Yes, so you can get a reward from her once you bring her to it

"You" in the singular or rewards for the group?

The stone is nothing more than rock now, like it had merely reverted to a state it had previously been in.

The bloodlines, though interesting, are not something Gudrun Ravensight holds much of a candle for

Fair enough, although the knowledge that there is magic which makes Dread Beasts of stone or perhaps the implication of their connection with Gods, or their actions on Earth, presumably has some value.

Also, sorry for being thirst for more rewards but I crave high numbers more than anything else in life.

And I feel like Ivor and I are really get shafted here with everyone else getting extra rewards.
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Anja will also apologise to Gudrun for failing to bring Krakr back alive. although he died gloriously and played a pivotal role she still feels responsible as the leader that he is dead, however temporary that might be.
The Reward for Dying
Death, as many of you have discovered, is a part of this quest. Previously, I have been somewhat punitive for how death affects you, which has resulted in people being--so to speak--'overly cautious'.

The Norse were many things, but cautious is not often one of them.

In order to rectify this, I will now be rewarding death!

If you die a glorious death, you get to keep your passive actions + you get a small ordstirr reward on top of what you normally receive for going on an adventure. In addition, you may also receive a muna ability depending on the events leading up to your death.

Furthermore, accepting Fated Days is now rewarded! Your next character shall receive rewards of your choice depending on how far along your previous character was at the time of their demise.
Also, sorry for being thirst for more rewards but I crave high numbers more than anything else in life.
You have a good point,

Ivor receives the Needle-Dragon Muna-Ability, which allows him to generate needle-dragons at reduced cost as well as produce further variations on the needle-dragon theme.

Gefjosa receives the Twist: Push Through. This allows her to 'push past' whatever obstacle--physical or otherwise--is blocking her path. Pain, physical injury, or mental compulsion, they all fall under this Twist's aegis.
Everyone should be updated. The following paragraph has been added to the character creation section of the initial post, by the way:

-Inherited Traits. Specifically, there are four categories of resource that are only available at character creation (in general, specific circumstances may grant them in play, but not PT alone). These are Bloodlines, either granting a specific power or a tie to a specific mythological being, Giant's Blood which is a specific version of that and makes one larger and better at shapeshifting, Seeing Eyes which lets you see magic and spiritual stuff and grants a Fylgja, and the final option is being a Berserk, which grants inhuman ability to analyze tactical situations, making for terrifying combatants, and makes available the Berserkergang Martial Style which involves the stereotypical berserk rage (for more info on all of these, see the Practical Norse Metaphysics post). Technically, berserk is not inborn, but the resources to induce it are not found here, so it is in practice. Only two of these traits at most may be purchased at character creation (or one at level 2).

Could you add these Twists to Moli's sheet? He has.. acquired them.

Hidden in Rags, Dogged Pursuit, Trail of Blood, In Blood Reborn, Feigned Weakness, Sudden Burst, Unveiling Cloak, Andvaranaut's Curse
[X] Kare Sky-Dancer's Actions, Winter Year 2
-[X] Major Action: Accompany Anja Giantbone on her Lightning Punching adventure
-[X] Minor Action 1: Scout out the Oni's Quarry from as far away as possible while still getting a decent understanding of what's changing over there, I'll be using Wind Kunna to conceal my scent and if reasonable I'll use my Wind Kunna to listen in on any conversations by helping the words travel to me more clearly, I will flee immediately if discovered.
-[X] Minor Action 2: Take lumber from my uncleared plot of land and deliver it to Hulfr Hardwood, avoid clearing the entire area and leave some trees for next turn.
-[X] Minor Action 3: create a pair of compasses like Grid's, only using the Void Eagle feathers I found in the mountains instead of using skin with the modified wording being "Will point in the direction to the closest alive beast that is the same race as the beast's feather that is attached to this compass" giving 1 to the general public in case of another Void Eagle attack and keeping the other for myself.
-[X] Minor Action 4: Create a rune inscribed bone amulet with the words "The wearer of this amulet can never have their emotions forcibly changed by external magic" and "Hostile Magic will not effect my wearer."
-[X] Minor Action 5: inscribe "Arrows shot from me will always strike exactly what Kare Sky-Dancer wants them to" and "Magic cannot turn aside my attacks or afflict others with them." on my bow.
-[X] Minor Action 6: inscribe "After this axe is thrown and hits a target the axe returns safely to the hand that threw it" on the handle of the axe of Stigg Drythroat @The Chilly One in exchange for a promise to teach Astrid (Kare's adopted daughter) about Axe fighting.
-[X] Minor Action 7: inscribe "Wearer has their normal speed and reflexes increased by half-again" on a wooden arm ring which I will keep for myself.

