@OneArmedYeti I will take that flax-linen commission.

@I.F. Ister do I have any seeds for the plant I used for yellow dye?

However as of right now, I only have a small portion of yellow dye for commissions. I will see if I can get some copper for green, either by hiking out or having someone bring me some.

All the good dye I have at the moment is already set aside for a previous commitment.
No, that falls under seidr stuff that you're not in the know for
What about mining? I want to be able to use mineral based dyes if we find any and that means being able to recognize their source.

Perhaps instead of alchemy, dyemaking as a skill?
I imagine that just goes under the general Embroidery/Cloth skill I have. I managed to make a dye already.
I will remind people of my current Winter plan to grab Steinarr and head burrowing downward in search of Stone. More people would be very good...we may run into rattocks or other things, and we really need the stone.

We still need a runestone for Galti, and after that we're out of stone, which means any Fated Day is a draugr situation.
Liv would be up for this, at least on the level of a passive, providing Architecture support.
Not quite sure yet what all I wanna do in the Winter...
I will remind people of my current Winter plan to grab Steinarr and head burrowing downward in search of Stone. More people would be very good...we may run into rattocks or other things, and we really need the stone.

We still need a runestone for Galti, and after that we're out of stone, which means any Fated Day is a draugr situation.

At the mention of Draugr and being completely out of stone, Harald considers the offer. At the mention of the Rat-folk possibly being there he apologizes to Sigmund but immediately offers full support for the dig and not the limited he was offering Ragnar earlier in private.

"You were right, earlier. I should have listened."

If anyone asks, Harald is talking about the digging project. He then goes on to Actually talk about the digging project.

"We should do what we're best suited for, and I can only think of one team better than me and Steinarr for digging a hole that deep"
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I don't have a ton in the way of combat, but I can heal in a pinch and don't have much to do in the winter. I'll join the dig if you'll have me.
Arnleif Whistler returns from the jungle carrying 3 live sleeping velociraptors(?). They turn them over to Hrolfr and ask for first pick on the first brood.
Would Bird kunna let me hatch my speckled eggs? Or would my bird fylgja be enough?
That tracks. In that case, I'll use all 9 ord to bring my fylgja up to level 3.
Also, just remembered, @DeadmanwalkingXI the link to the appearance that Agnes has on the front page is broken. Here it is again.

It's not broken for me, but I'll replace it if others are having issues, sure.

Oh sweet, didn't realize I had so many. I'll get Bird kunna and level that up to 2 too. Which leaves me with just 1 unspent ord if my math is right?

That would be correct. I'll need to get approval on a new Kunna based on adventures I didn't see though. @I.F. Ister is Bird Kunna approved?
Oh sweet, didn't realize I had so many. I'll get Bird kunna and level that up to 2 too. Which leaves me with just 1 unspent ord if my math is right?
I don't think it is? You have 6 PT from 18/19 Ordstirr, which is 3 PT towards Level 3 Fylgja and then 1 PT & 2 PT for Level 1 & 2 Bird Kunna.

Edit: Nevermind, you meant Ordstirr not PT. Yeah, you have one Ordstirr left over.
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I will remind people of my current Winter plan to grab Steinarr and head burrowing downward in search of Stone. More people would be very good...we may run into rattocks or other things, and we really need the stone.

We still need a runestone for Galti, and after that we're out of stone, which means any Fated Day is a draugr situation.
I'd like to request that you don't monopolize Steinarr's time, since I need his help building the smeltery, which is a pretty crucial piece of infrastructure.
I don't think it is? You have 6 PT from 18/19 Ordstirr, which is 3 PT towards Level 3 Fylgja and then 1 PT & 2 PT for Level 1 & 2 Bird Kunna.

Yes. That's what Cede said?

I'd like to request that you don't monopolize Steinarr's time, since I need his help building the smeltery, which is a pretty crucial piece of infrastructure.

Just his Major action, he can do normal Passives. This isn't an all-season thing, it's an expedition.