagefeeders life was worth more than a single spear, and asks that if there be any weight of his sacrifice left that it be bent to the purpose for which his life was given: the protection of Torvarr's niece. If he starts to feel too woozy he'll let the blood that's fallen so far suffice and stop the bleeding.
-[x] Passive: Harald will assist Agmundr in searching Harald's tile of Jungle Hills for resources. Specifically Harald will be searching for sources of water that might be useful for agriculture in the future and for small livestock similar to Rabbits(anything he can find in the Soil that appears to fulfill an ecological niche with a large litter size, is a valid target for his Farming Tricks applying to animal husbandry, and a healthy ability to turn plant matter into meat and/or fur, fat, babies, misc other trade goods), or plants that he could potentially farm(looking for things with supplemental flavor or roughage suitable for rabbits. The dream find would be a rhizome spreading leafy tuberish thing native to North America called the Sunchoke). If he finds animals he will observe the species and then return later after building a hutch to contain them. If he finds plants he will plant them in a contained and seperated bit of the field on Ragnarr's land in an attempt to have them harvest this season.
-[x] Passive: Harald visits his cousin Sigmund and uses his Kunna and Farming expertise to help him manage the poor soil.
Language basics acquired-[X] Passive: Learn basics of native language.
-[X] Passive: Grow Golden Grass on farm proper, using compost to try and improve growth.
You encounter what appears to be traces of...-[X] Minor Action: Work with Anja Giantbone to begin surveying my plot and Anja Giantbone's for threats and interesting details.
-[X] Minor Action: Save as much wood as possible from the rotted boat, and take the rotted parts for ash and resin.
-[X] Minor Action: Make some beds and other essential furniture as needed for people in the village.
-[X] Minor Action: Look at all the pretty girls while wood working and hope one talks to him because he would never approach someone for a social reason.
-[X] Minor Action: Practice with his Kunna and hardening wood in various ways, hoping to work with his kenning to improve the strength of items he makes.
-[X] Minor Action: Attend Dance party, Do not dance, try not to obviously stare at pretty girls.
-[X] Minor Action: Aid Bjorn with the tannery
-[X] Minor Action: Make a few "Ring Shields" for the expedition.
-[X] Minor Action: Harden a few Logs for Akali Nightsinger
Cool Stick Acquired -- It can speak to you!-[X] Passive: Cultivate golden grass in the darkest parts of the jungle floor.
-[X] Passive: Try and find a cool stick
-[X] Passive: Construct a humble shrine to Vidar
-[X] Passive: Find the resources to create a bow
Study acquired, senses honed- [X] Passive Action: Study Human body
- [X] Passive Action: Study native species biology
- [X] Passive Action: Hone Senses via exploration of cleared area
Language up-[x] [Minor] Ivor will trade his unit of Stone to Steinarr in exchange for construction of a smokehouse on his land
-[x] [Minor] Ivor will visit the seeress to see about his curse
-[x] [Minor] Ivor will attempt to learn the language from the natives in camp
-[x] [Minor] Ivor will sew gambeson/s out of sailcloth
"But he deserved it?" Bo squints, brows furrowing, "He tried to steal the ball Hulfr gave me, which makes him a fee. Fees are bad, so I hit him."Erik kneels in front of his son with a look of concern.
"So what is this I hear about striking Geirfinnr across the face? This is serious."
The Gland seems to be some manner of 'area-spiritual-sensing organ'. Essentially, it tracks the locations of spirits around it.-[X] Passive Action: Get the shapecrafter to appraise the gland I got from the Void Eagle.
-[X] Passive Action: Attend Moli's party.
-[X] Passive Action: build a fenced and roofed shelter off the side of my house and Grow Golden Grass there.
-[X] Passive Action: cautiously explore my land.
-[X] Passive Action: Search the Mountains for the Void Eagle's nest
Small Field planted[X] Minor Actions
- [X] Clear land and begin expanding the house a bit.
- [X] Clear sheltered areas for golden grass.
- [X] Start analyzing local herbs and poisons.
- [X] Plant a small field.
- [X] Plant an herb garden, with whatever seeds Katla brought with her.