Ok, just 2 small modifications.
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Quested for Stone (OneArmedYeti)
Harald After/mid Action report:

Title: Quested for Stone, found a pair of stones instead

((Whenever the quest for stone returns to town with loot in tow))

Harald raises his voice, tired, right in front of the main hall, the rest of the Orsthirr in him going into making his report loud and heard by all before he passes out, having shapeshifted his lungs and throat to maximize volume and audibility at distance.

"Everyone, we've returned, with no more Stone than what we already found, but with plunder and intelligence a plenty against the Oni.

Before I share, let me remember the Fallen and their contributions. All who survived or fell deserve their piece of the glory:

Amlodi offered his land for the short term need while we found a long term solution, and helped trap the Half Horns in the Trench their leader was foolish enough to build for them against three Terrain specialists. Without him they would not have drowned, and without the time he bought us the last of us wouldn't have been able to bring her down.

Steinarr helped extensively with the trapping and all excavation and location scouting, without which we would not have moved onto the mountains in time to find our true prey. He excersised initiative during battle to prevent an enemy call for reinforcements going out and sacrificed himself buying time against her at the end. Without him we would not have trapped the half horns in their master's foolish trench, and without the time he bought the last of us wouldn't have been able to bring her down, and without taking down the Runner I don't believe we would have gotten away with this much plunder as cleanly.

Their two sacrifices bought us the time we needed, recognize them!

Now that I have given glory to the Fallen, I will set the stage:

We hunted for a source of quality Stone to bridge our need in the short term until we can take Quarry gifted to US as a Community by the Thunderer back from the Oni he is testing us with for it. We found no such thing, though we unearthed a source of decent quality stone from Amlodi's land, which he is volunteering proceeds from to the community stockpile for a time. We were helped in that endeavor by Liv Tiffersdottir and Gefjosa Aslaugsdottir, without whom we likely would have pulled less stone from Amlodi's ground or reached our true prey later.

Ragnar is who we have to thank for directing our efforts and for making us act in one accord despite our differing goals and approaches.

Katla also sped the time digging the backup quarry on Amlodi's land and thus our time on target. As the enemy was outside of the Law, she used her Poison to help slow and blind them. All of us that struck struck harder because of her work, and unto the end she was trying to make her poisoned spear meet flesh. She was a voice of calm and compromise for the whole endeavor, helping Ragnar hold everyone's personalities together, and the poison secured our victory.

We found accross a good pass to move stone down in the mountains, but were supprised by a manned a pallisade, manned by a squad of 4 half horns and 1 Full horn.

Knowing the foolishness that they have displayed in the past, we decided to use their gluttony against them.

This is the first thing of our report I would spread to everyone: Do not underestimate the Full-Horns. They are savvy as a Monk, strong as a Knight, and as Fast as...I don't know what you call them but my dad fought one once, the hunter killers in cloaks who focus on speed and killing us up close...fight kinda like a Berserk, at least the one he fought did ((Anyone who's raided Carolingian lands can tell Harald is probably trying to remember the word Errant through a busy day and blood loss)).

They will not be tricked by their gluttony. In my opinion they will not be tricked by someone with a powerful manipulative Kunna trying to sway them, unless one has reached the limit of orth and effort and quested to expand your power already.

