For Gudrun... I'm thinking of Woodcrafting (?, shields count as wood right? Or are they a bit of metal somehow..? At least I'm assuming anything that uses wood as the main component mostly like javelins?) and, I'm not sure what word to use here but, maybe Folklore Knowledge? Like knowledge about the mystical stuff or spirits or something? I'm not sure what PT I'm looking here specifically...
The woodcrafting is from helping around the village and the defense, -ish, and the latter PT (once named/pointed out) is for being knowledgeable about signs and what.not of mystical nature.. in case All Seeing Eyes isn't enough. @_@;
The woodcrafting is from helping around the village and the defense, -ish, and the latter PT (once named/pointed out) is for being knowledgeable about signs and what.not of mystical nature.. in case All Seeing Eyes isn't enough. @_@;