- [X] Spend time with her son. Attempt to figure out if her breastmilk is poisonous. If it is, see if eating golden grass helps
Sigmund now has eyespeech- [X] Minor action: Perform the eyespeech ritual on Sigmund Sigurdsson
- [X] Minor action: assist his mother to gather more magical knowledge
- [X] Minor action: commune with local spirits to familiarize himself
- [X] Minor action: talk to contracted spirits to get to know them better, practice using them
You find a nice secluded spot that would be good to make a spring-[X] Passive: Liv will continue working on the Main Hall, offering her knowledge of architecture to direct the construction.done already
-[X] Passive: Liv will do some work on the house she shares with her brother.
-[X] Passive: Liv will keep an eye out for things that might be usable for brewing.
-[X] Passive: Liv will keep an eye out for a place where she could recreate the spring that earned her her kenning.
-[X] Passive: Liv will be around during Moli's party...
Noted-[X] Minor: Grow Golden Grass, with extra for the communal stockpile/tax.
-[X] Minor: Help out with anyone who wants Moli's help.
-[X] Minor: Explore cleared land with Mirror Raven Spotlight and Seeing Eyes to look for exciting magic things as well as valuable mundane things.
Noted-[X] Minor: Farm some golden grass, using my plant Kunna to shape spots for them under trees and such.
Noted[X] Njall Redaxe plans
-[x]The Mushling continues planting Golden Grass as instructed, heedless of it's master's current condition.
Tier 1 Farm Plot Acquired[X] Oddr Gunnvaldson
-[X] Minor Action: Start making the farm plot in Oddr's land, and work on cultivating Golden Grass.
-[X] Minor Action: Craft more arrows to recoup with the losses from the skeleton war and the quarry expedition.
-[X] Minor Action: Attend Moli's party.
Truly the most important item
-[X] Passive: Make Meat-Keeping Sticks for Gunnar, in pursuance of our deal.
-[X] Passive: Carefully farm Golden Grass trying hard to give it a sheltered place to grow in.
-[X] Passive: Work on building defenses around his home, including runework and the like.
-[X] Passive: Have playdates between his children and appropriately aged ones from his blood-brothers and any family who are interested.
-[X] Passive: Take his wife to his kinsman Moli's dance party, bring the alcohol he has acquired and share it out. Dance, have fun, practice for their next child when they get home (though perhaps not aim to have them quite yet).
Basic Path Acquired-[X] Passive Action: Plant the Little Mushroom Guy, Recruit the Little Mushroom Guy. Hey, it's free extra help, and clearing these holdings is going to take a lot of work.
-[X] Passive Action: Spend more time with the family now that things have loosened up and he has some extra hands around the homestead.
-[X] Passive Action: Continue developing his fields and property even after his property is fully mapped out. Maybe clearing a path to make travel easier from here to the village?
-[X] Passive Action: Just Generally Do His Best to help the community out.
Basic House, Farm Plot Acquired-[X] Passive Action: Sigmund builds a basic home, sets up a farm plot, builds a pier for fishing and attempts to grow golden grass in sheltered locations with his wife at his beach plot.
-[X] Passive Action: Sigmund's wife Torunn gives birth to twin girls called Astrid and Sigrid.
-[X] Passive Action: Ask Krakr Gudrunsson to teach him how to eyespeech (so Sigmund can talk via Ant Fylgia). In exchange, he gives Krakr that crest from the cresthead he had kept as a trophy and he promises to lend aid to Krakr on a future expedition provided that doing so doesn't get in the way of any other commitments that he has made.
-[X] Passive: Let the Seeress study my Onigar magic ring in exchange for getting it back latter with payment.
-[X] Passive: Have playdates between his children and appropriately aged ones from his blood-brothers and any family who are interested.
-[X] Passive: Sigmund and his wife Torunn will attend the celebratory party of his kinsman Moli Spotlight. In an act of generosity, he will donate his Jug of Maize Alcohol to the party rather than keeping all of his booze to himself.
-[X] Passive Action: Sigmund tests some of the limitations of his new Full-Body Flick, focusing primarily on seeing how quickly it can be used after its last use and how often he can use it before he starts to flag or it otherwise begins to exhaust him.