When our initial ambush plan failed, we all of us considered withdrawal.

All of us had been advised that Oni should be engaged while they are outnumbered heavily, and we barely had over even numbers.

All of suspected we could win however, and so ALL OF US conducted ourselves as Drengr in the face of death coming faster than us.

Our backup plan I credit to the after action reports of those who have fought Oni before us. When the tricks failed, we treated them like the Group of Oni was a Knight and Squire with animals beside: outnumbered them and used tactics that would be murder if done against Drengr, focusing on the weakest first to demoralize and isolate the strongest. It is the only reason we lasted long enough for the battle to conclude.

Know that the Oni commander IMMEDIATELY made very similar decisions to what I or Ragnarr would have done, at every turn.

When our plot was discovered, she investigated after sending a runner for reinforcements and a specific counter either for emotional manipulation or just a generic strong backup force. Whatever a "Ringer" is, she asked to send a Ringer. Without Steinarr's quick thinking and big rocks, we likely would have been harried on our run back here with reinforcements with longer legs than us.

When we went to the backup plan, their squad leader knew she was outnumber and hit from ambush, so she made cover from her troops against the direction of contact and ordered them into it.

If she had better intelligence of our capabilities, more of us would have fallen.

She did not know that in our band stood Steinarr Stonelicker when they hid amongst stone.

She did not know that in our band stood Amlóði Miretrap when they took refuge among the muck.

She did not know that in our band stood Harald Logarson, who's father taught him to fight in trenches before he was tall and strong enough to carry a shield. Who has spent the years since the loss of his father cultivating one of the Last Surviving Styles of Gotland in his name, set partially to that end, thanks to the Soil that my father was wise enough to send with me in my escape and that I was able to preserve.

If any man present and hearing would call himself my enemy, let he be warned fairly:

You do not want to face me on defenses I have prepared or in trenches, unless you are as good at those as me.

She wasn't, and with Skuli Draugrhater keeping the beasts under her command pinned down by fire and axe, she was helpless to what happened next, as she was left alone by our combined efforts."

Harald catches his breath....his lips are bleeding, when did his lips start bleeding. He's swaying on his feet.

*The report isn't finished, so the fight isn't finished. My Friends and Kin and People will fight the Oni with all I know of them, or I will pass out trying*

He raised his voice to echo through the land again, his boastful smile moving to a mocking and derisive sneer

"Before the Three of us, her Good, Wise, Understandable and Workable tactics betrayed the lives of those under her command as they were buried by myself, trapped by Steinarr Stonelicker, and drowned by Amlodi Miretrap"

His tone shifts, uplifting and optimistic again.

"To secure those neutralizations, we would take losses however. It was after the deaths of all but their commander that she was able to burst from our trap. Lightning hit all of us at once. Ware lightning, face you these beasts. Though we stood ready to defend each other and ourselves, the lightning stunned us and like any of us save perhaps Ragnarr would have been in those opening strikes, Amlodi and Steinarr were unable to defense themselves and fell in one blow through shields and armor, trading their lives to make it four on one.

Ware the lightning. Ware the speed. Ware the strength.

Ware the guile. Compare the plans made by their squad leader to the plans made by me and Ragnar:

Prepare/nuetralize a fighting position, focus on disrupting their formation with wide angle attacks, focusing on fast targets first to even the numbers.

She chose to do the same thing we did, and didn't know we were better at it than her. It wasn't a bad decision.

Ware the guile. "

Harald visibly flags where he stands, and sways where he stands

*Gotta wrap this up, bring it home*

Harald raises his voice, every bit of orth in him spreading the message as far in the land as it will reach, directed up to echo against the clouds and while standing away from town to ensure that he doesn't kill any kids or livestock with the sound.

I will tell the rest of the story later, or let someone else do it. For now suffice it to say that Ragnarr kept up with that bitch for the better part of a dozen moves to hold her in place, took a wound for it, then Skuli and Katla risked death to hold her down while I CUT THAT BITCH IN THIRDS at the leg and neck. If her rib cage wasn't so fucking soft I'd be eating her heart right now.

In Freya's name, it will take a bigger giant than that to stop me from establishing a home in this land!!

Hail Victory, Glory to Fallen, Ware the Oni!"

Harald looks woozy, and passes out. Whether it be from exhausting his aspects and glory or blood loss, no one quite can tell at a distance.
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I think this might've been burried

[X] Valo Halvarson Winter 2 Action
-[X] Major Action - Sea Rune Stone Project (I have too many ideas and feasibilities for it to be all on an action)
-[X] Minor Action 1 - Being to lay a stone foundation for house expansion.
-[X] Minor Action 2 - Set up second basic Smokehouse
-[X] Minor Action 3 - Net Fishing, by simply waking into the sea and catching fish underwater. (Taking Spear with me)
like, really belated wow, being in a depressive episode and unable to produce content sucks

Rikard would arrive in the village one day, accompanied by a... Rather odd looking beast, a short, squat, waddling bird that lacked wings and seemed to be following him like an adoring child. He nonetheless carried himself with the pride of a man who'd done no small amount of work, and no doubt there was a Story to be told about this.

A story to be told indeed!

"Truthfully, I wasn't expecting much, exploring those uncleared lands." Rikard would explain once he got some attention. "I heeded the warning to not clear it just yet, but felt that it would be poor form to leave the location entirely unexplored, in case there was good forage to be had. Aside from the occasional Storm Toad here and there though? Nothing especially crazy, no natural resources or anything. But I did meet this little guy!" He gave an affectionate pat on the head of the strange bird, which nuzzled into his side pouch, grabbing a chunk of fish from out of it and gobbling it down. "A queer bird I thought, one without wings that waddled the earth, looking out all over the place. But I knew this place was perilous indeed, and there is no such thing as a living being that can travel this land freely without some means of survival. Sure enough did a Storm-Toad approach the little fellow, seeking an easy meal. I had expected some form of retreat, or perhaps an embarassing end. But no! Such a strange beast is not without defenses! It opened its beak and split heaven from earth with the breath of Surtr himself! I could feel the hairs on my arms standing up from the heat! The beast was struck down in a single blow, behold!

(His Badger emerges from a hole in the ground, reaches down into that hole, and withdraws a slain Storm-Toad's head, neatly cored with a hole of something)

"I thought it a formidable form of attack, and sent my Companion to investigate the carcass--and lo did I notice something truly fey--for a blast of such light and such heat? The damage done was nothing short of decay. I've yet to understand the how, and find it fearsome. I'll need to have the carcass inspected, but provided the effect hasn't spread beyond the point of impact, we may very well celebrate this discovery with a feast!"

There's a cheer, and Rikard waves the crowd down, the strange beast sitting down and continuing to munch on its fish. "I turned back then, only to see the beast rummaging into my pouch. Knowing that such a creature could have surely brought me low if it sought murder, I quickly intuited that it was hungry, and withdrew some of my rations. Lo and behold, it has a fierce hunger for fish, and after eating, seemed to imprint on me as a caretaker! I know not how such a beast will mature, but they seem docile enough as long as they're not threatened, and very capable of protecting themselves if threatened. I'm certainly hoping that they're safe to have around, since by all impressions, this one is barely beyond an infant of their species, and already fearsome if provoked! I know not the method through which it attacks, if they're regular egg-layers, or what, but provided there's no great dangers involved in them, they may serve as fine pets at the least.

He pauses for a moment, then snaps his fingers. "Oh! It was headed east from my uncleared plot before it noticed my food, just in case anyone might want to look into that! Either way, take great care when approaching one of these... Muspel-Birds, they may not be reflexively hostile to men, but they are dangerous if provoked, and I suspect capable of moving with surprisingly subtlety when pressed.