You help Grid make her runes, but have yet to receive your axe in return.-[X] Passive: Use Fire Kunna to help Grid Frostdottir forge its Rune Necklace. Ask in return for a runic Axe with the ability to easily dismember when attacking (for the love of me, don't ask we for rune poetry).
-[X] Passive: Help people cutting down trees with his axe, paying attention for any weird trees.
Smoke House on Ivor Name-Giver's land acquired[X] Steinarr Stonelicker passives
-[X] Passive Action: build a smokehouse on Ivor name-giver's land as agreed.
-[X] Passive Action: Teach unattended children the Joys and Mysteries of STONE
-[X] Passive Action: give stone to Erik Hardhead and help plan/build the runestone for a favour.
-[X] Passive Action: join Moli's disco
-[X] Passive Action: try to gather stone
Stone Floor Acquired-[X] Passive Action: Hunt Prep - Net making with small wooden rings woven in with Runes (Seeress seidr promised); Rune's will, combined say: He-who-in-pride-flies-unfettered be snared by Net-Holder's humble twine. (Reference to Njord being the god of wind)
-[X] Passive Action: Have Halvar Sunshaft and Thrall Charlotte farm a plot of Golden Grass, hopefully fuelled with Fish-Guts and Bones
-[X] Passive Action: Maintain the smokehouse, and upgrade the Basic House by making the base stone floor - combined action with Thrall and Halvar
-[X] Passive Action: Scout the sea close to my land; While doing following
-[X] Passive Action: With the net from the Hunt; remake the runes to say thus: "Let those caught in Void's-bane enter a sleep as deep as the Halls of Njord" (trying to make those that are caught inside fall asleep)
-[X] Passive Action: Using The Re-runed Hunt net,no runes, fish; use a boat if there is available if not, walk into the sea and catch with net and spear.
-[X] Go to the Shapecrafter and ask him to examine the Void Eagle's Organ in exchange for either: It's implantation or the ability to breath on both land and sea
-[X] Preserve the Bones and Feathers from the hunt - Saving for a Void Eagle Bone-Ash Spear, and for REALLY good arrows (I'm putting them in a sealed box.)
Campsite Acquired--[X] Passive: Build Campsite/Basecamp on Vatn's land
--[X] Passive: Set up fishing nets on the beach for fishing
--[X] Passive: Set up hunting traps
--[X] Passive: Gather more materials for more campsites
...Was that a concern? Did we have to worry about the babies dying from bioaccumulation?
Whoops!My own passives don't seem to have a response...I kinda need one on the Meat-Keeping Sticks and Defenses.
"He tried to steal it from you? So you did not hit him first?""But he deserved it?" Bo squints, brows furrowing, "He tried to steal the ball Hulfr gave me, which makes him a fee. Fees are bad, so I hit him."
"I wasn't trying to hit him in the face! He told me to give him my ball, I said no, he tried to take it, and so I hit him. I said he has a stupid name, 'cause he does.""He tried to steal it from you? So you did not hit him first?"
"... Did you hit him in the face?"
Ok I have 10 PT and I'll spend 3 PT into Level 3 archery, 2 PT into Level 2 Lightning, 2 PT into Level 2 Falling Flight, 1 PT into Arms of Ice Style, 1 PT in Literacy, 1 PT in "Over in an Instant" a Muna that gives me an enormous burst of speed at the beginning of a fight.
Is the shapecrafter willing to put the gland into me immediately or do I need to do that as a passive action next turn?
I think you forgot to add my 2 Tier 1 Farm Plots to my personal resource. Also, since I grew my mushling, would it now be called a Mushling instead of Mushling spawnbag.
Erik puts on his no nonsense face. This was not going well and he wished Agnya was here."I wasn't trying to hit him in the face! He told me to give him my ball, I said no, he tried to take it, and so I hit him. I said he has a stupid name, 'cause he does."
I think you forgot to add my 2 Tier 1 Farm Plots to my personal resource. Also, since I grew my mushling, would it now be called a Mushling instead of Mushling spawnbag.
Sure, he is
"Yes?" Bo doesn't seem to understand why it's such a big deal where he hit Geirfinnr
Thank you, I'll happily grab that buff.
Erik sighs, he really wishes his wife was here, she was the diplomatic one."Yes?" Bo doesn't seem to understand why it's such a big deal where he hit Geirfinnr